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Mini Wonderland


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Just an update. Reliable sources in Blacktown Council have indicated that there are at least two potential investors lining up with "recreational use" plans for parts of the Wonderland site. At least one includes keeping some of the rides from the old Wonderland. Early days yes, but things are certainly happening. Keep the ideas rolling along guys. It looks like Council's position may be coming over to our side, and thats a start. ZordMaker

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  • 6 months later...

I'm not being negative, just realistic. The fact of the matter is that Bush Beast will be pulled down in the next month or so. There will be no stay of execution. I don't believe in stress, so therefore I can't suffer from it. Stress is a figment of the mind, if you can't handle what you do then you shouldn't be doing it so take a step back and re-evaluate your situation. "The Bus is now leaving for Execution Pot, Tasmania"

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  wonderbus2003 said:
I can tell you that the 'Mini Wonderland' plan has failed.  What’s your next charity case going to be now Zordy? "The Bus is now leaving for Mini Mini Saddle, NSW"
Back to the ole Rattlers I guess. But the following recent quotation from NSW Heritage office may interest you; Thanks for this information again. I have spoken to Blacktown Council and been informed that it is on their list of items that deserve investigation into their heritage significance. Furthermore any proposal for demolition would be referred to the Heritage Office, since we have expressed an interest in the item. So it seems unlikely that demolition should be authorised by Council in the next few weeks. I should point out that it is the opinion of the Heritage Office that on the available evidence presented for the IHO it does not appear to be of State significance. So it might be appropriate to approach Blacktown Council to ask them about assessing and conserving its possible local significance. Sincerely, and thanks again for your interest, Bronwyn ZordMaker
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It was a great old Australian panel show. People used to write in with all their problems like "My Husband is cheating on me and keeps setting me on fire. Should I leave?" To which the panel (made up of 5 women and 1 guy) would answer. The women would aways say something like "Oh yes darling. When my last husband started trying to BBQ my right leg then I left him straight away". The guy would say something more along lines of "Well, from the sounds of things, your a very insecure nambie pambie person whose bloody lucky to have a husband. Why don't you try be a better wife?" If you haven't seen it then you missing out on great TV. I don't think its on anymore though.

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