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Mini Wonderland


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Daniel, I have a lot of family and friends in Western Sydney!.. I don't know too many "local residents" that want more factories and overgrown housing estates!...It could be a lot better than just factories and overgrown housing estate..just look at the ADI Site!! ...I dont see many locals jumping up and down wanting more housing and factories at that site, adding more factories will just add to the existing stereotypical view of the area..which most "residents" dont like..and I know the stereotypical view of the west is totally wrong...a lot of hardworking families call the west home. So dont give me this latte and muffin chat!:) Cheers Sean

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I find it funny how the number of jobs for the industrial park keeps going up and down sometimes its 9,000 sometimes its 3,000...Oh wait a minute its maybe 7,000? Cheers Sean
9000 during construction, 3000 indirectly upon completion. The closer permnanent figure for the actual Wonderland site, considering the bulky goods style facility likely to be put there, would be closer to 300 or 500 employees "on site" and perhaps another couple of hundred in trucks. Now thats not much more than Wonderland was doing, is it. A very detailed study would be needed. Blacktown Council is now standing up and taking notice of our plight, I might add. More news later. ZordMaker
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Not when you Rollercoaster buffs take your cameras on the ride. Wouldn't want one of those things knocking me out! The MiniWonderland concept is very good. However, financially it would never work.
Keep going guys. Trying to convince me that something wont work is like throwing petrol on the fire... ZordMaker
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With this 'Mini Wonderland' park you're essentially offering the public an attraction which has a lot LESS to offer than Wonderland did. As Richard said, it was not a particularly special theme park in its complete form. The park needed expansion and additional new attractions to compete. 'Mini Wonderland' is a proposal which does the complete opposite of this and shrinks the park down and reduces attractions. You should also take into account that during the quiet mid-weeks for Wonderland, the Wildlife Park drew in constant masses of tourists. You wouldn't even have this to keep the park going anymore. Zordmaker - you compared 'Mini Wonderland' to Luna Park. Keep in mind that Luna Park has had to create extensive new function, theatre and office accomodation facilities to make the amusement park aspect of the site fiancially viable (mostly due to the small size of the park and its apparent inability to compete with the big parks). 'Mini Wonderland' would be unable to do this. I think it's great that you voiced your opinions over the site Zordmaker and think it's an important thing to do. I took action and let my voice be heard when I still thought there was a chance of stopping Sunway from going ahead with the sale and therefore keeping the park running as a whole. I do agree with many others on this site that a small amusement park like 'Mini Wonderland' which doesn't offer anything new or compelling to visitors would be a financial failure. I would then be worried that this would once again hurt the Sydney leisure industry and make Sydney's prospects for a decent theme park in the future seem even more limited. People don't usually consider the details of why a park failed but simply generalise by saying - "Theme parks don't work in Sydney"

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I totally agree with you GoBoi. Also a Decent theme park (like those seen on the GC) would never survive in Sydney. The Carr Government is Slack and would not be a good idea for a new park to open in Sydney. As i would like to see one open, i doubt it will happen. THe Carr Government is the slackest government inthe world and all they do is turn their back on them and making everyone dissapointed in Sydney.

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I have to agree with ScReAMmachine!. It is just not financially viable for a fun/theme park on that site. And as for factories not operating over the weekend, where have you been? For example the building directly in front of you as you drive in the driveway at FactoryLand is a food distribution centre, fruit and veggies mostly, runs 24/7. Also I think the figure of 300-500 employees is a under-estimate if I have ever seen one. Costa’s (the food factory) probably employees 75-100 people and that’s not including the truckies that are constantly coming and going from the site, now multiply by the number of factories that will be there are the numbers are far greater that what you have stated.

better employment opportunities??............. I know if they tried to pull this stunt anywhere else in Sydney, for example northside as a big clump of factories, the residents would go nuts...and demand blood, personally I think its an insult the way they treat the local community.
Sean, what nearby residents are there to kick up a fuss? The nearest residential neighbour is about 2km down the road from the site, so I don't think they would care that much considering they are having a very large road built on the doorstep.
I guess for all the fatso internet junkies out there who never venture outside.. they may have to find some other fashions. But for the bulk of us who still take the time to keep reasonably fit and havent got a self esteem hangup.. Lycra is definitely back. :-)
No self esteem lacking here. As I said the only people who should wear lycra are professional cyclists, oh yeah and wrestlers and weight lifters. One more person to add to that list, Matt Shirvington. "The Bus is now leaving for Swinging Shovel, South Australia"
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Matt Shirvington the lunch box ;) Like I said and everyone else has, Mini Wonderland wouldn't work because there is no future expansion, re-hashed attractions of limited appeal, is in a now crummy area, and is missing some of the most important things that kept Wonderland ticking over. If Wonderland was to be re-opened, it would have to be the whole park, and then some.

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Matt Shirvington the lunch box ;) Like I said and everyone else has, Mini Wonderland wouldn't work because there is no future expansion, rehashed attractions of limited appeal, is in a now crummy area, and is missing some of the most important things that kept Wonderland ticking over. If Wonderland was to be reopened, it would have to be the whole park, and then some. Also, I don't know why you guys think a Gold Coast sized park couldn't survive in Sydney. Wonderland did, and was still surviving. Sunway just decided that they didn't want to own a theme park in Sydney when they could own industrial stuff. I'd be surprised if it wasn't at least making a profit, and with proper invest could have been booming.

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With this 'Mini Wonderland' park you're essentially offering the public an attraction which has a lot LESS to offer than Wonderland did.
You're looking on the wrong scale. You're comparing it to Paramounts Kings Island. You may even be comparing it to Dreamworld, I don't know. I'm comparing it to things like Luna Park, and the local Council owned swimming pools around here. Basically Sydney's got absolutely nothing and when you've got nothing, even a little suddenly becomes "amazing" especially if you can access it easily. Get the idea of reopening Wonderland right out of your minds. Thats not what Im about. This thing is more about using some assets to create a completely new and different experience, a place where locals can just hang out and have a good time. Not a place where the world's tourists are going to flock to see.
Zordmaker - you compared 'Mini Wonderland' to Luna Park. Keep in mind that Luna Park has had to create extensive new function, theatre and office accomodation facilities to make the amusement park aspect of the site fiancially viable (mostly due to the small size of the park and its apparent inability to compete with the big parks). 'Mini Wonderland' would be unable to do this.
Like LP, Mini Wonderland will not work without a partner. I'm guessing a large format homemaker's centre or bulky goods retail or the like. Right up ING's alley.
a decent theme park in the future seem even more limited. People don't usually consider the details of why a park failed but simply generalise by saying - "Theme parks don't work in Sydney"
Thats why Mini Wonderland wouldn't be a Theme park. It would be a fun park for locals - not a theme park for visitors. Just think of what's just down the road (Eastern Creek Raceway and the Dragstrip) and you'll get my general idea. Throngs of young teens and twentysomethings with fast cars, cash and with nothing better to do on a Saturday Night or Sunday Arvo. That's "Mini Wonderland"'s target market. Im sure you'll agree that couldnt be more different to the old Wonderland. I guess you just have to be a "Westie" to understand just how huge the youth market is out here and how poorly it is served by current means. The old Wonderland never targetted this potentially huge market (even taking into account the Saturday Night special). hey Im a "young Westie" and I didnt even know about it until two weeks before it closed. I would class that as typical. It was right on our doorstep and nobody even knew it was there, meanwhile Sunway were too busy marketing to overseas tourists who weren't coming anyway.
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Matt Shirvington the lunch box ;) Also, I don't know why you guys think a Gold Coast sized park couldn't survive in Sydney.  
Just to divert away from the whole Wonderland Lite idea, Fox blew $170m on the Backlot at Moore Park before it closed 3 years later. Imagine how far that would have gone at Wonderland. Now we're talking. I agree with you guys on one thing and that is that Wonderland WOULD be viable if it had some serious money thrown at it - and Im talking at least $50m in 5 years. Nowadays you've gotta be the biggest and best or just butt out, which is basically ehat Wonderland did anyway. But that doesnt stop the Wonderland Lite idea from still being viable as something completely different. Im talking Council Swimming Pool with a Rooler coaster attached here, entry charge around $15 bucks for a day. Now I can tell you at that price and with what's on offer, that joint would be packed with westies every day of summer until the cows come home. With enough bums on seats it would be viable. You will notice I have only kept the high throughput rides. If it cant handle at least 700 bums an hour it's a waste of space thats what I say. Keep it up guys, I am going to have to prove you're wrong... And when I do, you're all banned :-) (whoops that's 3 bums I just lost.. sorry guys you can come in after all..) ZordMaker
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Well, that was Warner Bros. Movie World for the first four or so years of its life. It survived though that period of a serious lack of attractions and is what it is today. Had Fox Studios investors given the place perhaps a few years of capital, I have some no doubts that it would probably still be around today. Hey, Zord, I guarantee you now that I'll be at the front of the queue outside the front gate on opening day when it opens. That's when it opens.

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for example northside as a big clump of factories, the residents would go nuts
The nearest residents to Wonderland are in Minchinbury and Im sure they won't complain not hearing the demon training hooking onto the lift or those operators yelling MUHAHAHA! on the top of Probe's PA system (hint hint). That would make a happy neighbour, wouldn't it?
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That would make a happy neighbour, wouldn't it?
oH well lets see who will complain when crime rises because the 9,000 youth are sick of the boring "chicken plucker style factory jobs" and the local land value goes way down.... I would also prefer the sound of screaming kids having fun than the 24/7 sound of large trucks backing in and out all night long.... CHeers Sean
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and whats this ripoff of KLF's "the White Room"???   ZordMaker
Ah ha...defunct band...defunct park :) see the logic both disappeared overnight!...The have now KLF have left the building... over and out!:)
That would make a happy neighbour, wouldn't it?
oH well lets see who will complain when crime rises because the 9,000 youth are sick of the boring "chicken plucker style factory jobs" and the local land value goes way down.... I would also prefer the sound of screaming kids having fun than the 24/7 sound of large trucks backing in and out all night long....
Well, we're just trying to be realistic. Just like the bank managers were when Walt approached them - you know how that turned out.
Richard Good Point!, Well just imagine if Walt gave up his dreams...Most of the residents in Sydney are a bunch of Sheep...BAAHHH Cheers Sean
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Fox was too expensive for visitors and had bugger all attractions.  It was small, and had only limited appeal.  Thats not at all like a Gold Coast park.
Yeah but it COST as much, in fact it probably cost MUCH more. It was doomed from the first day. Wrong attraction in the wrong place. Now, if they had put it alongside Wonderland... Hmm.. ZordMaker
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Personally Id rather just see a small, dense park somewhre else, and just wave goodbye to the Wonderland that exists now, we have all ridden the rides and let go and its not worth the effort to make some park with just a few rides that are many years old. Sydney would rather something new.
Is that the purpose of Roller coasters then? To ride them once and then move on? Im sure some on this board will disagree.. I've seen claims of people riding Wonderlands attractions hundreds of times.. and they never seemed to get tired of them. ZordMaker
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Well, on that same token, Walt Disney also had a few other things going for him. His name was a household name, synonymous with entertainment and family values, he had a brother, Roy, who knew how to make dreams a reality, and more importantly knew how to sweet-talk the bank managers in New York. I also think trying to link the claim that there will be any rise in crime rates etc. is no less than absurd.

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So why then in South-West Sydney, the police are having big issues with drive-by shootings, Murders and LA style gang crime...It would not have any links of course to do with the area being low income earners labouring in sweat shop factories all day long for the basic wage...the surrounds being gobbled up by substantial industrial areas, boredom with life..no real future job prospects?....all concrete no grass? its turning that way slooowly!..is this the future of the local youth?...I hope not.. The site should be anything else than more factories...Why then has so much media been generated about the ADI site in St Mary's with the residential, industrial proposal...

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