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What 10 Rides Do You Think Will Permanently Close First?

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In the past we've already talked about a couple of coasters which could be on the chopping block in the next few years - but I'm really curious to see what 10 rides you guys think will permanently close the soonest in NZ and Australia. Whether that's coasters, flat rides or waterslides. Let 1 be the soonest to close.

My personal ranking:

1) Corkscrew, Rainbows End

2) Arkham Asylum, Movie World

3) Wipeout, Dreamworld

4) Mammoth Falls, Wet'N' Wild GC

5) Hot Wheels Sidewinder, Dreamworld

6) Shrek's Ogre-Go-Round, Dreamworld

7) Puss n Boots Sword Swings, Dreamworld

😎 River Rapids, Wet N Wild GC

9 ) Motion Master, Rainbows End

10) Tower of Terror II, Dreamworld


I would have put Sidewinders & Jetstreams in there but it already appears to be undergoing demolition or temporary removal. 


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11 minutes ago, themagician said:

Or neither of these, and it’s possibly just extended maintenance, due to some technical issues 

Photos tell a different story. As I said, small parts of the ride have been removed. This could be a temporary or permanent demolition, who knows.

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I’m confused as to why anyone is putting Justice League on a list of rides to close. It would be nearer to the top of my list of rides to still be in operation in a decade.. it’s near New in terms of ride age, it’s indoors so doesn’t have track weathering like a coaster in the elements, it’s light on maintenance, and could seemingly be updated without too much problem (video images etc). I’d bet JL will still exist in some compacity in 10 years.

i don’t see WWF going anywhere in the next 5 years given the hole it would leave in the park, and the cost associated to demolish and level, and then replace. 

The only currently operating rides on the GC that I could see potentially going in the next 5 years would be Wipeout & HWSW. 

As for suggestions of the carousel and swing ride at DW... why? Again, limited maintenance, popular, high capacity. Not going anywhere.. 

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6 hours ago, Brad2912 said:

I’m confused as to why anyone is putting Justice League on a list of rides to close. It would be nearer to the top of my list of rides to still be in operation in a decade.. it’s near New in terms of ride age, it’s indoors so doesn’t have track weathering like a coaster in the elements, it’s light on maintenance, and could seemingly be updated without too much problem (video images etc). I’d bet JL will still exist in some compacity in 10 years.

People have the perception that Justice League will be closing due to the recent discussions about it's thematic elements. It's not really light on maintenance, but I agree that it's closure is certainly more than a decade away.

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WWF is one of the single most expensive rides ever built in Australia, originally costing around 20 million. It's still a great ride and offers important balance to a Park that is too thrill heavy and too few Family friendly rides and attractions. It is also the most aesthetically spectacular looking ride across all Parks. 

If WWF gets the same kind of love that we hope for Scooby-doo one day, then we can expect it to hang around for a very, very long time.

If anything, get rid of that pathetic excuse for a Flume ride at DW. Surprised nobody mentioned that one.

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Justice League is certainly staying around for at least another 10 years. Same goes with WWF, it's still in decent condition (compared to other rides of its age) and even if it did start to age more rapidly I'm sure the park would do everything they could to keep it around. Arkham I can see closing to make way for the next big coaster, which is at least 5 years away.

Up the road at DW, I really don't see many rides closing permanently in the near future. HWSW got its revamp fairly recently and I really don't think DW are going to close it until it's literally falling apart. I recall DW saying they're going to try to keep Wipeout around for a fair bit longer and they've shown they're prepared to do extensive maintenance on it so don't see that one going in at least the next 5 years. ToT and Rocky Hollow I don't see closing any time soon either, I think DW will try to run them both until they're on their last legs. Shockwave is still a relatively new ride and definitely isn't going anywhere.

Monorail at Sea World is getting old, but I think the park will try to keep it around a while longer to appease the wrath of Pushbutton because it's one of the (if not the only one?) last standing monorails in Australia.

The only ride I could see going in the next 5 or so years is River Rapids (and even then it's probably still reasonably unlikely that it will happen). It's getting old and a new family waterslide in it's place could bring a welcome change.

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People writing these list watch to much ParkChatLive. 😁

My top 10 list ill-thought-out rides that shouldn't be on people's list.

1. Shrek's Ogre-Go-Round, Dreamworld.

2. Puss n Boots Sword Swings, Dreamworld.

3. Wild West Falls.

4. Justice League.

5. Wipeout.

6. Mick doohan.

7. Log ride.

8. Shockwave.

9. Giant drop.

10.  Tower of Terror II.

What are people thinking? 3, 5 & 7 recently completed major overhauls.












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1 hour ago, Skeeta said:

What are people thinking? 3, 5 & 7 recently completed major overhauls.

To be fair though, SeaScrewCorkViper had had a massive overhaul - rebranding, the works, and the word from VRTP management was that they were going to do 'anything' they could to keep it running as long as possible.

We know the outcome there - and i fear that may be the case for wipeout if it keeps having the same issues.

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2 minutes ago, AlexB said:

I didn't mean 'same issues' as in the 'same issues' that SSCV was having - i meant the same ongoing issues with the ride shutdowns \ failure to park \ maintenance resets. From what I hear, these are regular occurrences.

I tamed the Wipeout on opening day and it failed to park and DW had to reset it.  If we're going to chop it up for constant stoppages it should have happened on day one not 25 years later.  Wipeout is walking the green mile but it’s taking the scenic route.   In 5 years isn’t the soonest.   Soonest is as soon as possible; urgently; without delay.  Do you think the Wipeout needs to be removed without delay?

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an operations glitch on opening day isn't comparable to a glitch caused by old equipment. I'd thought better of you old boy.


SCVS, after rebirthing, still lasted 1-2 years, constantly going down, until they finally pulled life support.


I didn't use the word 'soonest'. And I also referred to it in the context of 'if'. You critiqued people picking it on the basis of a recent overhaul. I pointed to another ride that had a recent overhaul and still went the way of the dodo, despite management insisting they do 'everything they can' to keep it running. It's funny - because we've heard that exact phrase mentioned here on these boards about Wipeout in recent time too.

All i said was, the same outcome MAY be the case IF wipeout continues to have issues. It's not long out of rehab, and having small issues. Lets see how it fares in 6 months time, eh?

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Grandpa Alex the soonest is referring to what @themeparkaddict was asking for in his top 10.   

The issue I mentioned is not only an opening day glitch but a continuing issue from day 1.   It's not uncommon to see it sent around again because it didn't level out at docking. It's not uncommon if this doesn't fix it for the ride to be reset.  I haven't heard of any new issues with this ride since reopening besides the standard resets that has plagued it from the beginning of time.

Let"s move on.


If I was to put money on any ride that will have a short life it would be GL.   


Edited by Skeeta
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1 hour ago, themeparkaddict said:

Bro, you've gone crazy. Why on earth would GL have a short life?

What are you talking about?  I've always been crazy.   GL build quality has always been suspect to me.  Next time you walk past GL zoom your eyes to the foundations and the baseplate of the supports.  Ask yourself, is that amount of corrosion normal.  Did  S&S design the base of the ride to rust like it has in 7 years?  

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