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Bush Beast Train.


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The light that was shining on to the top of Space Probe is no longer on. There isn't even a red aircraft navigational beacon on the top of it. The probable reason for the light still being on Bush Beat is that they don't know where the light switch is, either that or they have a permanent camera on the structure in the hope they will capture the moment that it collapses. "The Bus is now leaving for First Light, South Australia"

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Well, Im hoping that Wodnerland is re-incarnated, It would be great to see someone with some idea on running a theme park well to revive it. With SRRs channel being re done, well if it were just being demolished then they wouldnt bother doing it up, and with this stuff people are saying about keeping the park in good nick till the demolition, well, why re seal the channel now, after the park has closed? Its not in use so why would thye bother spending maitnence money now? Im confused.

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  scott said:
Richard,did they go into specifics about this estate??Maybe they'll change their mind?Flea,you should sart up a petition.:D
The company who purchased the land was ING Industrial Fund. If that doesn't give you enough of an idea of their intentions, then their two page ASX Announcement will. What they are allegedly doing does sound interesting, but I've accepted the fate of the park. Perhaps I wasn't as emotionally attached as some, but I've always been a realist, and I think some people are a tad too optimistic about it all. :)
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Personally scott, I couldn't give two craps if Wonderland opened back up or not. Granted, I visited a lot more than most but I really wasn't that emotionally attached to the place. Some good times were had at the park, but the main reason I visited Wonderland was for media purposes only (photography, video), and hardly ever the rides alone. In my eyes it would be a bad move to open Wonderland back up as it is now. I really would much prefer to have ING take their money elsewhere.

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Yeah, I agree if it were only just a smaller selecion of existing attractions then I doubt anyone would really be compelled to visit, especially since everyone in Sydney has had their last visits and If they saw an ad saying Wonderland had repopened they would be like "Nah I went there a little while ago and Its smaller, so why bother" It would be better if someone else built one somewhere else, maybe at Olympic Park and made it a Theme Park, Not an Amusment Park. The simple fact is that there are 4 million people in Sydney and a theme prk would be totaly viable if it were done well enough. But in the mean time just let ING do whatever and wait till someone else can come up with something better. I think there is little point in just getting an unpopular park and making it smaller, Those who visited it lots and were attatched to it would like it but everyone else probably wouldnt and If they did this Mini WL it would probably just go bankrupt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the same note as the original post, driving past Wonderland last Saturday (July 3) Demon was completing several cycles. Could be prospective buyers, could be a programme they have in place to preserve the rides by cycling every few days or something or Wonderland is secretly still operating, just no one here has bothered to drive up the entrance. :)

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ive been at the entrance lately, the offices are still open, we went there to get any left over merchandise, they were selling boxes for like $10 with hundreds of dollars of merchandies, but we dont have much left. The place is completey dead although there nothing destroyed as of yet becasue wonderland is not owned by ING until january 2005, so its possible that they couls reopen, lol i dont think it would but it was stupid to close in april.

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Ok then let me put this thought out there. What if ING is keeping the park maintained incase the re-zoneing of the land is not approved. If this happens, then ING would be stuck with a lot of land that they could do nothing with. If they keep the rides but don't want to keep it, they could sell the park to, say an American Operator who is wanting into the Sydney market. Just a thought, but it does make a little sense. :rolleyes:

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The rides have been cycling regularly to ensure that when they are moved to another park, if they are going that is, they can still operate without too much work being done after the move has been completed. As for potential buyers, during the last month or so there where loads of people coming through the park looking at buying bits and pieces of the park. I won't be surprised if it is still happening now. "The Bus is now leaving for Buyuma South Australia"

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  \ said:
the land is owned by ING but not for ING, they are actually smart, they bought the land and now are sub dividing it to other companies so are selling it more than twice as much as they paid in the first place.
After reading your post several times I finally understood what you meant Shifty. What you have described is called 'Property Development' it's a craze that is sweeping the globe, where companies or individuals buy land and then sell it for a profit after either putting buildings on the land or offering services that where not there before. I think you will find that ING will sell some of the land but will lease some so they will make money for years to come. "The Bus is now leaving for Sale Special Developmental School, Victoria"
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Whoops I was wrong.. Wonderland is zoned 3C "Entertainment and Tourism", not General Business. 3C is a completely different designation in Blacktown's Local Environment Plan to that of Industrial. YES a complete rezoning will be required to turn it into an industrial site. Good luck to them. Zordmaker

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  • 3 weeks later...

That's Really Good to hear. Finally theirs some postive news about wonderland. I know that it doesn't mean the park will re-open, but what they could do is like what is happening at Yarrawonga/ Mulwala and Surrounds. A company owns a couple of waterslides here and their around the lake, no where near a pool, just slides (1 in each reserve approx) with a fence, and grass. No Pools, just a waterslide in the reserve. That's what can happen to the Bush Beast. Some one can buy the land that the Bush Beast is on and open it to the public for like $3 a ride. Also How long would it take for a standard heritage order to go through anyone? I am not familiar with the process.

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I know those slides at yarrawonga, they looked OK, but they never seem to open. Another of my crazy Ideas is to combine BB with the beach as said above, with more slides and a couple of carnival style rides (no they woulnt be permanent travellers like at LPS, just park model rides with lots of lights) and have a pleasure peir themed park. But that will never ahppen, but its fun to dream.

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Finally someone understands what i'm rambling on about.

  Gazza said:
I know those slides at yarrawonga, they looked OK, but they never seem to open.
Yeah those slides have opening times. And the times depend on the season. Ie: Summer not holidays, Summer Hollidays. That sort of thing.
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Whey do you come down to Yarrawonga? do you go boating? the lake is full of trees which is why we are a bit wary of boating there. What are the slides like, I know there is this one with a loop at the start with a couple of turns, but there is alos this other one which is not as good and it is a farily simple layout. Mulwala also had that crap dodgems/mini golf place. Now back on topic, I wonder why parks dont buy even a few of WLs kiddie rides, its not as recognisable as say a coaster, and it would be a cheap way of entertaining the kids. If I were running another park here I would snap a couple just to boost things a bit, but I wondnt add them as a substitute for something else.

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