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Warner Village theme parks expands


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Seems Warner Village theme parks is make purchase of Paradise Country, a small animal facility catering for special events and tour groups, and transferring the animal stock and staff to Oxenford (In the hills behind Movieworld). The attraction (which could possibly keep the 'Paradise Country' name) will enable tour groups the chance to see things such as sheep shearing and some of Australia's native animals. This is to be an attempt by Warner Village theme parks to get a bigger share of the international tourism market, and its not the first time WVTP CEO John Menzies has bought other attractions for the sake of the parks. Back in 1973 he (along with Keith Williams) successfully bought out Marineland and the Jack Evan's Propose Pool.

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Wow - a mysterious angel told me that exact same thing today (who goes by the name of rabid disney). Sounds like a good idea. Take these tourists who are normally paying $500 for the same sort of thing (only authentic), make it high-capacity, and 1/10th the cost, and let all the real farms, who are now relying on this for a living because of the drought, slowly shut their doors. Hope that that doesn't happen, but it is pretty clear from Mr. Menzies' comments regarding 'India Land' (sorry for the politically incorrect name/joke), that he's taking the faceless corporation approach to the running of the theme parks. Anyway, it will put them more on the level of Dreamworld (and their 10m² Oakey Creek), and this seems to be the animal exibits they were talking about going together with Outback Adventure.

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Ok a bit more research done today and the situation is like this: :arrow: The sale (all things going well) will be completed by April 30. :arrow: Only the business will be bought. The land remains the property of Christian Care Church. :arrow: Paradise Country will continue to operate as normal until October, at which point in time, the business will be moved to Oxenford (Next door to the Outback Celebration, not in the hills out the back as previously mentioned). :arrow: Staff from Paradise Country will not loose there job, but will be transferred to Oxenford with the animals. Just a thought on this development, it seems Warner Village will now own a water park, a theme park and an Australian animal park with separate entry fees. I bet Dreamworld are kicking themselves for not realising they could do that :D BTW, does anyone remember a rumour about a new animal park to be built by Village Roadshow...........

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posted by JOZ Staff from Paradise Country will not loose there job, but will be transferred to Oxenford with the animals. 2 things I need to say will the staff be transfer with the animals in the back of the trucks, and dam I so wanted to be a sheep handler.

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Somehow I doubt that the staff will travel with the animals, :shock: I wouldn't rule it out however, sometimes animals travel with a their main handlers to help keep stress to a minimum. However this is normally done when planes are involved and the animals have to fly. Being a sheep handler would be good if they give you one of those cattle dogs. I remember once I watched "Heroes of the outback" at Wonderland, and after the show the trainers asked the dog on top of a platform, and the dog stayed there for about 20mins while they went off to have a coffee, even though it could have gone for a wander through the park if it felt like it. I was quite impressed :D

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