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Water parks


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I think at the SW one they should just rip it out and build a single high density tower with stacks of slides coming out, and use the rest of the space for the normal part of the park. It would give them a new attraction to market and it could be themed nicley, for example Ballast water bay (Sea port theme), clownfish habour (reef theme),The Navy Landing (navy theme), Pirates Inlet,(Pirate theme) or Bangalow Beach (Tropica island theme). As for DW, I say just continue the theme, maybe ad a bowl slide, a master blaster and a few other body slides and raft slides and they will have a winner. Of the two parks id Say SW is better for thrills but DW is better for a nice atmosphere.

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Sea World has hardly any rides whatsoever and your saying that Sea World is the best place for thrills? When was the last time since Sea World added a new ride? Sea World, is more of a water/animal park which is what they mostly concentrate on. It's like a Zoo with a couple of rides. I'm not saying that Sea World is not a good park, i really like Sea World and used to go there all the time when i was young, but when compareing it to Dreamworld for Thrills, well then you have to get your sources right. Sea World has a great atmosphere but they could do a little bit more than what they are currently doing to the place.

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Don't be surprised if both parks do something drastic to there parks in the next few years. There's some talk of removing SW's (speculation, probably not worth mentioning). Personally I hope they don't do this until after those huge tracts of land which haven't been utilised to their full potential (Near the lighthouse, next to Bermuda (both sides) and the old Thrillseeker site for example) are more developed. Personally, I like SW's, just because of how much bigger and more open it is compared with DW's. Not too mention all the 'thrill slides' and hugely superior kids pool. The only thing DW's got on its side is that dodgy tube slide, which IMO is still one of the most fun rides in the park.

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I wouldn't say Dreamworld's tube slide is dodgy,but then again it's the only Water park ive been to for as long as I can remember,so i can't really say anything.I have an overhead view of Seaworld in one of it's old brochures(the one before the latest one which has Shark Bay on it)and the water park there does look alot less enclosed then Dreamworld's.Doesn't Seaworld's water park have 5 slides?If so then it's alot bigger than Dreamworld's.Gazza was probabaly right;Dreamworld's is looking nice and sitting down at th Fish and Chip shop overlooking the small pools is really a nice way to spend the time(then you remember you have 3 hours left)Also the volcanic setting is nice,and from what I know Seaworld's water park has no theming at all.My favourite slide st Dreamworld would be the Tabogan;simply because of it's speed.But the climb to the top of those stairs with that dam heavy board is just exausting!

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In reality both of the waterparks at DW and SW are rather dodgy and extremely outdated by todays standards. Both parks are reminiscent of the late 70's/early 80's (obviously because they were built around this time). I'm not saying that the parks aren't functional or fun because obviously some people still get a lot of enjoyment out of them. But there is no denying that they are very outdated. When you taken into consideration the fact that a majority of the attractions in the other areas of the theme parks are top quality world class attractions, it is easy to see that the water parks are certainly not living up to this standard

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Boomerang Bay was a water park themed to Australia installed at two US Paramount parks. Here's Paramount King's Island's: http://www.pki.com/attractions_water.jsp. I think given the trend with Dreamworld attractions in recent years, it'd hardly surprise us. I just hope they put a little more thought into it than Paramount seem to have done. Some of their ride names are just plain stupid:

  • "Tazmanian Typhoon" - Not sure what the whole "Z" thing is in Tasmania. Typhoons are an Asian (Northern Hemisphere) type of storm.
  • "Great Barrier Reef" - A wave pool, yet in reality the Great Barrier Reef does a pretty darn good job of blocking out any waves between Fraser Island and Cape York Peninsular.
  • "Didgeridoo Falls" is an open slide. The least you could have done was name one of the enclosed slides this, because that might just make sense then.
  • "Bondi Pipeline" is an enclosed slide. Given the waste disposal that goes on down there, I can't think of a more ironic enclosed body slide name.

The rest of the rides are just randomly pieced together Australian names which can't have involved anything more than looking up Encarta. Wouldn't it be great to think Dreamworld could do any better, given its home soil, but something tells me not to hold my breath on that one. Good to hear Sea World's allegedly on the cutting board too. It's great for the park and all, but it's so redundant with Wet'n'Wild owned by the same company and their big push for the three park passes. How'd the park cope without it on the whole while Shark Bay was being built? I think if they survived the year without it operating without splitting at the seams too much then scrapping it for a new major attraction or two wouldn't be a bad plan in the near future. Of course, use the little patches of free land they've got first, but I think when it's time for Shamu to arrive, there won't be too many other places they can stick her aside from where the water park would have once been.

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I love the Boomerang Bay water parks in the US and would be very happy to see Dreamworld get a similar park. I agree that some of the names could have been a bit more appropriate for the style of rides but they still appeal to me. As far as water parks go, I think Boomerang Bay's overall theming is great. Certainly nice and colourful at the very least. They have one attraction called 'Coolangatta Racers'... now that'd be appropriate for DW. You might also find that DW would do even better with the inbound tourist market by playing up the Aussie theme even more than they already do

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  Richard said:
. How'd the park cope without it on the whole while Shark Bay was being built?
Put it this way: I'm glad it was last year and we don't have to go through that again anytime soon. The park wasn't bursting at the seems, but last year is easily the quietest I've seen the park for a long time so its hard to say. I don't think its redundant because of WnW. After all, when guests are at SW, they can't just slip out the door to WnW. The water park is more of a pacifier rather then a huge draw (Though I'd wager that does make the park more attractive), and getting rid of it would be more trouble then its worth. There are some stories floating around about the replacement, and one version has the water park taking a somewhat drastic change of form (and don't even bother speculating because I guarantee you won't guess the current rumours :( :confused: ) which I would be happy with. Getting rid of it all together though IMHO isn't a good idea.
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Did anyone notice the ride named "Snowy River Rampage" The bright coloured slide dont really do much for me, it would be better if they were brown and dark reds, to give it a more rustic look. I love how Coolangatta racer has that spiral tunnel start, way cooler than super 8. I doubt anyone over here would try that, its just to tacky, cheesy and cliche nad it just makes you want to cringe, much like that sky tour thing at centerpoint tower in sydney, only good bit was that simulator.

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