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What's gone wrong with SkyVoyager?


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Since there's no official details forthcoming, please post here your best guess (that's all we have) on what has caused SkyVoyager not to open as planned. 

My guess is they screwed up the synchronisation of the graphics and motion so badly that everyone who took a test ride (if anyone even has) got really bad motion sickness and threw up.

Well that's based on nothing whatsoever, but that's exactly the information we have! 

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Best guesses are not all we have - there are several people on the forums who know the precise reasons. 

Or, you know - you can listen to @Www worker 3.0 - i'm sure there's another award winning fiction out there just waiting to be told...

I would suggest the 'defects' alleged to have been the cause of the delays are probably either construction defects, requiring rectification by the contractor, or safety defects identified by WHS inspectors, requiring rectification by the park. 

Nothing about 'defects' screams "a company that has built quite a few of these already couldn't get the video synchronised"..... that's just laughable, IMO.

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2 minutes ago, AlexB said:

Best guesses are not all we have - there are several people on the forums who know the precise reasons. 

Or, you know - you can listen to @Www worker 3.0 - i'm sure there's another award winning fiction out there just waiting to be told...

I would suggest the 'defects' alleged to have been the cause of the delays are probably either construction defects, requiring rectification by the contractor, or safety defects identified by WHS inspectors, requiring rectification by the park. 

Nothing about 'defects' screams "a company that has built quite a few of these already couldn't get the video synchronised"..... that's just laughable, IMO.

This is exactly why.

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3 hours ago, AlexB said:

I'm pretty sure you've already been busted, and considering I gave TWO reasons it COULD be and DIDN'T give just one reason - i think you've just been busted again...

Because it IS both, I don’t know what I’ve apparently been busted on. I worked on the park for years, right up until just weeks ago.

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Dreamworld engineering and projects departments both knew as early as the 3rd week of October last year that there was a extremely high chance that the Sky Voyager wouldn’t be ready to open before January 15th.

They were planning alternative temporary Christmas holiday attractions that they were happy to spend $100,000 + on.

One of the ideas was to have a flower display show similar to Toowoomba’s annual display.

Then days later the 2nd part of the inquest started with very damaging new evidence from Dreamworld engineers and management.

The planning on alternative temporary attractions was quickly stopped.

At least part of the reason why the ride is not yet open is clearly due to the initial poor projects planning.

Also what may have contributed is that with such an initial small timeframe, more than 3 technicians/ mechanics from the ride supplier needed to come to Australia to help assist work on the ride.

Theme park attractions over the previous years have been delayed before, but not at the same time as the theme park is on it’s knees.

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If they had put a flower show in as an attraction, I literally would have handed my pass back.

i can accept never opening new attractions, extended downtime for rides, reduced hours and no real light at the end of the tunnel, but I draw the line at contributing to pay for f**king flowers when you can’t open your rides on time...

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On 22/02/2019 at 11:02 PM, Evie said:

Because it IS both, I don’t know what I’ve apparently been busted on. I worked on the park for years, right up until just weeks ago.

This was what i was referring to

On 15/02/2019 at 10:56 AM, Evie said:

It’s not the tractor, it’s actually the track that’s the issue.

Because the track was fine.

I do apologise though (and unreservedly withdraw my fountain), because my recall suggested you had a history of bull, when you were in fact quite the opposite.

I was incorrect, and I am sorry.

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20 minutes ago, MickeyD said:

$100k+ on a flower show? Seriously what the fuck are DW Management on?  Opium Poppys?


That's really a small budget when you consider that Floriade - the biggest annual flower show in the country has a budget of over $3Million (and in 2017 - they exceeded their budget by more than $1Million - spending more than $4Million - on. a. flower. show.

11 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

If they had put a flower show in as an attraction, I literally would have handed my pass back.

i can accept never opening new attractions, extended downtime for rides, reduced hours and no real light at the end of the tunnel, but I draw the line at contributing to pay for f**king flowers when you can’t open your rides on time...

$100k isn't a whole lot though. Its a drop in the ocean. How much did renting a star flyer cost? How much did a fit out of showstage cost to present the Aquaman props? What did the fire machine cost?

$100k to have "something" in your summer offering is worth every penny...

Flowers might not be to your taste, but the Toowoomba show suggests some people find it interesting enough. Just check out the info above on Floriade...

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Oh I know all about the Floriade. 

Not my cup of tea, nor is it the cup of tea of the majority of the target market for our theme parks imo.. 

when you are performing poorly, $100k is $100k, and in my opinion could be spend far more wisely. In the absence of the train, I’d  rather they buy/rent one of those trains you see going around fairs or like the one added at PC to taxi people around the park than flowers. 

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I don't disagree on the target market. I'm not a fan of flowers per se. However - I've been to floriade. twice in fact. (there's just so many great photos to be taken in and around LBG!), and i think it'd be something different - it might even bring some people in, who wouldn't ordinarily visit the park, just to see the show\exhibition.

It wasn't their only option from what was said above, and for it to be one of the many suggestions they were brainstorming - i'm ok with it. if it had won out, then you'd probably be able to say quite easily - they didn't try very hard - but considering how well Disney does their landscaping, and then you look at things like the Epcot international flower and garden festival - clearly they're at least looking for inspiration in the right places... and for that I can't critique them too heavily..

Would it be something that would encourage me to renew my AP to visit? no. but then - sky voyager isn't enough to do that right now either - but for those it appealed to, it'd be something on the roster for summer.

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Flower display festivals normally occur during spring when there is typically cooler days so flowers look healthy and last much longer. 

The Toowoomba flower show is in September every year.

A decision should have been made last October to conduct a specific questionaire    ( separate from the current ineffictive questionnaire) to guests asking them what holiday events they would like to see and what would bring them back for the Christmas holidays.

Would bringing in external entertainment like music bands or a parade with a large amount of characters etc of been a better idea to consider than a flower festival?

The Dreamworld management team seriously considering a flower festival clearly shows that they continue to make poor decisions and should rather ask their guests what theme park experience they really want.

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7 minutes ago, gumb00t said:

I wanna throw my idea in, just cause why not... 

Ardent hasn’t made the final payment on the project for whatever reason (probably run out of cash) and the supplier hasn’t done an official handover. No handover, no ride open. 


Ardent already confirmed the ride has defects that need rectifying before the ride can be registered.. 

I’d hazard a guess if that wasn’t the truth they’d have chosen a word other than “defect” which isn’t the kind of word you really wanna see in the same sentence as “Dreamworld ride” currently. 

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I wonder if the defects are just those I pointed out in the SkyVoyager construction thread before Christmas?

(That's not defects with the ride itself, but the external walls. Not a safety issue as far as I can tell, but just an aesthetic one).

Thinking about it though, if it was the external walls, they definitely knew about that before the hoardings were taken down, so surely they should have been left up, I would have thought.

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