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Dreamworld Winterfest

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Takeaways from Winterfest - 

- The previous Wipeout merchandise store has been transformed into a european style "food stall". 

- Seating is out the front of the Wipeout.

- The theming is extensive turning Main Street and Ocean Parade into a convincing European Winterland.

- Winterfest nights is going to be amazing looking.

- The theming ends at the Corroboree and past Main Street Station.

- Kenny and Belinda have winter outfits.

- Two ski characters roam.

- Two people can taboggan at one time

Overall the event was better than I expected. It really is refreshing to see a new theme completely taken out at Dreamworld, not half done. This attitude of going all out is what Dreamworld need to stick too if they are going to recover soon. It really gives the customer more reason to visit Dreamworld. The theming looks good and not tacky, especially the semi-permanent food stall.

Edited by Slick
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28 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

Why ask questions you know the answer to? 

I ask as dreamworld has continually insisted the only “up charge” has been the skating and the photo opportunities include the globe and a bench, and now they’ve decided to charge for the globe. 

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4 minutes ago, Lukevl said:

I ask as dreamworld has continually insisted the only “up charge” has been the skating and the photo opportunities include the globe and a bench, and now they’ve decided to charge for the globe. 

Show me where they “insisted” they only have one up charge?? 

Of course photos in the snow globe will be an upcharge. Getting a photo printed with Shrek costs $15. 

I don’t know anyone that expected that to be free, especially when it needs to be manned by a staff member the entire time

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Well hence my initial statement, is it $5 to go into the snow globe and get a photo taken by dreamworld or $5 to take your own photo. I don’t actually know, but if they charge you to take your own photo it’s a rip off, if you can enter the globe without paying it’s fine. 

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36 minutes ago, Lukevl said:

Well hence my initial statement, is it $5 to go into the snow globe and get a photo taken by dreamworld or $5 to take your own photo. I don’t actually know, but if they charge you to take your own photo it’s a rip off, if you can enter the globe without paying it’s fine. 

Of course you can’t enter the globe without paying. It’s not a difficult concept. Having a minor charge (less than the cost of a bottle of water) it removes people from the line who are just doing it for the hell of it as they won’t pay, hence keeping it manageable. You are not going to get a printed photo for $5. The $5 gets you solo time or time with your family in there. 

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Using the snow globe as an up charge makes sense. For each group the globe has to be deflated for people step in, then it has to be re-inflated for the photo. It’s a slow process that would cause huge lines if it was a free photo-op. They had the same thing at Eat Street over Christmas, the snow globe cost $5 for up to 6 people to enter for photos. 

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15 hours ago, Lukevl said:

Yeah okay mate calm down. I didn’t say it was a difficult concept I was expressing my opinion that it’s an unnecessary upcharge, which is my opinion, feel free to disagree but there is no need to become so aggresive.

Aggressive? I’m not being aggressive in the slightest. I’m trying to explain something to you. Plain text doesn’t portray an intent of tone, so thinking I’m being aggressive has been concocted in your head. Unless I’m swearing at you, insulting you or typing in CAPS then there is no aggression. 

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On 29/06/2019 at 6:37 PM, Lukevl said:

it’s an unnecessary upcharge

This discussion has been done to death on many topics across our parks over the years.

The simple fact is that the globe doesn't hold many people, the event is open for limited time and limited hours. In the generation of Instagram and selfies, everyone wants the 'coolest' pic to place on social media. Without an attendant you could be standing there waiting for the same group of teens trying for the 'perfect' photo from every conceivable angle for 15+ minutes, leaving many angry patrons who don't get a chance for a photo. And you've got to pay the staff member, so the idea should be self supporting and funding.

Anyone who has ever tried to take a photo of the 'BRISBANE' sign at Southbank will know just how long you can end up waiting for a 'clean' shot of it - I bet you if they charged an admission fee, it would lower the demand considerably.

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