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The New Atlantis - Construction Updates

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26 minutes ago, Gazza said:

Yeah, on some top spins they wet riders, on other ones they are just done like a near miss that syncs with the ride movement.

The latter was my take on it. 

similar to how the Trident concept shows fountains coming out of what would be the loading area once the ride is in the air.

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a week or so ago there was a picture posted that showed some sort of device fixed to the monorail track near the site. I feel like that may very well be a timelapse camera of some description - I hope so.

Unlike rivals, which was very spread out, this as a site will be quite close and therefore easily captured for things like that - especially with the vantage points they have overlooking the site including monorail, storm, castle, etc.

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I wonder if they ever intended to have ā€œNew Atlantisā€ be an immersive land or whether it was just the buzzword of the day when they were writing the press release. To say Iā€™m getting more and more pessimistic about these additions is an understatement. 

The wasted potential is probably the worst part of this. They could have done something unique in the Australian industry but seem to have settled upon the most generic addition possible. If money/time/resources were always going to have such an impact, I wouldā€™ve much preferred an area that worked well within their limitations... Iā€™d prefer simple done to a high standard over the ambitious done badly


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Pretty sure when they were planning the area 12+ months ago they were not factoring in months of zero revenues and operating at a loss for half a year.. weā€™ll never know if had covid-19 not hit we would have had exactly as originally planned (unlikely) but itā€™s fair to say some of the additional elements that would have added to the immersion have no doubt has to be cut, and thatā€™s understandable. 

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We were never going to get what was originally promised. The way each concept has changed so rapidly, and everything has been rather vague, you are in denial if you think Covid has had made them change the plans for what we see today. Sure future additions may be adjusted, but what we get for Vortex is what was originally intended. 

Smoke and mirrors people. 

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