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WNW - GC upgrade ideas

Tim Dasco

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  On 14/12/2020 at 11:37 AM, Flynn_Smith said:

If that was the case, wouldn't the slides at WWW then also be closed?


Doesn't WnW have a little creek running through the middle of it that floods whenever it farts rain?

WWW doesn't have that does it?


Could that be the reason perhaps?

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I think it’s also because of all the trees around the park, particularly Calypso, so it’s all blown into the river. The creek out the front of the park also floods very easily and causes issue for the car park.

Also, all the scaffolding and netting around Black Hole has been removed. 

But there is now scaffolding around the river rapids 

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  On 14/12/2020 at 9:58 PM, AheadMatthewawsome said:

Thinking about what happened in LPS. This is a warning sign that could signal the end for those slides within the next few months. With a new experience taking over the whole area.


or they are just rejuvenating the slides and towers ready for the peak season....

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  On 14/12/2020 at 10:15 PM, Brad2912 said:

or they are just rejuvenating the slides and towers ready for the peak season....


It's just that exactly this happens with Moon Ranger and Tumble Bug earlier this year. If we get an announcement that they are going, or disappear one day 'into a black hole'. I will not be surprised.

But I don't think it's an appropriate time to remove these slides quite yet. They've only been in the park for only about 12 years. If I was head of the Village Roadshow Parks Division with a big suit on. The earliest I would let them go would be around 2030 (If they didn't start to have maintenance issues). 10 years from now. They are half way through their life spans.

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  On 14/12/2020 at 10:29 PM, AheadMatthewawsome said:

If I was head of the Village Roadshow Parks Division with a big suit on.


So very glad you aren't.

You're comparing maintenance issues on a mechanical ride attraction with a litany of issues, and drawing comparisons to a fibreglass tube without the same history?


Had my car up on blocks for weeks trying to fix it but she's cactus. Next week I saw a cow standing on a square shaped rock so I shot it in the head because it was surely going to be the exact same problem my car had!

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  On 14/12/2020 at 11:53 PM, Gazza said:

Haven't summer school holidays started. We're in peak season.


Holidays have started, but haven't we spoken ad nauseum about how the weeks before christmas are pretty quiet, and everything kicks off boxing day? Isn't that why so many new rides are 'opening boxing day' and so on?

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Personally, I think the full experience should be offered on any day they charge full price for admission, but they don't, so if they don't feel like having everything open during school holidays that's their business decision, and after all, why would you throw money away if you don't have to? If its quiet, why would you spend the money to have things open earlier?

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  On 15/12/2020 at 1:44 AM, Gazza said:

Looks like it is updated again:


Now it's just Surfrider and Black Hole closed.  (plus the upcharges)


Whats the go with FlowRider? are they installing new technology or something? the whole thing has been ripped out.

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December traditionally isn't that busy, it's not like it's dead like the middle of winter or anything, but it's pretty 'meh' attendance wise. I think most people do their Christmas shopping/ Christmas parties in December, and you get the crazy theme park attendance from Boxing Day when lots of work places shut down.


The first Tuesday or Wednesday after Boxing Day is the busiest day of the year. Has been for decades.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Tim Dasco all the waterslides are open now, Surfrider, flowridsr and skycoaster are not

@Rachelkinksthe land where Mach 5 was is just dirt now 

I believe the Buggy’s have remained untouched since closing, but someone else should be able to confirm @Gold Coast Amusement Force?

Edited by themagician
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  On 27/12/2020 at 9:03 PM, themagician said:

@Tim Dasco all the waterslides are open now, Surfrider, flowridsr and skycoaster are not

@Rachelkinksthe land where Mach 5 was is just dirt now 

I believe the Buggy’s have remained untouched since closing, but someone else should be able to confirm @Gold Coast Amusement Force?


I'm there wednesday so if no update by then AND if I remember, I will

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