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2 hours ago, Jdude95 said:

After talking to a few people, I’m legitimately starting to think that we’re just spoiled when it comes to flying theatre rides. So when we get something like this, we are more critical because there’s no way it could have compared to a Disney level standard. Most of the people I talked to who felt there were minor things that could have been improved, were people who have ridden soarin. 

But I go back to my review, if you go in having never ridden a ride like it before, you’ll love it. If you’ve ridden soarin, just remember that it’s a cheaper soarin, and you’ll still enjoy it. 

It isn't Disney doesn't always fly. 

Theming yes, nobody is expecting Disney level of theming but Brogent should be able to be on par with an 18 year-old ride system.  

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Whilst anyone would say the pre-ride shows are tedious especially for repeat riders, If you’ve never been on such a ride, how would you know there are flaws in the ride system or production? You wouldn’t. As for these flaws being “significant” I reckon that’s absolute baloney and based purely out of you comparing it to overseas comparisons which 95% won’t be doing. 


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Not really.  If I had never jumped on a coaster and jumped on AA, I would still call it rough.  Push being a first-time rider has pointed out some flaws.  He doesn’t need to ride another one to spot them.  I suspect the more people ride the more faults they will pick up.

 SV will be a hit and that’s a good thing, but Skeet wanted AAA I-Ride.  The idea of these rides is you forget where you are and get totally absorbed into the film.   Seeing the edge of the screen, low quality and unnatural movements will distract you from this.

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30 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

Whilst anyone would say the pre-ride shows are tedious especially for repeat riders, If you’ve never been on such a ride, how would you know there are flaws in the ride system or production? You wouldn’t. As for these flaws being “significant” I reckon that’s absolute baloney and based purely out of you comparing it to overseas comparisons which 95% won’t be doing. 

I reckon that's awfully condescending to the intelligence to the paying punters. It's like saying guests at Disneyland can just be given whatever theming because they won't appreciate how much hard effort goes into subtle details like say the forced perspective in their facades and architecture. Same goes for any kind of art - my girlfriend doesn't know how to light a movie or move a camera through a scene but she can appreciate a beautiful film when she sees it. Same goes for something like Sky Voyager or indeed any theme park experience which relies on finessed processes to succeed, when the focus on controlling the guest experience isn't there it's noticeable, for example:

1) Sometimes you go into a dim room with a TV off only to be ushered into another room with a bigger screen.
2) Most folks either sit down or get their phones out during the main pre-ride movie.
3) The safety video doesn't tell you what the numbers on the floor mean, where the loose article bins are or how to do up harnesses.
4) Sometimes the seats move and jolt about for no reason

There's four things that are unusual enough that 95% would notice. With #2 -  like any film, sometimes they resonate, sometimes they don't, and that's fine, art's subjective, but maybe it fits outside on a screen to folks waiting in the switchbacks rather than a film that's shown to an audience eager to ride?

With #3 -  it becomes noticeable in the way that you might be sitting in your seat ready to ride for an unusually long amount of time because the operations team have to re-do harnesses because it wasn't covered in the pre-ride safety clip.

Thing is, they're all things that can be easily remedied that would improve the experience greatly.

TLDR people are smart - just because they don't get forced perspective doesn't mean they can't appreciate how lovely Disneyland's facades look.

PS: i've never ridden Soarin'.

Edited by Slick
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21 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

Whilst anyone would say the pre-ride shows are tedious especially for repeat riders, If you’ve never been on such a ride, how would you know there are flaws in the ride system or production? You wouldn’t. As for these flaws being “significant” I reckon that’s absolute baloney and based purely out of you comparing it to overseas comparisons which 95% won’t be doing. 


Brad - Richard's post is the parental equivalent of "you're both right, now pipe down".

Full disclosure - I haven't been on SV yet, and probably won't for quite some time. I have been on Soarin Over California.

Now - you're arguing the 'jolts' some people have commented about could be intentional. Fine. we'll let that go.

For all the reviews i've seen, screen edges, vignetting, poor resolution of the film are all letting it down. These issues are not unique to a soarin style ride. Anyone who has ever been to a cinema can spot quality issues of this type.

Christ - anyone who has been to AOS down the road will tell you a large format projector is still capable of being good quality.

Dreamworld used a potato. They then built a screen which, from what I understand, was smaller than standard to fit it inside an existing building, so that they wouldn't have to demolish and rebuild - something they probably should have done anyway.

I also believe the original plan was to have 4 modules instead of 6. The screen size possibly would have been fine with 4 modules in a more central position, but since 6 could fit, they put in 6, and the edge seats are clearly suffering because of it.



Dreamworld: Hey brogent! Just looking at the size of the ride module - if they're that big, we think we'd fit an extra two in the building?

Brogent: Yes, it is physically possible, but you'd need a bigger screen...

Dreamworld: Can we do 6, but keep the screen the same?

Brogent: No, the screen would need to be bigger for the extra modules

Dreamworld: But can we physically put 6 in, and keep the screen the same?

Brogent: You're going to have screen iss...

Dreamworld: Yes or no?

Brogent: Yes, it is physically possible

Dreamworld: Great! We're going to have the bestest big 10 thrill ride in the world! Such seats! Much Wow!



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Cool... I’m wrong. Have no problem with being wrong either. Guess I have/had lower expectations. 

All my rides all screens have worked, the only time people used phones in the pre-show room was when we were held up there for 10mins on opening day, but none used them during the actual video. Both times we were encouraged to sit or be comfortable whilst watching the video. Both rides the dots on the floor were explained by the attendant, as were the loose items storage, prior to letting us into the ride area. There is clearly some gaps in training between staff. 

Hopefully most people enjoy it for what it is. 

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I wanted to take the time to compile all my thoughts from my first few rides on Sky Voyager on Saturday.

For those who don't know, I have riden Soarin at DCA and Epcot and they are both fantastic rides. (I haven't riden any other Flying Theatre Attractions) So I was very keen many years ago, that there were talks that Australia was going to get it's very first Flying Theatre attraction. December 2017 was when the dream (no pun intended) came true and we would have our very own Flying Theatre come to our very own shores but mainly in particular Dreamworld.


Hearing the news on Friday morning, that after a whooping nine months of extra waiting after it's supposed 'ambitious' opening in December 2019. I quickly jumped online and renewed my Dreamword pass, which I was awaiting to renew when the attraction would open. The next day I arrived at Dreamworld at 9am, as I was unaware of what crowds I could be expecting on the day and would hope not to be waiting that long for the ride. I was the first person to ride the attraction/first cycle on the day and got the top row - gondola 4. (Great to see @Slickdoing his stuff and having a chat with him afterwards btw)  Everyone on here that has posted an review, has covered pretty much of what leads up to the ride, and I, share the same opinions that I've seen online, *pre-show bad, pre safety video not informativ blah blah*

I knew what I was going to expect from SV,  What I had in my mind prior to riding was SV is still a going to be a great ride experience as Cutting Edge and Brogent would deliever the goods, but defs not on the same level as Soarin.  If you go in with those expectations, you will get a kick out of it, which is exactly what I got.  

The first ride I had on SV, I got distracted with I thought it was at the time, a tear in the bottom right screen (turns out it was just an emergency exit light shinning through) so I didn't get the best first ride experience.  The 2nd ride was way much better. I was on ground floor - gondola 2. This is definitely my favourite attraction that is there to offer at Dreamworld at the moment till ol Blue Fire arrives next year.  Like others, I won't spoil the ride experience because it definitely requires you to check it out in person, because words can't describe how great these attractions like SV is.

While SV is a very great ride, everything leading upto sitting down in your gondola is agruably what puts me off from coming back and back to do this and I hope like everyone else is feeling, it gets addressed in the future. 

SV has made me very optimistic for Dreamworld's future for the next few years, with Mack Coaster and the WWW slides coming within the next months/late next year, the future is looking indeed bright. DW's announcements last Friday alongside this residing positivitly with consumers is nothing but a win for the industry. It is a shame it had to take three years after the events after 2016 for the park to get something major but nonetheless it is bloody worth it, just wish it came earlier.









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I haven’t been on it or watched any videos but if a pre ride video is long enough that you need to sit down or get comfortable then it’s too long. 

-here’s where you go

-here’s where you put your crap

-here’s how you sit in your seat



Thats literally all the video should be. 



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And I certainly agree with that. 

If you want people to sit down at watch a video, the room should be set up as so, as it used to be with Batman Adventure at MW. 

Im certainly not sitting down on the floor, though I was surprised at how many did. 

Its the sort of video that should be shown in the queue line, so you have an option to watch or not while you are waiting.

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We've got to remember this is a ride from the "we need to do something as cheaply as possible era" of dreamworld. Clearly in the 9 month wait, no one reviewed the budget produced pre-show. 

Now it's opened in a rush. Hopefully with the new direction and leadership, this is under review and a new process is in development. 

Edited by red dragin
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Went yesterday and got to the park at about 12pm since I now live 4km from it. After standing in line for 25 minutes my turn finally came. I did the 2 pre view shows and was ready to board only to be told it's broken down. Sadly I didn't have time to go back as I was with family at the time. I'll be going back tomorrow just to ride it.

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Here's my thoughts, having ridden it a few times and enjoyed it, on how I think Sky Voyager could have been (and still could be with a few adjustments) quite a lot better.

1. The introductory video (the first you see when you enter the building) is a good introduction to Australia for foreign visitors (and I assume that's what it's supposed to be). However it's almost irrelevant to the Sky Voyager experience. What it could have been, which would have been far more interesting and fun, is a very brief history of flight (how aircraft were invented) but with some lesser-known information. Leading into a very brief overview of the latest aircraft, and a sort of vision (or dream) of how aircraft might be in the future. The whole video should have been produced in a way to make it funny, and able to be understood by guests of all ages.

2. The second video ("safety video") should have been presented in a similar style to the safety videos seen on board real aircraft prior to each flight, but specialised to Sky Voyager. Most importantly, it should have shown how to fasten and unfasten seat belts on the ride!

3. Once you're on the ride itself, and everyone has their seat belts fastened, the lights should turn off BEFORE the safety barrier goes down, and as it does so the sound of an aircrafts engines revving up ready for take off should be heard. Then the actual ride should start.

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Made a special trip to DW yesterday to experience SV for my very first time and..... It was closed due to tech issues.. 😪 we were told to go off and enjoy the other attractions etc, which we did and then we waited. And waited. Till finally at about 3 they told us it wouldn't be opening today. . Bugga😒


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7 hours ago, Inverted said:

Tech issues for a brand new ride opening I could understand.  But 8 month late opening tech issues when the delay wasn't even ride related. 🤔

Until you have a regular, public load cycling through from open to close daily, you can't predict some issues. The test runs prior to opening won't have loaded the equipment to the same level for the same period of time - so it is still a 'brand new ride opening'. It's not like there were dozens of test riders cycling the ride daily for the past 8 months...

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Maybe they should have signs to advise the ride is in 'technical rehearsal' and  Operation may be affected?

Staff out front suggested the problem would be fixed soon and the Store was also left open all day -I'd be surprised if they sold anything! Given how all the Staff hung around most of the day suggested to me this was a pretty major technical issue that they were having trouble fixing. DW is not nearly the Tech savvy Park that MW is when it comes to this type of attraction. I imagine a few calls were being made to Taiwan that day!

Can someone confirm what is just inside the doorway between the double doors and First Aid. What looks like SV's Control room? Or is it a Security Surveillance room? Peering inside when Techies were walking in and out, you can see a whole bunch of screens just inside.


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9 minutes ago, MickeyD said:

Maybe they should have signs to advise the ride is in 'technical rehearsal' and  Operation may be affected?

Staff out front suggested the problem would be fixed soon and the Store was also left open all day -I'd be surprised if they sold anything! Given how all the Staff hung around most of the day suggested to me this was a pretty major technical issue that they were having trouble fixing. DW is not nearly the Tech savvy Park that MW is when it comes to this type of attraction. I imagine a few calls were being made to Taiwan that day!

Can someone confirm what is just inside the doorway between the double doors and First Aid. What looks like SV's Control room? Or is it a Security Surveillance room? Peering inside when Techies were walking in and out, you can see a whole bunch of screens just inside.


It’s the ops booth/control room.

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