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Rise of the Resistance Opening


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21 hours ago, joz said:

IMHO: Looks shite.

What about Hagrid's?

The extreme lack of Forestry in the Forbidden Forest is my main gripe. That and the ridiculous waits in excess of 4 hours. Hopefully both issues will be resolved by the time I get over to Florida some time in the next 5 years or so.

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5 hours ago, MickeyD said:

What about Hagrid's?

The extreme lack of Forestry in the Forbidden Forest is my main gripe. That and the ridiculous waits in excess of 4 hours. Hopefully both issues will be resolved by the time I get over to Florida some time in the next 5 years or so.

I’ve been at Universal for the last week and managed to get quite a few rides on Hagrids 

• I’ll believe you will find in five years time the trees in the area will fully grow to it’s potential. Doing the attraction at night time I found was much better at daytime, it really makes you feel you are in the Forbidden Forest and you can’t see what’s coming up ahead

• Queue times ranged from 45-90mins when I rode it and I can tell everyone it was definitely worth the wait. I don’t recommend doing Single Rider though as groups of 5+ saw it was a shorter line and then complained at the front of the line saying how they could sit next to each other with signage clearly saying all parties will be spilt, so I did standby for 90% of my visits 

Hands down my favourite coaster I’ve done 

It might change today though with my visit to Magic Mountain

Edited by Adventures With JWorld
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One thing i cant seem to find though is how the exit integrates back into the land. Like alot of concept art and pre-tree pictures made it look like the ship up would be in full view like the falcon is, but google hasn't updated the area of either park in the better part of a year or so and there's no videos that show once the rider exits the R5 car.

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On 06/12/2019 at 4:22 PM, Gazza said:

My only nitpick is the way they just go in and park next to the two guys on the bridge, like if you were trying to escape you wouldn't just go and cruise up next to the baddies.

I reckon it would have worked if you had the 2 cars inching through the room trying to be silent, and then have a real jump scare when you are spotted, then the two cars run separate ways.

Yes but they covered themselves as they says something about "tell them it's prisoner transportation".    Till they get busted and retreat.


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11 hours ago, Inverted said:

Yes but they covered themselves as they says something about "tell them it's prisoner transportation".    Till they get busted and retreat.

Ok, so what the story is, is that two of the vehicles droids have been highjacked and reprogrammed, and those vehicles tell the other droids circulating that its a 'prisoner transfer' in the first scene to get away with it.

But that's not what I'm talking about.

Im talking about here:


The riders have been shot at a few times literally trying to escape, but instead they decide to forget all that drive into a dead end next to Kylo and the ships captain and just park and listen in to the conversation, directly putting themselves in unnecessary danger.

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^ I believe it's a necessary part of the story telling - without it we would have no idea what is going on with the scenes that follow (Resistance Fighters arriving/attacking/ Kylo Ren attacking/ escape pod etc) + it adds another moment where Rider's are left somewhat cornered and wondering what will happen next?

Maybe also it is something to do with the Civilian's sneaking up to spy on the enemy and gather information?

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Yeah definitely for story telling....I was thinking you'd have that the cars basically enter the room, realise what you'd stumbled upon, go "oh shit" and then edge slowly along the back wall of the room trying to get to another door without being heard, whilst kylo and the captain chat. Then at some point kylo would turn around, spot you and at that point you'd accelerate sharply and split.

Going in to an actual dead end feels a bit forced.

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On 05/12/2019 at 12:15 PM, Gazza said:

i still cant figure out how they get the blast holes to work so well. Particularly in the walls where it buckles out...is it made out of rubber or something?

So i found a 360 video of it and abused my space bar going frame by frame and slowing it down and everything, but it happens so fast i cant catch it. So my guess is a spring loaded something.



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For those wondering about the blaster holes and the lightsaber in the ceiling... this might be the answer


TLDR: a patent filed a while ago that makes a solid wall turn transparent.

Which could mean that there is a box around the lightsaber area that is disguised so you can't see it clearly and when it goes clear, you get what you see in the vid (animatronics and projection mapping) and the same for the blaster fire

Copied from the article:

A display system for transforming sunlit and other brightly lit surfaces while being observed by viewers or an audience. The display system includes an optical element switchable between first and second operating states, and the optical element includes a pane that is opaque in the first operating state and transparent in the second operating state.


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Yeah, that seems like too much work for so little payoff. If we were talking Shanghai Pirates or Haunted Mansion, then by all means. Outside of that, why use an expensive trick for something that can be done cheaper, and without jarring guests eyes when 3D real life all of a sudden becomes a 2D dome screen.

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On 10/12/2019 at 9:03 AM, Gazza said:

Ok, so what the story is, is that two of the vehicles droids have been highjacked and reprogrammed, and those vehicles tell the other droids circulating that its a 'prisoner transfer' in the first scene to get away with it.

But that's not what I'm talking about.

Im talking about here:


The riders have been shot at a few times literally trying to escape, but instead they decide to forget all that drive into a dead end next to Kylo and the ships captain and just park and listen in to the conversation, directly putting themselves in unnecessary danger.

Argh..   sorry. Yes I do see what you mean.    When I read Bridge I didn't think of flight control but an actual bridge.

Ops   My bad.

Still think it's a cool part of story which most public wouldn't pick. 


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  • 1 month later...

Hey Guys!

So I just recently came back from an epic US holiday, and I was fortunate enough to ride the Rise of the Resistance on opening day. :) 

I have tried to provide as much detail as I could below, and it should still be hopefully all current. (Note: Few ride spoilers may be present).

Ride Queing/Reservation Process

Disney were using a group booking system, where guests wanting to go on the attraction need to go to park first thing in the morning and reserve a spot via the Disney World App or on the fast pass kiosks located throughout the park. .

You were allocated a group number once you have reserved your place.

During the day, Disney sequentially called groups to come and queue up for the ride. This was done through app notifications. You could also check yourself via the app and see what groups are currently being boarded.

Once your group has been called, you had 2 hours to get to the ride.

Speaking to one of the Disney Team Members on opening day, all group slots for the ride were allocated just before 9am (park officially opened 8am that morning).

I arrived at the park around 7:45am that morning and was allocated group 104.

Our group number didn’t get originally called till around 6pm that evening.

The ride broke down a few times throughout the day, and also while we were in the queue line. Luckily it got fixed and we got called back to ride it around around 8pm.

As Disney staff were not sure if it would get fixed before the park closed for the day whilst I was in queue, they offered complementary express passes for that evening for other rides in the park (excluding smugglers run and toy story sling coaster). Depending on the situation, I saw some other people get their 1 park-per-day tickets changed to a park hopper (plus a next day ride reservation), or some people offered free next day entry into the park (plus next day ride reservation), so kudos to Disney for trying to accommodate guests when they thought they wouldn’t be able to get the ride operating again for the evening.

Ride Impression

Overall from an immersion and visual perspective, Disney gets full marks!

The detailing in the whole ride, from the queues, to the space craft, the props, and the special effects were incredible and on a next level to anything else offered at Disney or universal,

During the pre-show I was amazed at how they managed to get a hologram of Rey without no glass or material to project on visible. 

Once on board the transporter ship, the ship gets attacked and taken over by the First Order and taken to hangar bay. My (and pretty much everyone else’s) jaw literally dropped once the ships doors opened and were escorted out onto the hanger by the First Order. 

Seeing all the storm troopers standing in line in the massive hangar, watching on as we were escorted out of the ship for 'processing' was intimidating as.

I loved how the ride operators/cast were in character and treated us like the enemy, telling us to "hurry up" and to "remain silent". It definitely added to the experience, although a few of them struggled to keep a straight face at times.

The actual ride utilizes EGV which I’m sure would have costed Disney a pretty penny and probably will in upkeep. There was a lot of twirling, and spinning between rooms, going up a lift, and a bit of free-fall when going down one.

The ride utilized a combination of real/physical special effects and virtual effects (on projector screens) which is nice and refreshing when compared to pure virtual simulation rides.

HOWEVER, putting the visual aspects of the ride aside, I found the ride itself slightly underwhelming, with the vehicle spinning and a minor lift drop being the only thrill elements on the ride.

You can definitely feel this ride was designed to cater for the whole family,

Ride Length

I have seen many people online include the pre-show and the transporter ship segments as part of the ride length.

I would disagree in including these into the time lengths and would say that they are both pre-shows, as after you get off transporter ship, you need to essentially wait in line again (we waited around 15-20 minutes) to get placed into the cell/interrogation room; to which you then board onto the EGV.

I would therefore say that the ride time truly is only really approx. 5 minutes, and not the 13-15 minute people are quoting. 

It definitely is nice that Disney did put a lot of effort/focus into the pre-shows. Im hopeful we will see more of this on future rides in both disney/universal parks. 

My Overall Ride Score

Overall Score: 8/10

The only reason I scored so highly was due to amount Disney spent on the pre-shows, animatronics, props, special effects and on theme for the ride which was really incredible and allowed for an immersive experience.

The ride on the EGV itself was a bit underwhelming (would rate 6.5/10).

Overall, I still rate Avatar Flight of the Passage as Disney best theme park ride, and Harry Potters Forbidden Journey, and Hagrid's Motorcycle Coaster as better overall rides.

I was equally underwhelmed with the Smugglers Run ride. Visually the cockpit on the Millennium Falcon was incredible, and all the theming was 10/10, though I felt the ride was a bit short and the actual simulation not that great.

I felt that the older Star Tours ride (also within Disney Hollywood Studios) did a better job in simulating, and going into light speed ect.

After visiting all the Disney World and Universal theme parks in Orlando, I feel overall that though visually Disney does well with rides on theming and effects (creating immersive experience), universal does better in providing more thrilling and exciting rides. 

Edited by cheski
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