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Unique Rides


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I was looking on the net and I came across the website for prehaps the worlds most unique ride manufacturer. A couple of their rides include a water ride with some pretty good airtime and a self service coaster (if you dont belive its a coaster then check out this link . There is also a kids ride with inversion I want one in my backyard :D . Edit : the site is wierd, every page has the same URL, just click on "products"

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For the young and bouncy only? By no means! Children, young-at-heart adults, and even mothers with young children are fascinated by this trampoline. For more than 20 years Movy-Tramp leisure time trampolines have proven themselves in all sorts of recreational facilities as well as in private homes. The form, height and bounce of the Movy-Tramp have been designed to allow interesting jumps and exercises, while making the dangerously high jumps typical of sports trampolines impossible. Jumping on a trampoline is fun - as you can see, and hear. And it keeps you fit as it trains all muscle groups in the process, promotes concentration, control of body movements and fitness.
Thats Gold!
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Best ride on cartoon beach (and possibly best kids ride on the coast) that tower ride. Obviously not by Zamperela (which I take back the day anyone builds a 'Rockin Tub') ;) I saw one of those boat rides at Wicksteed park in England. They look quite fun, but I didn't go on, probably would have if I'd have seen how much air you get. I did go on a custom version (much larger 8 person version but without air) which was pretty cool. The weird thing is when you go into the water, the boat nearly sinks since there are no running rails under the water. Good fun.

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Well, we have a whole library of prefab elements so that can make things easier, but I have learnt how to make my own elements now so I dont need them. I personally think the track building systme should stay, Its a simulation game so I want the greatest amount of control possible. I wouldnt get to exited over RCT track importing, they are terribly rough and because the curves up to slopes are set, the Gs become too high. Its much more enjoyable to make your own. One feature I really want in V 1.5 is the ablity to rotate in orthogonal views, when you build stuff that goes diagonaly across the map it becomes distorted in the side views, so we should be able to rotate along the X axis, while keeping everything in the same scale to assist in buliding these track sections.

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I dont make rides like that becasue thats boring and makes the ride very square, Im a big fan of huge twisted rides, not something made out of pre fab. Using pre fab is a bit lazy and something beginners do. What more can you say about these unique rides, they're crazy, but I did once see a pic of a ride in China which was a coaster that had a cable that supported the car, and the car would actually go off the end of the track, RCT crash style, and swing back and foward, i,ll have to find a pic.

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