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New bins in Wild West Falls queue


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I've never seen the outdoor queue for scooby used until this peak season. I know it has in the past, but you knew it was a really busy day for it to be outside. Now that half the queue building is segmented off for events, it seems to be used far more regularly.

Honestly, how hard would it be to lift a few queue poles and set up some tables that they need to leave that side of the queue building closed permanently? it's stupid for what is arguably one of the most popular rides for all demographics in the park.

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46 minutes ago, djrappa said:

I don’t understand what it actually is you are wanting them to do here?

Use the second half of the scooby queue building as they did previously, permitting twice the number of guests to queue in the air conditioning, instead of forcing patrons to queue outside in the heat, in queue lines created by fricking MASKING TAPE.

Whatever the other side of the queue building is being used for, it clearly isn't being used during operating hours, since the other projector is still showing the scooby doo movie. All the queue poles are removable relatively easily, as i've seen many guests pull them out of the ground while queueing, and whatever event type sets they have should be able to be removed in between events.

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...I guess we shouldn't expect much from a park that, to save having to rebuild the sets of a fright nights maze used for approximately 10 nights in one month of the year, they instead decide to shut down an entire attraction and revenue generator for an entire year.

Move a table we'll need in a month's time? fuck it. just close the park!

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  • Richard changed the title to New bins in Wild West Falls queue
4 hours ago, AlexB said:

...I guess we shouldn't expect much from a park that, to save having to rebuild the sets of a fright nights maze used for approximately 10 nights in one month of the year, they instead decide to shut down an entire attraction and revenue generator for an entire year.

Move a table we'll need in a month's time? fuck it. just close the park!

Or perhaps you have no idea what your talking about and maybe QFS re assessed the building after the park down the road killed 4 people and reduced the capacity of the queue area to half?


Just perhaps. Or maybe it’s as you’re right and the park is just too lazy to move a table...

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21 minutes ago, djrappa said:

Or perhaps you have no idea what your talking about and maybe QFS re assessed the building after the park down the road killed 4 people and reduced the capacity of the queue area to half?

Has MW utilised or not utilised both areas at the same time while running "THE ULTIMATE TERROR TOUR"?

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16 hours ago, djrappa said:

Or perhaps you have no idea what your talking about and maybe QFS re assessed the building after the park down the road killed 4 people and reduced the capacity of the queue area to half?


Just perhaps. Or maybe it’s as you’re right and the park is just too lazy to move a table...

Yeah, but as i've mentioned to others previously - we don't know what we don't know, and enthusiasts are inclined to speculate where there are gaps to be filled. Usually their speculation is based on the previous track record of the park...

It's not an unreasonable assumption to make, given the closure of intencity seems to be due to the desire to leave the maze intact for an event that was 11 months away.

So, thanks for the information. A QFES assessment does make sense. But seeings how that part of the queue has been closed for a while, wouldn't you think the park could do better than masking tape? Tensa-barriers? Portable fence panels like they currently have protecting the gardens in the rivals queue?

As for fire safety, surely if the second half of the building wasn't walled off, thereby giving access to an additional fire escape near the villains precinct, it would be safer, no?

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The barriers and tape are for a few busy days. 
there has always been an outdoor queue. 

Enthusiasts don’t know what they don’t know. But that doesn’t mean their viewpoint should be “the park are lazy assholes”. 

As for debates about fire exit safety. Let’s just assume that QFES know what they’re doing more than some enthusiasts, regardless of how long their list of knowledge credentials is. 

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9 hours ago, djrappa said:

that doesn’t mean their viewpoint should be “the park are lazy assholes”. 

No, thats absolutely correct. Usually their viewpoint is "this is what they've shown us is likely based on their previous track record"

On 14/01/2020 at 7:36 AM, AlexB said:

Usually their speculation is based on the previous track record of the park...

Which is what i said.

I remember a time when the park would remove the christmas lights from main street so that the theme of main street wasn't cluttered by strings of permanent lights. Or the cobweb gatherers that are the main roof icicles.

They've really shown a contempt for their guests and the quality of the park has gone downhill. And everyone knows i'm a VR fanboy and not the biggest fan of DW (and i'm a bit critical of some things DW have done recently, but they're headed in the right direction), while Village on the other hand don't seem to be doing much to turn around their reputation about actually plussing the guest experience... and that is my PERCEPTION as a guest, and it isn't wrong just because i'm an "enthusiast".

I mean hey, don't get me wrong - its great that they've finally recognised a problem with their next generation attraction, and have brought someone in competent enough to actually make some worthy changes... the ride is still a pile of shit right now, it's just not steaming anymore, and i'm sure most people here would agree with me that right now, they'd prefer the ride (including the queue house) returned to its original themed state (with whatever changes are required for fire safety) rather than the abomination they have now. The disco room is probably the best part right now.

But for anyone who wants to dispute the current status quo for village, we only have to look at the fact that we're having this discussion in a thread about fucking BINS being added to west after someone posted photos of the mess in the queue line. Nothing seems to get attention unless it is complained about publicly - and when thats the status quo, thats what happens.

Edited by AlexB
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On 14/01/2020 at 7:36 AM, AlexB said:

As for fire safety, surely if the second half of the building wasn't walled off, thereby giving access to an additional fire escape near the villains precinct, it would be safer, no?

“IF” QFES did instigate the reduction of the queue maybe they're concerned in a panic situation everybody will go for the same door they came in because of the dark lighting.   

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1 hour ago, AlexB said:

the ride is still a pile of shit right now, it's just not steaming anymore

Hmm is it though?

The 3 projected parts are proper shit, there is no disputing that, and hopefully they get fixed up too but otherwise the ride is pretty much the same as it was originally, sans big laser show. So if you’re saying the disco room is now ok, is the ride overall a total pile of shit?


After all despite some mistakes they spent millions to rebuilt all the theming back to how it was albeit safer. Where as DW simply demolished log ride theming, and now look to close it all together. 
Which one is really showing ‘contempt for guests’?



And I’m not sure how the park seeing a problem (who cares if it’s on Parkz or reported by a cleaner who found that mess at the end of the day) with rubbish and adding more bins can be turned into a BAD thing?

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the laughing masked figure, who spins as you round the 180 degree turn is in total darkness. one can hear his laughter, but unless you know to look for the figure, you won't even see it. It used to have a spotlight on it that would light up when the effect was triggered.

the figure that rolls forward and raises it's arms as you approach, as if trying to grab you triggered late on the last two rides i was on, and wasn't lit. By the time it started moving, our car was turning the corner and moving away.

the swinging blades are now so well lit, you can see the drop, so the scary near miss is lost. last two times i rode, the camera didn't fire either, so that blinding part right at that nearmiss to scare you further is lost - plus the scene ahead is more visible because your night vision hasn't been impacted by the flash. the rest of the ghost train segment is the digital bucket of shit, and as you say, i hope they fix it up too - but I disagree with your statement that 'other than that, the ride is pretty much the same'.

There's also the matter of the queue house, which is a sad hollow shell of it's former, well themed self, although I applaud the projection change to the actual film, which actually creates a pre-show to the new ride concept.

Riding the elevator in the rear car sucks. you can't see the front screens at all, and the sides are too close to really appreciate. Nice concept, dreadful execution.

As for your dreamworld comparison (and please remember, I am quite openly DW negative), DW identified safety issues with log ride, and stripped it back to bare bones, and then reopened. The precise same thing happened to scooby. The difference is Dreamworld didn't then trumpet the return of some theming, and some pathetic lazy windows 95 projection mapping as the second coming of jesus.

At least Dreamworld reopened their log ride instead of fencing it off and pretending it didn't exist SBNO.

You get so passionate about things you're involved with. But here's the thing - i'm a guest, like any other guest at the park. my opinion is just as valid as any other guest at the park, and i'm not the only one with this opinion. You can't tell me an opinion is wrong. You're welcome to disagree with it, but as I mentioned, i'm sure theres a large number of people out there that would rather the park just returned scooby to the way it was.

1 hour ago, djrappa said:

And I’m not sure how the park seeing a problem (who cares if it’s on Parkz or reported by a cleaner who found that mess at the end of the day) with rubbish and adding more bins can be turned into a BAD thing?

No, you're right. the cleaner saw the lack of bins in the queue of a ride that's been open for more than 2 decades, and that's what triggered the immediate installation of bins that they just happened to have lying around, but didn't see fit to install in the first place.

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