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New Attraction for Dreamworld Suggestions

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I did up a boxed space the wheel would likely have fit into at the start of my post. the line was just comparison with an existing wheel.

  On 03/02/2020 at 3:30 AM, Gazza said:

Leave that space as it is.


the space that's been described as 'chaotic' with " bright LEGO store, the white clean SV, simple, but bright stores and food outlets and a fairy store. " ?

I feel something needs to be changed about that space. i'm open to suggestions.

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I feel like the fairy store needs to go (unless it’s still popular. I’ve never been into that store and have never really noticed if it’s busy or not???). Removing that building will open up what has become a bit of a bottleneck pathway with sky voyager. And once the new coaster opens, that path will become a hell of a lot busier, especially during peak periods

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Maybe if they are refurbishing/expanding ABC Kids world the store merchandise could be moved into there. It would be a much better fit rather than what seems like a randomly placed store at the front of the park. That would definitely be a start to cleaning up the look of Main Street.

The other thing I think they could do is clean up the look of the Candy store. Everything else is quite minimal now, but the candy store still has the same look as it originally said (a part from a repaint). If they did these few things I think it would definitely make Main Street work visually better without demolishing buildings all together (which I don’t see as necessary)

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Does anyone have any info on the history of the fairy store? its been there as long as I can remember, but damned if I can see what makes it so popular to deserve the prime real-estate of right beside the gate entry.

Agree, removing that building to widen the thoroughfare for the new coaster, and pathways to that side of the park would be nice.

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They sell fairy stuff, but also little girl merch, like costumes from Frozen, jewelry boxes etc. So its not just a fairy store, but it is more a girls store.

The store was originally called the White House and was a merchandise outlet, it sold collectible items such as china cups/ plates, crystals and jewelry, and figurines. Not sure when it changed to the Fairy Store, but I also don't recall a fairy store being in Village Green/ Oval Skeet?

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*pulls up pot, grabs spoon*

Village: puts on seal show aimed at kids. Shows are still reasonably well patronised. "IT'S CRAP AND THEY SHOULD CATER TO A WIDER AUDIENCE"

Dreamworld: has niche shop occupying prime real estate aimed at young girls. Shop is still well patronised. "ITS POPULAR SO THEY SHOULD KEEP IT!"

...Just stirring...

Edited by AlexB
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I do feel that adding another attraction in such close proximity to the front entry might crowd things a bit too much. A ferris wheel is a great idea and one i've always wanted the park to install, but I don't feel right at the front there is the best option. 

I do feel a ferris wheel in this area is a great option, and no matter which direction you look, you will get something interesting to look at.


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  On 03/02/2020 at 8:01 AM, T-bone said:

I do feel that adding another attraction in such close proximity to the front entry might crowd things a bit too much. A ferris wheel is a great idea and one i've always wanted the park to install, but I don't feel right at the front there is the best option. 

I do feel a ferris wheel in this area is a great option, and no matter which direction you look, you will get something interesting to look at.



Not going to lie, I think where the TOT station is would be a great spot for a Ferris Wheel, right between the two family areas. One of the wheels like the one in Brisbane as AlexB suggested, or even a smaller 50m version would be a great fit. You could landscape the area nicely around it, and would open up the area between Dreamworks, Tiger Island and ABC Kids World.

I think placing it there, and doing up the front area as others have suggested with a DECENT fountain display. One that springs to mind honestly is the main fountains that Kings Island has. This behind the Dreamworld Globe and maybe a few nice shady Palm Trees in Main Street would work really nice. I also agree move the fairy shop to the Dreamworks / ABC Kids area. I mean honestly, you could even retheme it to trolls (which I know has been done, but is still relevant and could tie in well with Dreamworks) and then you would open that spot up for BuzzSaw access and the new coaster. Repaint the Candy Shop to make it not quite as bright like what they did with the ice cream parlour and I think Main Street would be a very nice area to relax in.




Once this is done, then look at fixing up the Giant Drop's theming / queue area and open up the moto coaster area. I think the biggest issue I have with the motocoasters appearance is the huge bulky shop that is at the entrance. If you moved the shop to where the old food outlet was (which lets face it, is unlikely to ever reopen again as a food outlet) and knocked down that area you could really open the space up and even redo the entry (or retheme the ride) and it would make a huge difference to that whole area I feel. Especially once the Tower of Terror's launch track is gone. Give the ride a repaint and you honestly have the whole front of the park looking spick and span again.

I can wish haha!

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  On 03/02/2020 at 4:09 AM, AlexB said:

the space that's been described as 'chaotic' with " bright LEGO store, the white clean SV, simple, but bright stores and food outlets and a fairy store. " ?


I don't know how we went from "Buildings not matching" to "put a ferris wheel in there too". But open to suggestion.


IDK i think Spotty and T🅱one are right, at least if you put  it in the middle of the park, you get an interesting view on all sides. If its at the main entry, half the view would be over the entrance to the car park. 

Edited by Gazza
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  On 03/02/2020 at 10:50 PM, Gazza said:

I don't know how we went from "Buildings not matching" to "put a ferris wheel in there too". 


Because we're not truly happy until the whole entry is truly "F" up.

Adding a Big Wheel will make the entry feel crowded, no 2 ways about it.   

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  On 03/02/2020 at 10:50 PM, Gazza said:

I don't know how we went from "Buildings not matching" to "put a ferris wheel in there too". But open to suggestion.


IDK i think Spotty and T🅱one are right, at least if you put  it in the middle of the park, you get an interesting view on all sides. If its at the main entry, half the view would be over the entrance to the car park. 


It was just a suggestion, and one i felt would fit in the area. TBH, I love the idea of the big Kings Carousel style there too - so thanks DjKostya for actually giving an example. A much improved fountain wouldn't be a terrible idea, but one could integrate the fountain concept with a wheel concept just as they have in brisbane.


As for the view of the carpark - Disney (when the monorail went out over the carpark, prior to DCA) used to make a game out of 'spot your car from the monorail'. The positioning would still give a great outlook over the whole park including some great aerial angles for the new coaster and many other parts of the park - something I know you @Gazza have strategically used at other parks to get good ride photos.

  On 03/02/2020 at 11:35 PM, Skeeta said:

Because we're not truly happy until the whole entry is truly "F" up.

Adding a Big Wheel will make the entry feel crowded, no 2 ways about it.   


it gives main street a focal point you can see from other parts of the park (and outside it)

The space it would occupy is already occupied by the current fountain, so it isn't taking up MORE space, and in fact would take up less of the space than currently occupied. Sure it would go upwards, but the structure is virtually see-through. it's not like a huge looming metal shed - plus they could put a pretty neat lights package on it as part of the night time laser \ light shows etc.


  On 03/02/2020 at 8:01 AM, T-bone said:

I do feel that adding another attraction in such close proximity to the front entry might crowd things a bit too much. A ferris wheel is a great idea and one i've always wanted the park to install, but I don't feel right at the front there is the best option. 

I do feel a ferris wheel in this area is a great option, and no matter which direction you look, you will get something interesting to look at.



The issue with placement at the TOT station position is ground level. While I can't speak for accuracy, I checked nearmap as my own impression of land height is that the entrance was higher than most of the area near ToT. Its a downhill slope.

According to Nearmap, (using google land heights) the fountain at the entrance is approximately 12 metres A.S.L. and the point beyond the tower station (because it measures the height of the station if i stop on the station building itself) is about 7 metres A.S.L. The nearmap height measurements increase that - and tells me that the top of the TOT station building is the same height as the fountain.

I know the accuracy of that info is not reliable, but it illustrates the height difference. With a 50 metre wheel, you're losing 20% of it's height advantage by placing it in the gully that was.



Per Gazza's request, here's the bodgiest mspaint job you've ever seen. the scales are matched, and this uses the wheel of brisbane (and smaller models are possible). Unfortunately I only had 90 degree rotation tools, so I couldn't turn it EXACTLY to the position that would have cleared the pylons into the right spot. Remember that the space the wheel occupies isn't ground occupied space, so there would be significant clearance outside of the pylons.


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  On 04/02/2020 at 12:30 AM, AlexB said:

The space it would occupy is already occupied by the current fountain, so it isn't taking up MORE space, and in fact would take up less of the space than currently occupied. 


Space is 3D not 2D like your maps.  It will take up MORE space.  And even if you could only talk about it in a 2D sense you have no queue, entry or exit.  Are you going to put shading over your queue or are we doing a WnW and giving everybody skin cancer? 😁

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  On 02/02/2020 at 9:59 PM, AlexB said:

Things like the water wheel are also incredibly important to your subconscious - kinetic energy draws the eye - so have things moving about.  (While we're talking about waterwheels, the one on Wild West has stopped too).

Little details, things that move are pleasing to the eye and make it feel more real and immersive - you're not standing in front of a matte painting.

Take a look at any theme park ad anywhere - in the background there are always rides in motion, people walking, bunches of balloons being peddled by a street seller. it creates environment.

Now, perhaps an unpopular opinion - but i'd like to see Dreamworld do something different with the Main Street fountain.


Cut it out like this - basically complete the circle that the deck has started. Put another 'Dreamworld' sign on the other side providing twice the opportunity for selfies and family photos (in the near future, the new rollercoaster would be in the background of the opposite view). Clear the space shown in the above image and put something kinetic in that space. A ride, yes, not just some mechanical doo-dad. My first thoughts are a large ferris wheel - and the Wheel of Brisbane, as an example, would fit -


(Although, it doesn't have to be that big either)

This would affect the previously mentioned idea of the double sided globe, but it would give kinetic energy to main street that is lacking, and a far more impressive photo location than what you currently get behind you if you take a 'globe' photo.

The wheel is one example, and one i know will be polarising. I'm sure there's others out there with a lot more ride knowledge that could suggest something better - but returning the fountain, whilst visually pleasing, isn't really offering a point of difference to what's available up the road at westfield (in fact, westfield offers a much better water fountain installation), and that space could be so much better utilised, installing a 'ride for the whole family' right next to Sky Voyager, which is also well suited to families, bringing some energy to main street and pulling guests away from Ocean Parade - a nice 'mid station' stop on the way between the big coasters at each corner of the front of the park...



I really like this idea AlexB for all the things you have quoted. Having just got back from a visit to the park, (my first in 8 years) I felt that this are was underutilised. A wheel of some description would be an excellent addition here and as you rightly say, it needs some kinetic energy to help this area feel more alive.

However, in thinking a bit more about that, I thought I would take your idea and add in something a little more unique- something like this.

Installing an Intamin Coaster Wheel. This would still fulfil the same function as a normal Ferris Wheel but would add in a thrilling element of the "coasting" gondolas. They are very unique ( from memory there are only 2 installations of these in the world- not counting the original Deny's Wonder Wheel , from which they derive). The uniqueness of this ride plus the exciting visual appeal as you enter the park would be a winning combination for mine. Plus , we all know how photogenic the  Coaster Wheel is at DCA.


Image result for Intamin Coaster ferris wheel"

Image result for Intamin Coaster ferris wheel"Image result for Intamin Coaster ferris wheel"

Image result for Deano's Wonder wheel"


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