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Reptar and steel


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Well went to Dreamworld again today, and quite frankly, it's nice that Dreamworld are making money, but they're just not spending it as capital. Well here's a list of all the things i noted (and i'll get to reptar soon) WipeOut: jammed in the early hours of the day Entrance: not only is the goldie the clown statue non-existent, but he has also been replaced by a rubbis bin; plus the inside dreamworld globe is missing NOTE REPTAR : If anyone can remember, the first drop of reptar drops about 2-3 metres, does 360degrees in a circle and raises up again about 1 metre higher before completing the rest of the ride. Well it seems that it has become stuck in that area and was not working that day. It was just sitting there, very, very visible. so funny. Plus Skyreach (which is where sister-in-law works) brought in a all terrain knuckle boom so these two maintanence people could take a look at the front carriage (they had absolutely friekin no idea what they were doing really). NEXT BIG THING!The steel for the claw has arrived! And yes there has been a meeting for most staff about the new ride and it will be called the claw and plus they have these two huge signs saying "it's tearing into dreamworld" coming soon....... Well anyway the steel has arrived and work has begun outside in the parking lot (surprisingly) 2 of the steel beems are here and most of the smaller parts of steel were being welded together. Unfortunately i wasn't able to grab my camera that day (lucky, u were going to see at least 40 photos up here :) ) but the colout of the beems are orange and red, apparently because the brighter colours make the guests happier (i am going to get revengance on however said that..... :mad: ) GD:well as usual, for anyone who's really wanting to be picky, the west engine now runs about 20 seconds slower than usual due to mechanical problems which has acutally happened for a while now. This means that if they wan't to synchronise (which they shouldn't) one slows down significantly higher than the other as well (sorry if the structure isn't exactly right but my head is spinning at the moment) TRR: at least 3 of the rapid err...... pod thingys are off and are in storage for some reason, there might've been more but who was i to count at the top of GD? Blue Lagoon: all the pools re now dry and carry and inch thick's worth mould and leaves, mmmm..... slushy. TOT: a kind of weird story really, here we are lining up for the model t cars, and just thinking about the TOT i went "hey wouldn't be funny if they had another e-brake today!" I couldn't be more true, at that point alot of the track made a distinively (hopefully spelt right) noise and at that point the pod only made up the slope. 3 minutes later out comes and empty pod....... Well that's all i can think of now with out putting my head into a further spin, and i do apologise if my grammar isn't the best as my head hasn't exaxtly been the best (payback to the WipeOut)........

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Yes the east side is running perfectly, it is so smooth, and it is the most efficient of the two. The funny thing about the Rapid thingys was that they looked as though they had been dumped. They weren't too far away from the rapids ride itself, like a small gravel area next to GRC (Blue Lagoon side). I just hate the west engine on the GD though. When i go on each weekend, i usually do the big 5 of whatever their current advertising is and then do one ride for the rest of the day. Usually i get about JUST under 30 rides on the GD each day and up to 40 TOT rides each day (these are different days, not the same:) ).

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Dreamworld's getting a Claw?U mean like the one at the Ekka?Or is that just the name of the Gyro Swing?I sure hope so,because If Dreamworld got the same type as the one that comes to the Show then that will completely wreck DW originality!!! DW has a Reverse Freefall,one of only two in the world.It has the only Rapids ride in Australia.It has a Vekoma Topspin that can perform angular rotations,only two of the sort in the world.It has the worlds tallest Giant Drop.It used to have the Australia's fastest double looper.And there's still more. And now there getting some crappy carnival ride!!!!!!!!I've been on the claw at the Ekka,It's a tacky little ride,and the only way I'm going to be happy with this decision is if the ride has lots of theming,changes it's name,and doesn't look like a crappy little carnival ride. Oh,hang on,you WERE talking about Gyroswing,weren't you.It just happens to have the same name right? I will be quiet now

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Ride Breakdowns, welcome to every day life at Dreamworld, You can guarantee at least 10 "operationals" or "code 6" at ToT a day, its a given simply with rain, the computers or power spikes or e brakes, always happens Wipeout stops half the time and you wouldnt even know it, when it is trying to re dock the computer will just not dock it properly, that technically is a operational we would just reset the computer and it would dock properly Reptar being Code 6 is a new one to me, ive never once seen it ****ed up, if they are working on it during the day in the open then something really is wrong with it O and for those who have been to Wild Thornburies before I am the only staff member to ever call a Code 6 on that ride :D Giant Drop has had problems since i was working there, when i was there the West side was closed half of the summer holidays (03/04) no idea why it just was

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Scott, do you suffer from short term memory loss? You know perfectly well that the name for the new ride at Dreamworld is The Claw, you posted in the thread on that subject here.

  \ said:
You can guarantee at least 10 "operationals" or "code 6" at ToT a day, its a given simply with rain, the computers or power spikes or e brakes, always happens Wipeout stops half the time and you wouldnt even know it, when it is trying to re dock the computer will just not dock it properly, that technically is a operational we would just reset the computer and it would dock properly Reptar being Code 6 is a new one to me, ive never once seen it ****ed up, if they are working on it during the day in the open then something really is wrong with it O and for those who have been to Wild Thornburies before I am the only staff member to ever call a Code 6 on that ride
For those of us who don't work at Dreamworld do you mind explaining those codes? It's like me saying 61 Bravo position 14, which was Wonderland code for 'Someone spewed at Bounty's Revenge'. It's all good to have codes, and they are necessary but if you are going to state them here decode them for us please. Scott, do you suffer from short term memory loss? "The Bus is now leaving for Codenwarra, Queensland"
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You see this is the problem. By giving a new ride the same name as a well known travelling carnival ride, people (like Scott) are going to get confused. Not a good move. Will be interested to see how the new ride comes together. Shouldn't judge too much yet until I see how it all fits into place. Come on Dreamworld - (cough) impress us...

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Way kewl! I wonder what the code is for a tiger loose at Dreamworld... "tiger 4 nick central, rush" I guess i'll leave the rest up to the imigination.... hehehe...... The new movie at the IMAX theatre.... How Dreamworld lost three kids while trapped in the WILD thornberries... hehehe...... "Throwing the balls will only aggrevate it son, just pretend you're dieing until the poisin darts kick in...." Whoa, did this make any sense, MAN I'M TIRED!

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"Operational" means that the ride is "broken" but still safe to operate "Code 6" is the ride is broken and Unsafe to operate if you ever hear the words "Wet Mess" at dreamworld that means someome has thrown up or in the case of Nick Central it means someone has peed or taken a dump in one of the kiddy rides (dont laugh it has happened and it happened twice to me :( ) other than that thats all the codes we had :D

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  Slick said:
Very true. BigMal, have you ever operated TOT, and were you a level 3 op and honestly if i can ask, what is your first name, you may have heard rumours about me with the rest of the well-known ops like Anthony (level 3).
sadly no, my stint at Dreamworld was stuck as a Level 1 on Wipeout and Wild Thornburies Memories of kiddy hell do bring back bad memories :( i still get Dora the Explorer stuck in my head every now and then, although i do have a dora doll on my desk simply as a joke from when i was at DW. If you ever talk to anyone about the Summer 03/04 group i was known by a few nicknames (Dora/Eliza/Thornburies Nazi)
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  \ said:
WonderBus,I did not post on that forum!Crap,I barely looked at it
Are you mentally inept? Have a look at the link in my previous post and then look at the second last post made in that thread. Unless I'm very much mistaken there is a post with your name on it. The exact link is here. Thanks for clarifying the codes for us Mal. "The Bus is now leaving for Northfield Mental Hospital, South Australia"
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"WET MESS" may also include a drink spill, ice cream spill etc. "OPERATIONAL" does NOT mean that the ride is broken. A broken ride will not be operated, EVER. Theme park operators have what grown-ups call a "duty of care". The term "operational" may include something simple, for example a log at the Log Ride requiring bailing out as some rubbish is blocking the auto-drain. Or maybe an indicator bulb on a control panel is blown. Get the idea? "CODE 6" refers to a situation in which the ride cannot be operated, for example a power failure isolated to that ride.

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"WET MESS" may also include a drink spill, ice cream spill etc. "OPERATIONAL" does NOT mean that the ride is broken. A broken ride will not be operated, EVER. Theme park operators have what grown-ups call a "duty of care". The term "operational" may include something simple, for example a log at the Log Ride requiring bailing out as some rubbish is blocking the auto-drain. Or maybe an indicator bulb on a control panel is blown. Get the idea? "CODE 6" refers to a situation in which the ride cannot be operated, for example a power failure isolated to that ride. There are many other calls, and these calls are not limited to amusement park use. They will be different from organisation to organisation, and cover many types of things. What one place on the coast calls a "code yellow" is something totally different to another park. Oh dear.

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Yes, I have worked at Dreamworld, and am still there today. I reject djrappa's suggestion that I am "protecting my park" in my comments. I do not, and will never have a problem with realsitic suggestions and statements on this website. I have never been one to be backward in coming forward in making suggestions for the operations department. As for revealing a bit more about my experience for Slick, isn't that what pandora's box is all about? I certainly was looking forward to your explaination of the "park" function of the TOT though. (no, I don't mean the e-brake) What a dissapointment that you didn't deliver!

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