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Has luna park sydney pulled the plug on 2 classic rides

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5 hours ago, StingRay said:

In the world of automation, this ride was actually manually driven (apart from the initial swinging). A skilled operator could balance the boat in a particular way judge the speed and either make it creep over the top (causing drive direction change to occur as a lower than preferred angle) or manage to stop it at around the 11 o'clock position or 1 o'clock position allowing for a nice direction change and now major stress on running gear.

stopping it in the inverted position was possible but not nothing they'd purposely want an operator to do.

Ooooooooooooooooh okay, cheers

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While it looked easy it wasn't the case. When reinstalled back in 2004 they actually had had former carnival workers come in and show how to properly operate it. Including looking out for maintenance issues etc.

The hardest part was in the heat. Hydraulics don't like running in excessive heat. So the summer was fun. Parking the gondola in the load/unload platform was manual also. Sometimes it wouldn't want to play ball. So if you ever kept seeing a ride Op trying to park the ride over and over this gives you an idea also.

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I didn’t realise the Moon Ranger had been removed until just then!!  I was only checking because I’m going to Halloscream this Saturday.

Sad to see such an iconic ride leave :(   Happy it was replaced temporarily by the Power Surge!  Excited to see if they will invest in a new permanent ride to take its place in the future tho. 

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8 hours ago, zacsta_1997 said:

I didn’t realise the Moon Ranger had been removed until just then!!  I was only checking because I’m going to Halloscream this Saturday.

Sad to see such an iconic ride leave :(   Happy it was replaced temporarily by the Power Surge!  Excited to see if they will invest in a new permanent ride to take its place in the future tho. 

What ride do you think should replace Moon Ranger?

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This looks like it will be a parts donor based on how its been carefully disassembled in the photos, rather than you know, given a blow torch or ripped down with demolition equipment a la Wipeout. I do wonder who the customer is, because I do not believe there would be a local customer that is wanting Huss Troika parts anytime soon unless there is cross-compatibility with another model that also exists here. Probably going to a buyer overseas is my guess.

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10 minutes ago, rappa said:

Perhaps they won’t be replaced with tired traveling rides sitting on chicks  chocks for 20 years!

Bit harsh. We know LPS can do better. But these rides were excellent in their time and many have been found in numerous parks around the world- would you offer the same criticism of these parks that have examples of these in their ride roster as you do of LPS? 

They could have been better presented true, but the LPS Huss collection were in my mind, a step above your average travelling ride. The LPS examples ( Ranger, Troika, UFO and Breakdance) were rare rides and in in some cases, the only example of this type of ride in Australia. having them as attractions made the visit to LPS far more attractive than having common run of the mill traveling rides. 

An important era of the park and Australian amusement park history is drawing to a close with their removal. They deserve a little more respect.

Oh and fixed the sitting on chicks issue you seem to have. 

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3 hours ago, rappa said:

Perhaps they won’t be replaced with tired traveling rides sitting on chicks chocks for 20 years!

I get it. 20-year-old ride (actually older than 20 years) that is a carnival ride is shit. Maybe you haven't seen the history of the park tho. Luna Park has always had carnival rides or rides that closely resembled them. That's the character of the park. This ain't a theme park. Its an amusement park. Completely different beast. Sure having the almost same ride lineup for almost 10-12 years was annoying but heck the park existed.

These rides removals and future ones come down to age. I'll agree with you on that. But they also come down to the fact the park is tiny. You can't just slam in the world latest and greatest euro fighter coaster. It would not be a great fit honestly. The park is family-friendly, the first date friendly. It is not a thrill ride destination. It's a fun destination. So while many look at this park and go "what the hell are they doing they got the best views of Sydney harbour" it ain't about that. Go through home movies on youtube of LPS, from the '70-'80s if you search hard enough. Youll sees what I mean. I take my hat off to LPS. Its pure survival is amazing. You say "tired travelling rides sitting on chocks for 20 years!". I say well done. Well done LPS. You have made these ones of a kind rides last much longer than most parks around the world. UFO, Ranger & Trokia (Tumble Bug) where indeed very rare rides to have within Australia.

Who knows what rides we will get. You know what tho. That's the fun part. Not knowing. HUSS flying saucer left the park and its former place sat dormant for what felt an eternity until Volare turned up. It wasn't what anyone was expecting but its worked wonders. It also suits the park really well. So I've got faith the management team will make the right calls.

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Apologies for my early typo, I was on the move and clearly failed to proof. 

But yes my critique would and is of any park with temporary rides masquerading as park models. 
I know the history of the park, but I still don’t like it. I absolutely hate it when permanent parks have clearly obvious traveling rides. 
I thought it looked equally awful when Sea World had Trident 1.0 sitting there. 

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I understand the whole bad image of travelling rides in a park. Trident 1.0 did not suit Seaworld and we all know this. Thanks to the details SW goes into that ride just looked hideous. So I agree on that.

Luna Park has never really stated those/former rides are park models tho. People know they are travelling (Volare, Tango Train 2.0, Rotor excluded) rides and they don't seem to have a massive issue about it. Sure you see some ugliness like with the wild mouse sitting on wooden chocks but you really need to be paying a lot of attention to notice. Most don't notice. It is hard to theme a travelling ride I can't and won't lie about that. Then again they know this also. 

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2 hours ago, rappa said:

I didn’t say they passed them off as anything other than traveling rides. I just said I personally don’t like it. 

Wild mouse gets a pass because most wouldn’t think that even travelled and it’s so unique I’d have it anyway.  

Won't lie. The mouse is super unique. With only a handful remaining worldwide this surly is a classic. Even tho it is rough.

1 hour ago, Coasterlife said:

Well this sucks, there is only a couple of rides now left at luna park. they will seriously need to invest in a few rides that appeal to teens and adults and not just children

I am slightly confused?. Children only have four dedicated rides in the park. The rest is for teens and adults (including children who meet the height requirements). Also only a couple of rides?.

  • Rotor
  • Carousel
  • Ferris Wheel
  • Volare
  • Tango Train
  • Hair Raiser
  • Wildmouse
  • Dodgem cars
  • Coney island (park within the park)
  • Spider
  • Power Surge (on loan)
  • Kids rides (Two of four on loan)

We've lost Ranger and Tumble Bug. Id still thinks that a fair lineup. Those rides are not all for children. 

Edited by StingRay
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16 minutes ago, StingRay said:

Won't lie. The mouse is super unique. With only a handful remaining worldwide this surly is a classic. Even tho it is rough.

I am slightly confused?. Children only have four dedicated rides in the park. The rest is for teens and adults (including children who meet the height requirements). Aso only a couple of rides?.

  • Rotor
  • Carousel
  • Ferris Wheel
  • Volare
  • Tango Train
  • Hair Raiser
  • Wildmouse
  • Dodgem cars
  • Coney island (park within the park)
  • Spider
  • Power Surge (on loan)
  • Kids rides (Two of four on loan)

We've lost Ranger and Tumble Bug. Id still thinks that a fair lineup. Those rides are not all for children. 

oh yeah i only thought about the tango train, hair raiser and power surge at the time, My bad

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1 hour ago, Coasterlife said:

Well this sucks, there is only a couple of rides now left at luna park. they will seriously need to invest in a few rides that appeal to teens and adults and not just children

That's what they will do. But we don't know what rides it will be. This means speculation time!

But you also have to recognize that most people who go to a theme park aren't thrill junkies going bananas. There needs to be enough rides for thrill seekers and the squeamish (me) at the same time. And if me (as a adolescent) is/was too scared to go on Hair Raiser, Wild Mouse, and Moon Ranger. They've done a good job.

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21 hours ago, Jobe said:

Well it’s official unfortunately!! Tumblebug, the 2nd last Huss ride at LPS, a Huss Troika model, is being dismantled and removed from the park.

A unique ride in Australia, hopefully this is replaced with a similar family friendly ride that still delivers a good amount of thrills. 
RIP Tumblebug




Now like any sad sack obsessing over amusement parks, I must speculate what new ride will be placed in this spot. Judging by the surrounding themed buildings I have my ideas but..... we'll see.

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46 minutes ago, 19Michael96 said:


Now like any sad sack obsessing over amusement parks, I must speculate what new ride will be placed in this spot. Judging by the surrounding themed buildings I have my ideas but..... we'll see.

Stop with the foreplay to do tell us your prediction.

Honestly tho. Whatever replaces tumble bug cant be heavier than it fully loaded.

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2 hours ago, AlexB said:

You are not allowed to speculate. If the park has said nothing, you must not assume anything at all and just accept being a mushroom - it is inevitable!

I'm trying to say that people have a opportunity now to ask, what is next? People are allowed to think about what rides they want to see at Luna Park. It might be even helpful so that the management at Luna Park know what people would like to see.

I believe at this time. It is not worth it to buy new rides at this time due to the pandemic. I think these rides have gone is because it is too expensive to keep maintaining them for any longer. I think that if the Spider breaks down again, it will be the end of the Spider. And that would be the end of the HUSS era for Luna Park Sydney.
After the pandemic (especially when big venues happen more often) (and no COVID Safe regulations). Then we should start getting permeant rides in. I think people would love most is a permeant version of Pirates Revenge and Mystery Manor. And a roller coaster of some sort.

I would like to see for the first ride (to replace the Moon Ranger) to be a Mega Disk'O themed and named to the old Whirler Ride. And then there are numerous options after that. Maybe a Eurofighter? I don't know, there are too many options.


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