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New Ride Coming???


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It won't be superman!

Dear Russell   Thank you for your recent e-mail. At this stage no information has been released regarding any new ride or attraction at Warner Bros. Movie World. I know there are plans for something to go ahead next year but what it exactly may be is still a mystery to all except management. We the staff are as eager as you to find out   but we will have to be patient and see what comes about. I'm unaware of any Superman ride though and I find this strange as we no longer have that character in the park as Warner Bros. no longer has the rights to Superman. Those rights now belong to the estate of the late Christopher Reed.     Anyway the best thing I can suggest is to keep an eye on our website for all the latest information.   Kind regards   Ty   Guest Services   Guest Services   Warner Bros. Movie World Pacific Motorway OXENFORD Q 4210 T : +61 7 5573 8497 P : +61 7 5573 3666 E : movieworld.guestservices@wvtp.com.au W: www.theme-parks.com.au Meet the new Catwoman and all your other favourite stars at Warner Bros. Movie World     ############################################################# This Communication and any files transmitted with it are intended for the named addressee only, are confidential in nature and may contain legally privileged information. The copying or distribution of this communication or any information it contains, by anyone other than the addressee or the person responsible for delivering this communication o the intended addressee, is prohibited. If you receive this communication in error, please advise us by telephone, and then delete the communication. You will be reimbursed for reasonable costs incurred in notifying us. Before you open or use any attachments first check them for viruses and defects. Our liability is limited to resupplying any affected attachments only. If you wish to opt out from future electronic messages, send a reply with the subject:  UNSUBSCRIBE #############################################################
I am spreading this as quick as I can. You heard it... 4th... lol. 1. RCDB 2. Screamscape 3. CF-INFO 4. You guys...
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(1) http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0...%5E3102,00.html Warner Village expects to spend a further $12 million to develop a new Superman ride at Movie World Local press. (2) TY at guest service is a friend of mine and only works a couple of days and like me can only tell you what the press knows, as its part of our contract. (3)

Anybody who finds out anything on this ride and doesn't feel like annoying us as Rabid is then be sure to post it.
I hope Rich gives you a warning for this because you are a piece of crap mate and if you want to know why read my notes from my last photo update that I will kindly post for you below. And finally something I really need to get of my chest, If you dont know I set this website up as a way to promote Australian parks to the world and I also work at the Theme Parks as my day job, so could I ask if people would respect my wishes and Joz as well as Richard over at Rollercoaster.com.au and stop either insulting us or acting like whinee Bit88es when we wont give you finer details about new rides as we cant because its in our employee contracts. We do this theme park stuff for fun and for a wide range of people not just you coaster freaks that make models of Star Trek stuff in your mother basements. Please be pateince the park has said they will get a superman ride in 2005 so just be pateince save your money for a trip to Movie World and we will provide you guys stuff when we legally can.
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Geeze you're a moron man. Funny that the park put out a press release stating that they ARE building the ride! If only some of the lower life forms that inhabit these forums could get a minor understanding of how business works before they go opening their mouths it would be really great. Sometime I really do wish there was an over 18s forum site!

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This Communication and any files transmitted with it are intended for the named addressee only, are confidential in nature and may contain legally privileged information. The copying or distribution of this communication or any information it contains, by anyone other than the addressee or the person responsible for delivering this communication o the intended addressee, is prohibited.
I am spreading this as quick as I can.
Not cool man.
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Jeese,sorry,I thought you were aloud to share a little more info then what you said.Yeah,I should be more patient,but after seeing at Disney how good rides can get,I'm glad for any info on rides,especialy MW rides because they're the only park that could deliver a Disney standard ride in Aus.And I didn't mean it harshly.

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Awesome, overbanked turns???? *fingers crossed*
PLEASE no! Maybe one overbank MAXIMUM somewhere to break up the ride but please not as a major "feature"..Xcellerator is half awesome half boredom. After the breathtaking launch and awesome tophat airtime, the rest of the ride is nothing. in fact, I think timewise the overbanks are longer than the launch and tophat combined :( What we need is a launch, tophat, then a couple of airtime hills. I don't even want an inversion on this because then we need OTSR's. airtime is much more fun with just lap bars :D A high speed high G helix wouldn't go astray either. What I am really hoping for is a fierce launch and tophat followed by a mini hyper.
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