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Which former attraction do you miss the most?


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ToT hasnt been gone long enough to be missed really. 
ditto Wipeout, not that I will ever long for that to return and it’ll be like for like (basically) replaced by Vortex.

I do wish I could ride Bush Beast again, but I’ll be getting a better replacement in the next 12 months in Leviathan. 

LTRR & BT in their glory would be welcomed attractions in any park in the country. I’ll always hold the nostalgia and fun of those in my heart, and I only wish my son had got to enjoy them. 

tbh and I’ll probably get boo’ed for this, but my most missed rides are some of the flats that were at Wonderland that I grew up on and loved. I’m sure nostalgic value in my mind escalates these beyond what they were, but rides like the Tassie Devil and HMS Endeavour were fun, exciting, family friendly but still thrilling and don’t have similar counterparts anywhere. 

Edited by Brad2912
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1 hour ago, themagician said:

For me it’s definitely Bermuda and Looney Tunes River Rapid. I went on both of these as a kid when they were in their prime and loved them. If they were still at the parks today, I would probably try to ride them on every visit. 

I knew I forgot to mention something, Vikings Revenge was another great 

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Serious question because that’s a valid point...

To ‘fix’ the current issue what would be the solution? Replace the projections with basic scenery? Change the media?

Realistic answers only, 3 million dollars worth of animatronics is not a fix, that’s blue sky...

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For me it would be for the gold coast parks the following:

Bermuda, Tunes, Corkscrew (not sea viper... those trains were nasty!) and Batride. I do miss the original incarnation of Scooby, but honestly what we have is not THAT bad. A few minor tweaks to it would make a world of difference, admittedly I have not been on it since they have updated the main show room but I rode in the early days of the "Next Generation". 

My only real gripe was the quality of the animation and how out of sync things were, and well the main show room but from all accounts that's basically been fixed now anyway. Overall it's not too bad though honestly.

Outside of the GC parks, honestly I loved the Zodiac at Wonderland and the Space Probe. I would honestly love for Intamin to maybe revisit the old Sky Whirl concept again as they were unique and great for capacity as the line would basically always be moving as people were loaded in.

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I really miss the Harry Potter Movie Magic Experience. From what I remember it was quite well themed for the time and quite fun (especially if you had a good tour guide).

Ride-wise I'll have to echo the sentiments toward Bermuda Triangle Looney Tunes River Ride!

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12 hours ago, rappa said:

Serious question because that’s a valid point...

To ‘fix’ the current issue what would be the solution? Replace the projections with basic scenery? Change the media?

Realistic answers only, 3 million dollars worth of animatronics is not a fix, that’s blue sky...

Spend money on decent video/animation and leave the projectors. They arent the issue. 

Miss the batman ride. Even just the library was cool. Those simulators were great. Wonder where they ended up after they were removed.

Edited by Levithian
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16 hours ago, Coasterlife said:

I also miss the original scooby doo spooky coaster because it was a better experience than those projectors that are the WORST in my opinion

Agreed. I would have much preferred they just replaced all the set pieces/scenes, animatronics and lighting in the dark ride sections as per the original opening day attraction. Obviously these would all be up to the new safety standards/code.

They instead focused too much on incorporating new technology. And thus the simple thematic and storytelling elements that the original did so well, got sidelined.

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It’s a funny one though. 
Replacing the animation with something else (what exactly?) will still just be a projection on a flat wall, hardly amazing. 

Likewise the first two projection elements didn’t replace anything, they were just plain walls previously (one was a mirror). 
The final scene for sure is sterile and bland I’ll 100% give you that. 

So whilst I’m certainly not going to argue the ride is great with the projection, because it’s not, I don’t know what an actual fix for it is that would suddenly make it much better. 

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My vote goes to Bermuda.

I didn't ride when it was new but when I went on it as a kid in 2006 (when the gas was still working) I thought the experience was really cool back then.

Highly themed dark rides/boat rides are definitely my cup of tea and Bermuda is 100% still the best themed ride this country has ever had. Unfortunately those days of ambitious themed family attractions are long gone as Village now likes building flashy thrill rides.

Scooby-Doo is fine in its current state but I felt its image was tarnished quite a bit by its early life bugs which were fixed by the time of my last visit to the park late last year. I agree with the criticism of the animations, they would have been good by 2005 standards. Some parts of the ride I thought were executed rather poorly when compared to the original - the mirror scene and the post-brake run scene are the specific examples I'll draw my attention to. Some parts however I felt were better than the original though. The screens in the elevator lift I prefer to the original where nothing was there.

Edited by Baconjack
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1 hour ago, Rachelkinks said:

The batman ride at movieworld will not be worth having today, time zone have simulators that are just as good if not better.  @Levithian

I didnt say bring them back as in 1995. Besides, much the same could be said for most of the rides mentioned, time isnt kind to a lot of old animatronics and effects.

But youre also selling them short by saying they are the same as you get at timezone though. They arent even in the same ball park, the batman ones were fully fledged hydraulic motion bases used in flight simulators. Learning to fly planes, space shuttles, etc. They were barely being utilised in the ride.

Theres footage of them from underneath and in use in the promotional film on the parks from the early 2000's.

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I haven’t been on any former rides. Not even the original Tango Train! Because 9 year old me thought I would of puked, and I may of...

But if I was around, I would of definitely had gone on River Caves. And also on Topsey Turvey, Pirate Ship, Chairswing (80s), Noah’s Ark, Original Tumble Bug (NO SPINNING!), Goofy House, Davey Jones Locker, U Drive, Palace Dodgems, and the boat equivalent of Palace Dodgems (I don’t know the name, all of Luna Park’s Carousels, that looping ferris wheel where you go upside down (don’t know the name) that kids ride in the 80’s (don’t know the name), and also the little electric coaster in the 80’s (don’t know the name at Luna Park. I would of also had a go of pretty much all the rides at Hanna Barbara Land, almost all rides in Medievil Fair, almost all of The Beach, also Zodiac, Snowy River Rampage, Beastie, Antique Autos, Magilla Gorilla’s Flotillas, and Tasmanian Devil.

I did not add any rides from outside Sydney’s Wonderland or Luna Park. Because I won’t know an clue about it! And those rides from those parks that weren’t mentioned I would cover the park 9ft deep in vomit.

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