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Sky Voyager: Experience USA


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On 14/09/2024 at 4:17 PM, Tricoart said:

Just a few days late. Hopefully it's better than the aquatic one they did, that one didn't seem like the movements were programmed that well (as it was rather jolty), and it being a fully CGI film with some pretty obvious mishaps & no real use of effects made it substantially worse than the default SV film.

Yeah, wasn't at fan of that one. I believe it was originally designed for VR? Which explains its subpar translation.

If it's the same film as the one that played in 2020, the USA version is really good and worth checking out.

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100% incomparable CAP to DW.

2 hours ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

By what standard is it overdue?

By how many times people have seen it.

The % of new guest to returning guest, at California Adventure Park on any given day, would smash DW.

If you went into Soarin and asked, how many people had seen the film before compared SV, which film would have the greater % of new viewers? 

My thoughts, anyway about it.

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The current iteration of Soarin' Around The World is run in 4 parks across two continents and three countries and is still universally popular

DisneySea opened its version the same year SkyVoyager opened and regularly has the longest line in the park despite park visitation largely being local - the Kanto (Greater Tokyo) region has consistently hit around 70% of the parks overall attendance and well over 80-90% of park attendance coming from Honshu (big island). This leaves less than 10% of the parks visitation coming from other islands of Japan, as well as foreign visitation).
*Foreign visitation has exceeded 10% for the first time in 2024

The population of Kanto is around 43M people (2010) and the park's annual visitation was around 27.5Million in 2023. 

I think you're grossly underestimating the amount of local, regular attendees to all four locations that visit the parks regularly. I'd give you even money on finding someone in the line in California for the attraction who hasn't seen it before on your first pick. I'd bet 100:1 on finding a first-time rider in Tokyo in a blind random selection (blind mainly because a foreigner is a little easier to spot in Tokyo vs California).


As for Dreamworld, It is the one true family attraction that most of the family can ride and enjoy with almost universal appeal. Outside of enthusiasts, my friends and family who attend dreamworld regularly all identify SV as their favourite, and many of the kids each have their favourite parts. 

Just because people have seen it, doesn't mean it's overdue for a replacement. The same could be said for any other attraction on the coast that offers a similar ride experience on every ride - and yet many rides are ridden over and over again - why then is a flying theatre the only attraction subjected to the 'been there, done that' excuse?

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1 hour ago, New display name said:

100% incomparable CAP to DW.

By how many times people have seen it.

The % of new guest to returning guest, at California Adventure Park on any given day, would smash DW.

If you went into Soarin and asked, how many people had seen the film before compared SV, which film would have the greater % of new viewers? 

My thoughts, anyway about it.

38% of annual Disneyland Cali visitors are said to be from SoCal, with the total number of passholders being around 1 million. And this article states that 'analysts' predict passholders could make up approximately half of Disneyland & California Adventure's annual visitors, with DCA's attendance hovering between 9-10 million guests annually in recent years (excluding COVID). Which, if both values were to be true, that would mean annual Disney passholders would (on average) return to the park 4-5 times a year. On Dreamworld's end, there's no concrete annual passholder visitation that's been publicized, nor repeat visitation stats to extrapolate from it, only that annual passholder sales have risen significantly in comparison to recent financial years, and that their annual visitation has risen to 1.4 million.

With those in mind, though even if every single one of Dreamworld's visitors in 2024 (guessing they meant FY24) were passholders, meaning 1.4 million visits from only repeat visitors, DCA's annual returning visitor percentage would only need to be 15.5% of it's total to match Dreamworld's 1.4m, that being well under half of the amount of visitors from SoCal alone, and less than a third of the predicted value.

So yeah, they aren't comparable, because DCA by volume has more repeat visitors & still didn't find value in changing the movie in their flying theatre for 15 years, whereas Dreamworld's done it almost annually. A better comparison could be made if there was data/estimates that could show the average repeat visits that passholders take to Dreamworld annually, but it would have to be magnitudes higher than DCA's to make the total volume of repeat visits match, let alone to scaling it to the time between movie changes at either ride.

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Some people are really unable to grasp that an opinion on something doesn’t need to come from extrapolated data and spreadsheets. 

You can tell me you think Superman is the best ride on the GC and I can throw data and reviews that prove it’s not, but that won’t change that to you, it’s the best. 

After 5 years Sky Voyager needs a new permanent offering in my opinion. A table comparing its length of use vs Soarin’ doesn’t change that. 


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9 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

After 5 years Sky Voyager needs a new permanent offering in my opinion. A table comparing its length of use vs Soarin’ doesn’t change that. 


Your opinion is yours, but making a comparison to Soarin is totally valid with your claiming it's overdue for a change.

Personally I don't think it is, I enjoy seeing other films but the Australian film is really well done and others have said has broad appeal. 

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13 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

You can tell me you think Superman is the best ride on the GC and I can throw data and reviews that prove it’s not, but that won’t change that to you, it’s the best. 

That'd be because 'best ride on the Gold Coast' is a matter of opinion. If you were saying 'Superman is the most liked ride on the Gold Coast', that would be a statement that could be proven or unproven.

What you said was 'Sky Voyager is well overdue for a replacement film', which can be proven or unproven. If you'd said 'Sky Voyager should have a replacement film', that would be a matter of opinion.

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1 minute ago, Tricoart said:

What you said was 'Sky Voyager is well overdue for a replacement film', which can be proven or unproven. If you'd said 'Sky Voyager should have a replacement film', that would be a matter of opinion.

Well no, it can’t be proven or unproven. Because it’s an opinion. There is no metric that says when something should or shouldn’t be changed. We certainly are not in the habit of comparing DW operations or DL/DW, so let’s not begin here. 


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5 minutes ago, New display name said:

@Tricoartprove it.

Superman or Sky Voyager? 'Cause the point was that Dapto had already attempted that for SV due to the way the original statement was worded, and Village doesn't publicize rider data for Superman.

5 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

Well no, it can’t be proven or unproven. Because it’s an opinion. There is no metric that says when something should or shouldn’t be changed. We certainly are not in the habit of comparing DW operations or DL/DW, so let’s not begin here. 

Again, with your choice of wording, it was something that could be proven or unproven. Opinionated wording & that's no longer the case. Rather simple.

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@Brad2912apparently all you need to do is show a park stats, that has nothing to do with or like, to prove it.  🤷‍♀️

Apparently Disney is the law.

2 minutes ago, Tricoart said:

Superman or Sky Voyager? 'Cause the point was that Dapto had already done that for SV, and Village doesn't publicize rider data for Superman.

Dapto proved nothing.  He thinks he did, but I'm not buying what his selling.

@@Tricoart I haven't mentioned Superman, so take a guess.  /s

All Dapto's table does is give us dates.   Nothing more.  Full stop.

Dapto's trying to spin it as law, just because he put it in a table, but I can make tables too:😀



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32 minutes ago, New display name said:

Apparently Disney is the law.

Sure, I'll take that.

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26 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

Well no, it can’t be proven or unproven. Because it’s an opinion. There is no metric that says when something should or shouldn’t be changed. We certainly are not in the habit of comparing DW operations or DL/DW, so let’s not begin here. 


I wasn't going to bother, but since we're boiling down to pedantry.

You said "it's well overdue" (It. Is. Well. Overdue.)
Not "it's well overdue in my opinion"

I'm totally ok with not changing your mind about feeling like they're overdue for a new film, just as i'm totally ok with the original Aus film remaining as is.

I simply asked by what metric you were determining it as overdue - as - the only metric I could compare it to would be the other flying theatres i've been on, all of which have had significantly longer runtimes than Dreamworld's current iteration.

25 minutes ago, New display name said:

Apparently Disney is the law.

Not at all - just the closest available comparison for statistics. There isn't as much information available on some of the other flying theatres around the world, but if you can find some, i'd be happy to hear some that offer an alternate view on the age of the various films? (and i've just seen Tricoart has added some of the more accessible installs, so i'll just add:

  • Flyover Canada opened in 2013 and continues to show the canada film, alternates with Flyover Iceland, and switches out seasonal films for halloween and christmas
  • Flyover America opened in 2016 and continues to show the USA film, alternated with the Canada film from 2017, and from 2020 showed the Hawaii film as it's alternate (continues to show USA)
  • Flyover Iceland opened in 2019 and currently shows the Iceland film and "Believe Chicago"
  • Flyover Las Vegas opened in 2021 and shows The Real Wild West, Flyover Iceland, Believe Chicago and Canadian Rockies.
2 minutes ago, New display name said:

What does that prove @Tricoart?   🤔  If DW has already shown 2 new films, f&*k @Brad2912is right.  From history of what DW has done in the past, DW is due for a new film.  Thanks for clearing that up.

It proves all of the flyover installations continue to show their original install video, with seasonal alternates of some of the other regional films - even 11 years later!

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7 minutes ago, New display name said:

What does that prove @Tricoart?

Same thing Dapto was trying to say, the thing you're 'not buying' anyway. 

7 minutes ago, New display name said:

If DW has already shown 2 new films, f&*k @Brad2912is right.  From history of what DW has done in the past, DW is due for a new film.

In comparison to itself and nothing else (entertaining this walled garden approach where no similar attraction exists or can be compared in the comparison that Brad decided to make), 2019 > 2020 > 2023 isn't a pattern, and gives 'em a good few years before any rough idea of a pattern from those dates would be broken.

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41 minutes ago, Tricoart said:

Again, with your choice of wording, it was something that could be proven or unproven

No, it doesn’t. You can keep throwing data and tables and bullshit facts all you like - what suits a park on the other side of the world doesn’t make it the standard for what has to occur on the Gold Coast. You have proven jack shit. Using semantics of English language also doesn’t make your argument any more pointed. 

2 minutes ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

You said "it's well overdue" (It. Is. Well. Overdue.)
Not "it's well overdue in my opinion"

Pretty sure 99% of comments on a forum of any topic are taken as being the opinion of the poster, they don’t have to be prefaced with “in my opinion”. 

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7 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

what suits a park on the other side of the world doesn’t make it the standard for what has to occur on the Gold Coast.

please. tell me. in your opinion.

  1. by what metric is Sky Voyager well overdue for a new film?
  2. What constitutes "long overdue" in your opinion?
  3. Is there a specific timeframe for which you think a film should be changed?
  4. Should that timeframe be influenced by budget, funding, and popularity of the attraction, or should it be replaced regimentally at the same age in the cycle?
  5. How does the geographic location of the attraction influence the replacement interval of the film?
  6. What other factors are impacted by the Unique Geography of the Gold Coast, in your opinion?


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@Brad2912 - to be very clear, nobody was providing you with stats on other installs to try to change your mind or prove your opinion was wrong... 

  • I asked you how you were measuring it being long overdue. I included a comparison to the Soarin films as an illustration of why I was asking the question.
  • New Display Name replied to the question I asked you. His answer was that everyone had seen SV's film, but plenty of people hadn't seen Disney's, and that's why. 
  • The following posts, by myself and tricoart were responding to that reply rather than yours - outlining that the disney parks didn't have a high degree of 'new' visitation to warrant keeping the films for so much longer in comparison. 

Nobody is trying to change your opinion. It would seem several people disagree with you, but as all have pointed out, opinions are certainly something to which everyone is entitled. 

I am still asking you the question - by what measure do you think it's overdue. I've known you on these forums long enough to know that you generally have a reasonably developed position on a topic you comment on - i'm just enquiring what it is as I can't comprehend the viewpoint and want to understand more about it? 

The films are expensive to produce, and naturally the Australia one was commissioned as part of the overall capital expenditure on the original attraction - but there's a reason why most of these Brogent installs tend to just show one of the other films within the 'brogent family' of Flyover attractions - producing new ones isn't cheap, and generally needs a return on investment to make it worth it. We already know Sky Voyager didn't give the park the attendance or profit bump the management of the time had hoped for, and while the attraction is a solid part of the park's lineup, it isn't the showstopper that has people rushing to the park when a new film is added (which has happened twice to-date with no major change in attendance patterns or queue lengths).

So I don't think the park is going to justify producing a new film. I've no idea of the licensing obligations for the films, so I don't know if they have to pay every time they show the other films, or if its more of a one-off purchase to show certain films (the limited run would suggest it's pay per play), and i'm not sure I want the park spending more than they already have on the various films.

And i'm very happy with the Australian one. The underwater one sucked.

That said - obtaining one of the other films for a limited run is clearly something the other FlyOver installs have shown is very possible - which would we all like to see?

  • Flyover Canada
  • Flyover Iceland
  • Believe Chicago
  • Flyover Hawaii
  • The Real Wild West
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