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The rides at luna park!!

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Hi Welcome to the Forums. I am assuming you are talking about Luna Park Sydney. When they did up Luna Park they tried to keep the old Atmosphere alive with installing new permanent carnival rides that would have been at the park when it opened. Check out the new pics that Richard took of the place. Also visit Total Thrills (the old site) for some pics of the park during the Rennovation. In terms of rides, some of the rides avaliable are some of the rides which were built on site in 1935 (when the park opened) correct me if im wrong. For Example: Wild Mouse, Built on Site in 1935 one of 3 wooden wild mouses in Australia. When you go there, Don't Drive, the Parking prices at LPS are a big rip-off. $30+ for more than 4 hours. I have not been there yet myself (i will go in August) so i doubt that i will be any use to you. Maybe Richard (the Webmaster) who just visited Luna Park could Tell you more information. Hope i could help.

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Why did they put in a ride and call it "Spider" even though it's a Breakdance? I love the Breakdance, but the spider is good ride also. Maybe even better than Breakdance. Why couldn't they buy another one and then they would be able to say "We have the Real Spider not some cheap imatation". I have been on both and think both are just great rides. Why did LPS sell their Spider to Aussie World?

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I think you might be getting a little confused Paul. Luna Park Sydney's Spider IS actually a Breakdance which is a standard travelling carnival ride. Luna Park simply changed the aesthetics of their model. The colours of the cars, the lighting scheme and the backdrop are all different to a normal Breakdance. They did this to suit their 'futuristic spider' theme. Unfortunately they didn't keep the giant robotic spider which used to stand over the ride in 1995 and tie the theme together. In the very early days of Luna Park they had a ride called Spider but it is long since gone and was nothing like the Breakdance model they have there now. The only ride which was sold to Aussie World was the Octopus. The majority of the rides now at Luna Park were once travelling carnival rides. Most of them are 1980's models which were permanently installed in the park in 1995. A number of them have been given the same names as the original 1930's rides. Apart from the names there aren't many similarities between these mass produced rides and the unique rides installed when the park first opened in 1935. By the way, the Wild Mouse was actually built around 1962

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Tango Train spins - a bit similar to rides like Matterhorn etc. that you've seen at travelling shows. I've updated the gallery, seen here. Just picture that thing spinning, and that's Tango Train. Flying Saucer is best described as an Enterprise style of ride (as seen at Dreamworld, Luna Park in Melbourne). Instead of rocking cars that face riders in the direction of the spin, it has fixed rows facing the centre of the ride. It speeds up, riders are stuck to the wall and all the while it tilts up to near-vertical.

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x_princess_x - If I was you I wouldn't get too excited about the actual rides at Luna Park. Most of them are 1980's ex-travelling carnival rides that you have either been on or seen hundreds of times before at various shows, fairs etc. The drawcard with Luna Park is the massive sense of history, the incredible location, the visuals and the atmosphere. The park doesn't really have any overly appealing rides but regardless it is still doing well because of the various factors I mentioned. It also helps that there is no other amusement/theme park in Sydney anymore which leaves Luna Park as the only option for bored families. If it is decent rides you are after you are better off waiting 'till next years Easter Show where there are many more (and certainly in some cases a lot more cutting edge) rides on offer. On the other hand, if you and your friends can appreciate the stuff I mentioned above then you will probably have a fun day

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x_princess_x - If I was you I wouldn't get too excited about the actual rides at Luna Park. Most of them are 1980's ex-travelling carnival rides that you have either been on or seen hundreds of times before at various shows, fairs etc. The new owners and management now have a split focus which includes providing top quality function and entertainment facilities rather than just relying on the amusement park. The drawcard with Luna Park is the massive sense of history, the incredible location, the visuals and the atmosphere. The park doesn't really have any overly appealing rides but regardless it is still doing well because of the various factors I mentioned. It also helps that there is no other amusement/theme park in Sydney anymore which leaves Luna Park as the only option for bored families. If it is decent rides you are after you are probably better off waiting 'till next years Easter Show where there are many more (and certainly in some cases a lot more cutting edge) rides on offer. Or else save up for a trip to the Gold Coast and visit one of our great theme parks. On the other hand, if you and your friends can appreciate the stuff I mentioned above then you will probably have a fun day. Make sure you give us a trip report and let us know what you think

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Haha that's true Huss... how could I ever doubt you? I forgot who I was talking to for a moment. And you're right about Sydney's being a 'badly themed Breakdance'. It was passable when it had the giant robotic spider standing out the front in 1995 but now it looks rather dodgy. So what is an Eyerly Spider? Is Eyerly the manafacturer of Luna Park Melbourne's Spider? I have a feeling that the one in Melborune might be the same one that Wonderland owned in the 80's. Are there any of these models on the travelling circuit?

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Haha that's true Huss... how could I ever doubt you? I forgot who I was talking to for a moment. And you're right about Sydney's being a 'badly themed Breakdance'. It was passable when it had the giant robotic spider standing out the front in 1995 but now it looks rather dodgy. So what is an Eyerly Spider? Is Eyerly the manafacturer of Luna Park Melbourne's Spider? I have a feeling that the one in Melbourne might be the same one that Wonderland owned in the 80's. Are there any of these models on the travelling circuit?

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Schwarz - I have no idea what happened to the giant spider. Same with the giant pyschadelic bug which used to stand out the front of the Tumble Bug. In the map illustration of the new Luna Park the bug is still out the front of the ride so maybe they planned to put it back but it never happened. I saw the bug sitting in storage out the back for some time so I'm sure they could have kept it if they wanted it. It is a real shame that they didn't restore these pieces as they looked great. They helped to make the rides look a little less temporary (especially the Spider) and without them some parts of the park look like a very basic travelling carnival

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Some parts of the park meaning the entire of Maloneys Corner? That area was just a Royal Show, minus the serious overpacking of rides and people, and of course the noise. :) I think something really does need to be done with that whole area. I'd also say that something involves removing all of the portable rides, replacing them with something/s a little more true to Luna Park. With the vastness of that area, and it's obvious temporary nature, I'd like to think this is what they're suggesting as well.

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Richard, do you have any ideas or suggestions that might work well for Maloney's Corner? When you talk about replacing the portable rides with something more true to Luna Park, can you give any specifics? I heard that they originally planned to have another function/theater building attached to the back of Coney Island where the marquee in Maloney's Corner is currently standing. They apparantley decided to go with a more temporary building (hence the marquee) to test the area out first. So there is a good chance that a more permanent structure will take up some space to the back of Coney Island but I believe this would still leave most of Maloney's Corner available for other features

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