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Luna Park Sydney to invest $30 million on major upgrade, new rides

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1 hour ago, AheadMatthewawsome said:

I don't think is as visually invasive as the 1995 Big Dipper. And I don't think they're going to have flashing lights on there. But noise will be a certain problem. But it's going to go ahead anyways, no matter what the neighbors think. The NSW Government seems they really want to make sure this happens and stays here. This will certainly be the end of the Spider, at least in Luna Park. I'll be making a video about this topic and gonna try to head on over to Luna Park soon.

Have a read at the comments before you posted and the FAQ that was on the parks official website that I have posted in this very thread. That should answer any concerns or questions anyone has regarding this.


Here is the link to the SMH article regarding the announcement and the knoweledge that the new Big Dipper will not open until November or December.


Nine new rides will be built at Sydney's famous Luna Park next year under a $30 million overhaul, as the NSW government urges tourism operators to invest in attractions to help the state recover from the coronavirus crisis.

The historic park, which opened at Milsons Point on Sydney Harbour in 1935, will close for six months from the end of January in 2021 to allow the installation of six children's rides and a new "Big Dipper" rollercoaster.

NSW Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney Stuart Ayres at Luna Park on Tuesday. CREDIT:RHETT WYMAN

But the new attractions will come at the expense of nine existing rides, including the Tumblebug and the Spider, which they will replace.

NSW Tourism Minister Stuart Ayres announced the upgrades on Tuesday, funded by the park's owners and investors, sent "an incredibly strong signal to the rest of the NSW tourism sector that now is the time to invest in your product".

"If you can't operate at full speed, or at full capacity, take this opportunity to invest in your product so that when everything's open again and visitors are coming back you've got a great experience you can provide," he said on Tuesday.

The attraction's managing director Peter Hearne said the upgrades were "an important moment in the history of Luna Park", which has been frustrated by noise complaints, legal action and financial woes in recent decades.


The new Big Dipper, which will replace the Tumblebug scrambler ride in the Midway section of the park, is expected to be operating by November or December 2021.


"It will ensure Luna Park remains commercially viable by being transformed into a world-class amusement park that all of Sydney should be proud of, while ensuring we retain the heritage and history of this important icon."

In 2018, the operators had warned the business may not survive, after a Land and Environment Court decision that determined they must lodge a development application each time they moved or replaced a ride.

But the park's future was secured after state authorities proposed planning changes that allowed the operators to make adjustments to rides using streamlined processes that did not require DAs.

Mr Hearne said the upgrade was the result of those changes to the State Environmental Planning Policy, or SEPP, which included public consultation to strike a balance with residents' concerns.

Most of the new rides will replace existing attractions at Maloney's Corner.

"All these rides that will be coming in will comply with those very strict controls that were placed [on the park] two years ago," he said.

Mr Hearne said the new rides would also comply with "the existing regulations relating to noise, height, lights, and hours of operation that have been in place since 2004".

He said the park had "a very good relationship with the local community" and was letterboxing homes in Milsons Point and the surrounding suburbs of Kirribilli, McMahons Point and Lavender Bay about the upgrades.

Local residents launched legal action against the park, arguing the Big Dipper rollercoaster was too noisy, in the 1990s.

Milsons Point resident Joan Street said on Tuesday locals "have not been advised" of the upgrades or return of the Big Dipper.

Luna Park celebrated its 85th birthday in October.

North Sydney councillor Ian Mutton was worried the plans had been made without "any attempt at community consultation" and he imagined "a lot of people would be concerned" about the changes.

"There's nothing inherently wrong with new rides. The real worry is the pressure on finite resources such as roads and parking."

Eight of the new rides, which also include a "family coaster" and a "thrill ride", will be open for the school holidays next July. They will replace existing rides, including the Spider, in the children's section.


The new Big Dipper, which will replace the Tumblebug scrambler ride in the Midway section of the park, is expected to be operating by November or December 2021.

In a press release, the park said: "The state-of-the-art 'one seat wide' train is substantially smaller than the original Big Dipper at Luna Park.

"It has been specifically designed to ride very low to the terrain where appropriate, in harmony with the historic landscape features of the site."

Luna Park is open Friday to Sunday with COVID-19 restrictions. The park will close from January 27 to mid-June, but the functions and events facilities will remain open.

The Art Deco-style venue is based on the success of the first Luna Park which opened on Coney Island, New York, in 1903.

An administrator was appointed and the park closed in 1996, before reopening in 2004.


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So naturally I'm very pleased with today's news. I was already very happy after the 2020 Transport Heritage Grants had been announced (the Sydney Tramway Museum, which I volunteer at, got two grants; one to finish off restoration on our 1898 D class tram, the other to digitise our archives), but this is just the icing on top! And just a side note that no one's mentioned yet, the concept art has the facade for the dodgems redone so that it fits the Arabian look of Big Dipper building. This just makes me even more thrilled as this is exactly what I wanted to see happen to the dodgems entrance for the last 3 years. Next year's gonna be great!

Edited by 19Michael96
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5 minutes ago, 19Michael96 said:


So naturally I'm very pleased with today's news. I was already very happy after the 2020 Transport Heritage Grants had been announced (the Sydney Tramway Museum, which I volunteer at, got two grants; one to finish off restoration on our 1898 D class tram, the other to digitise our archives), but this is just the icing on top! And just a side note that no one's mentioned yet, the concept art has the facade for the dodgems redone so that it fits the Arabian look of Big Dipper building. This just makes me even more thrilled as this is exactly what I wanted to see happen to the dodgems entrance for the last 3 years. Next year's gonna be great!

Hold on... You volunteer at the Sydney Tramway Musuem? That's amazing! Thank you for all that you, and your mates at the Tramway Museum for your hard work and all that you do for the trams! Would you happen to know David (who's another volunteer at the Tramway Museum)? If you do, tell him that I say hi and that I will forever be grateful for his help when I was extremely upset one time there. From Matthew.

Now for everyone else. In the images that we've seen so far. I can already identify some rides that will come to Luna Park as part of 'Luna Land'

First is the world class roller coaster that will be named 'Big Dipper'. After the other 2 Big Dipper's that have been in that area. The ride will have a maximum speed of 72kmh. 2 inversions. And 3 moments of Airtime. 7 people can get on at a time as well. It will also be breaking numerous records as well.

Next, there is a shuttle coaster which they are calling an "anchor coaster" .It will have a helix, and that's it. Good enough for me, NEXT!

There is also a junior coaster that seems to be in a similar alignment to Silly Serpent in LPM  as well. It seems like it will be themed to an aquatic theme.

And there is a mini drop tower like in LPM. I hope LPM is stage 2 for this project. They need something like this.

Also there will a ride called 'Shockwave'. It will be a Gyro Swing ride which will be coloured in a blueish green. DON'T CRY ABOUT IT FOR GOODNESS SAKES!

Oh, there's also gonna be a mini ferries wheel as well. I don't think it will be whirly wheel as it looks very different to the current one. It seems like it will be themed to an aquatic theme too.

There's also a balloon ride, similar to the one that used to be at Wonderland. But a teeny bit smaller than last time.

And there seems to be another ride below the green shelter as well. I can see some reds, yellows, and blues which could indicate that a ride could be there.

And we all live in a yellow submarine could be a new ride as well? I know it's unlikely, but it's 2020. We can never know!

Luna Park has said that there will be 6 children's rides at the park. The 3 new roller coasters. And the new thrill ride. That's 10.... Where's the math's gone? And I've only been able to find 3 or 4, maybe even 5 out of the 6 new rides. If anybody has more information about this. Please let us know!


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1 hour ago, AheadMatthewawsome said:

And there is a mini drop tower like in LPM. I hope LPM is stage 2 for this project. They need something like this.

Why would LPM be stage 2 for this project? The Luna Parks are owned by different oweners and are completely unrelated.

1 hour ago, AheadMatthewawsome said:

Luna Park has said that there will be 6 children's rides at the park. The 3 new roller coasters. And the new thrill ride. That's 10.... Where's the math's gone? And I've only been able to find 3 or 4, maybe even 5 out of the 6 new rides. If anybody has more information about this. Please let us know!

There will be 9 new rides. The math is quite simple. There are 6 new kids rides ( including the kiddie coaster) , there is the family Boomerang coaster, the Zamperla Discovery pendulum ride and the Big Dipper. Thats 9 rides. As I stated to you before, please go and read ALL the comments that have been posted. There has been a complete rundown on what rides are likely to go from Gazza. Numerous other posts answer the majority of the questions you have been asking or seeking.Slow down and read and absorb what has been posted before....

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Just now, HussRainbow87 said:

Takes out HUSS for this....



I knew of all us mate you would be the one that would not be overly happy.😎 But come on- you have to admit this is exciting times for LPS!! This announcement is great for the park and the industry as a whole and more importantly, its great for the tourism potential for NSW. I know we are all going to miss the Huss rides- very true they were exciting and well engineered rides that have now been added to the fabric and history that is Luna Park Sydney.

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Just now, Jobe said:

I knew of all us mate you would be the one that would not be overly happy.😎 But come on- you have to admit this is exciting times for LPS!! This announcement is great for the park and the industry as a whole and more importantly, its great for the tourism potential for NSW. I know we are all going to miss the Huss rides- very true they were exciting and well engineered rides that have now been added to the fabric and history that is Luna Park Sydney.

I guess it’s exciting, I’m not big on LPS, never really have been, even with the HUSS rides in there. 

I’ll just cart my ass back to Europe when I can to experience good German Fair Rides ☺️

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7 hours ago, Jobe said:

Why would LPM be stage 2 for this project? The Luna Parks are owned by different oweners and are completely unrelated.

There will be 9 new rides. The math is quite simple. There are 6 new kids rides ( including the kiddie coaster) , there is the family Boomerang coaster, the Zamperla Discovery pendulum ride and the Big Dipper. Thats 9 rides. As I stated to you before, please go and read ALL the comments that have been posted. There has been a complete rundown on what rides are likely to go from Gazza. Numerous other posts answer the majority of the questions you have been asking or seeking.Slow down and read and absorb what has been posted before....

I'm trying to say that LPM needs a makeover like this! I think everyone can agree on this.

And also it's a bit difficult to read them all at this time. It's very hard for me to slow down with something like this. It's just impossible to calm down, even when I'm trying to calm down!

7 hours ago, BringADecentParkToSydney said:

I noticed the article also mentioned upgrades to existing rides - do we know anything on this? (I’m guessing minor paint jobs if anything but just out of curiosity haha)

Yes. They will be redoing the fascade to Dodgem City. Instead of the current neon sign for Tumble Bug. They will be painting it to an Arabian theme. Matching with the Big Dipper entrance.

And another question. Wonderland had 3 roller coasters and LPS will now have 4 roller coasters and over 20 rides. Is there now a decent park in Sydney now in your opinion?

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9 hours ago, AheadMatthewawsome said:

Would you happen to know David (who's another volunteer at the Tramway Museum)? If you do, tell him that I say hi and that I will forever be grateful for his help when I was extremely upset one time there.

Depends on which David you’re referring to as there are a few there who I know. I assume you mean David Critchley - as he’s the only David who appears on traffic these days - whom yes I do know very well.

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1 hour ago, AheadMatthewawsome said:


And another question. Wonderland had 3 roller coasters and LPS will now have 4 roller coasters and over 20 rides. Is there now a decent park in Sydney now in your opinion?


Possibly. This is a very good step in the right direction. LPS has never been a boring park but it didn't have that headlining attraction. Depends if they keep expanding. By the way, even tough LPS has more coasters, Wonderland had, in my opinon, more thrilling coasters. Either way, this is grea for any Australian coaster fan as we can now ride a single rail coaster.

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7 hours ago, HussRainbow87 said:

Takes out HUSS for this....



Commiserations my friend, but regardless of the quality of the huss attractions, end of life was certainly a deal breaker - and this announcement and expansion more than makes up for it in the eyes of almost everyone it seems.... ;) hard luck buddy.

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29 minutes ago, Ranger said:


Possibly. This is a very good step in the right direction. LPS has never been a boring park but it didn't have that headlining attraction. Depends if they keep expanding. By the way, even tough LPS has more coasters, Wonderland had, in my opinon, more thrilling coasters. Either way, this is grea for any Australian coaster fan as we can now ride a single rail coaster.

It's that the person who I was quoting has the username, BringADecentParkToSydney.

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1 hour ago, AlexB said:

Commiserations my friend, but regardless of the quality of the huss attractions, end of life was certainly a deal breaker - and this announcement and expansion more than makes up for it in the eyes of almost everyone it seems.... ;) hard luck buddy.

Hard luck? I don’t live in Sydney so I’m not too worried. I guess I can always go visit the Ranger and Troika if need be. 

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8 hours ago, HussRainbow87 said:

Takes out HUSS for this....



It is well worth it. four HUSS rides removed over the years (Breakdance to be gone by tomorrow) all for this is perfect. Replace existing attractions with attractions that most will be able to ride. The park always was proud about the fact its height limits were never that far about of reach. The Ranger was the only one that needed over 130cm from memory (without cheating and using google).

I'm the first one to say losing those HUSS rides sucked. I was lucky enough to work them for a while. So my attachment was fairly different to most.

This ain't throwing out the park and putting it in the bin.

This is called evolution. 


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I mean the 

2 minutes ago, StingRay said:

It is well worth it. four HUSS rides removed over the years (Breakdance to be gone by tomorrow) all for this is perfect. Replace existing attractions with attractions that most will be able to ride. The park always was proud about the fact its height limits were never that far about of reach. The Ranger was the only one that needed over 130cm from memory (without cheating and using google).

I'm the first one to say losing those HUSS rides sucked. I was lucky enough to work them for a while. So my attachment was fairly different to most.

This ain't throwing out the park and putting it in the bin.

This is called evolution. 


I mean the only thing that looks of some quality is the Intamin coaster, and even then with such a low capacity those coasters hold, that’s a bit of a stretch. I don’t really look at that concept and think, I need to be there opening day of any of these attractions. Even when the Huss rides were there, I didn’t really feel any desire to want to visit the place when I was in Sydney. 

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1 hour ago, Ranger said:


Possibly. This is a very good step in the right direction. LPS has never been a boring park but it didn't have that headlining attraction. Depends if they keep expanding. By the way, even tough LPS has more coasters, Wonderland had, in my opinon, more thrilling coasters. Either way, this is grea for any Australian coaster fan as we can now ride a single rail coaster.

Single rail is a good thing. Hard to compare LPS to Wonderland tho. Only at one point in time for literally, a month was this possible.

Two different concepts and two different ways to go about business. Definitely, the smartest move the park has made since 1995 before buying all the HUSS rides tho. They run the park on reduced days etc already. Events will have a larger selection of rides to choose from now, they will have more marketing presence now with a "world-first" also. They also help cause competition again when the Easter Show is in town and even over summer when you will have a make a choice between LPS, RWS or Jamberoo.

This does put LPS on the map for sure. No need to compete who with the parks up north. This park has survived that competition for years in its current guise. 

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6 minutes ago, StingRay said:

It is well worth it. four HUSS rides removed over the years (Breakdance to be gone by tomorrow) all for this is perfect. Replace existing attractions with attractions that most will be able to ride. The park always was proud about the fact its height limits were never that far about of reach. The Ranger was the only one that needed over 130cm from memory (without cheating and using google).

I'm the first one to say losing those HUSS rides sucked. I was lucky enough to work them for a while. So my attachment was fairly different to most.

This ain't throwing out the park and putting it in the bin.

This is called evolution. 


HOLD ON? SPIDER IS GOING TOMMOROW??? Do you have more info??

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1 minute ago, HussRainbow87 said:

I mean the 

I mean the only thing that looks of some quality is the Intamin coaster, and even then with such a low capacity those coasters hold, that’s a bit of a stretch. I don’t really look at that concept and think, I need to be there opening day of any of these attractions. Even when the Huss rides were there, I didn’t really feel any desire to want to visit the place when I was in Sydney. 

The Wildmouse has low capacity also with only three cars on track (max) at once. I know you are more into the thrilling flat rides of Europe slammed into a car park 😉. They have pulled off a miracle.

Given how small the park makes this more impressive.

2 minutes ago, AheadMatthewawsome said:

HOLD ON? SPIDER IS GOING TOMMOROW??? Do you have more info??

Look at the artwork. Tell we where Spider is. I can tell you it's partially dismantled right now. 

Gotta make room for those new toys.

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Just now, StingRay said:

The Wildmouse has low capacity also with only three cars on track (max) at once. I know you are more into the thrilling flat rides of Europe slammed into a car park 😉. They have pulled off a miracle.

Given how small the park makes this more impressive.

I wouldn’t say impressive really. The only thing I’m kinda interested in is that pendulum thing that actually goes 360 which people seemed to have missed. There is a counterweight arm in the renders. 

And as for the European comment, they put far more effort into their attractions than anywhere in the world, best atmosphere that no park or fair elsewhere could match. 

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