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Movie world Maintenance 2021


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Because im in the mood to split hairs.... are they counting each individual slide of a setup as a single slide? Aint no way vrtp have 115+ rides, shows and slides (unless they count each individual slide i guess)

42 open today between wnw, mw, sw. Didnt bother with PC. Not counting meet and greets as a show or upcharges 👌 also does  a walkthrough animal exhibit count as a show? I didnt include them 🤷‍♂️


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I’d hazard a guess they are including every show at all parks (all the keeper talks etc at PC, the little 5min shows they put on on Main Street at MW, and dolphin shows). 

Doing that I can get to 89 and that’s only including each wet n wild attraction as 1. If I counted reach individual slide as 1 then you’d get 26 more if you also included the new slides taking you to 115.

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  On 28/11/2021 at 2:31 AM, veovis said:

Both the backwards seats on dc rivals are down. Won’t be back until after school holidays.


Movie definitely need to get the second train back on track so the current one can get some maintenance done on it but I think it’s still in superman’s maintenance bay and was in pieces last I heard.

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Such a shame the backwards seat are out of action these holidays. At least we get to spend our $20 on a spinning seat instead 😉

But in all honesty, the second train REALLY needs work done. Peak period is coming and we're pretty much in for 3 hour waits like Easter should the second train remain out of action.

I believe the second train has been sitting dismantled beside Superman's launch track since...

  On 28/04/2021 at 9:56 AM, Im Hungry said:

After making a quick visit to Movieworld and riding Superman, it's been discovered that one of the trains for Rivals (or what looked liked) are within that little maintenance area to the left-hand side of the launch track (indoor). Found it while speeding past during the launch.

Not sure if its been posted earlier or if youse have already known, but I just thought I'd share.


A P R I L 💀

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  On 28/11/2021 at 3:33 AM, themagician said:

I haven’t been on rivals in a while, but Is it getting rough/less comfortable because they’ve been using the same train for a while 


I went on earlier in the week and it was definitely the roughest I've ever felt it.

Also didn't notice the other train in the superman shed, so hopefully it's on its way to Rivals.

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  On 28/11/2021 at 10:02 AM, Thrill Seeker said:

When did the superman launch audio get changed?

Only a year ago it said something like "don't worry folks I will get you outta here, fast, superman fast (launches) "

Yesterday it said "don't worry I will push you out of here (launches) "


I've had a mix of both every time since the first time I rode it. I think it's the same audio, just sometimes the launch jumps the gun before the "Superman fast" bit.

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yeah i’m pretty sure it’s just a timing issue, cause most of the time once the audio finishes saying “don’t worry i’ll push you out of here” it launches instantly. 


update on Rivals smoothness, rode it in the back at the end of our day and that was definitely the roughest ride i’ve ever had on it, got off with my hips feeling a bit sore from all the shaking🥲 

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I might need to come in as a guest soon to experience the "roughness" of rivals.

Pretty intrigued to say the least. The Batman train getting all worked up, it's time for it to rest for a little bit.

However, that roughness shouldn't be a problem soon should the Joker train indeed be within the Rivals maintenance bay.

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  On 29/11/2021 at 5:26 AM, Im Hungry said:

I might need to come in as a guest soon to experience the "roughness" of rivals.

Pretty intrigued to say the least. The Batman train getting all worked up, it's time for it to rest for a little bit.

However, that roughness shouldn't be a problem soon should the Joker train indeed be within the Rivals maintenance bay.


what do you mean by the Batman train and the Joker train?

Both trains are themed identically. 

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