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Nostalgia at times gone by

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Im planning to move soon, and i was going through all that old junk everyone has sitting around their house. I came across some work books I had when i was at wonderland putting together training materials for the retail games attendants. Those who truly believe this, made wonderland what it should have been...: "i own other shirts, but when i put on this shirt, when i don the Wonderland Badge, the badge that has my name on it, and of Wonderland, the place where i work, when i wear the Wonderland Insignia, i become part of the magic, part of the dream. Im not an Employee, im a cast member, with a script to play a part, in the greatest show on earth. it is a Child's Wonderland, it is an Adult's wonderland. To me it was once Australia's Wonderland, to us now, Wonderland Sydney. but only the name has changed. I will always remember my first visit, and my next, and each one after that, every time dreaming that some day i would work there - no, not work, but be cast as a Magician. for every person at Wonderland is a Magician, in any way big or small, they help create the magic. You too are part of the dream, as are we all. Remember as you walk on stage, that it is you the people have come to see. without you, Wonderland is a graveyard, a wilderness, lost and forlorn. You are the dream, You are the magic, You are a Cast Member of Wonderland Sydney." Anonymous, Circa 1999 And it is true too.... without the cast - the park is just a graveyard. *sigh*

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Omg!...Are these rumours true???? I hope they are because I REALLY REALLY REALLY love Wonderland!...I love Wonderland more than I love my girlfriend! :D (Shocking! I know) My dad and I was driving past Wonderland a couple of days ago and I saw that water spouts on the Snowy River Rampage spray water into the air! I asked my dad if he saw it too and he said he did! Could Wonderland re-open???...I hope so! I'll always remember Wonderland Sydney

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Ugh' date=' you actually [b']told her? Fill us in some more... :) My girlfriend chucked a spaz at me! Then she got over it...phew! :cool: Anwayz, I saw water sparyin up at about 1pm, somethin like that but I 1 boat with no one on it!...WEIRD! I didn't see any other rides operating!
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  \ said:
Anwayz, I saw water sparyin up at about 1pm, somethin like that but I 1 boat with no one on it!...WEIRD! I didn't see any other rides operating!
I have got to meet you. For you to be able to see the boats while driving past at 110km/h is bloody amazing, even seeing it from Wallgrove Rd is astounding considering you cannot see any part of the ride from the either road.
  \ said:
Your girlfriend isn't a blow-up doll is she??
He wouldn't know what to do with it Scream, unless there was a string attached to it. That’s enough of that topic. If Daniel gets hold of it were in for trouble, he's very experienced with things that require inflating. "The Bus is now leaving for Ah See Creek, Queensland"
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  wonderbus2003 said:
I have got to meet you.  For you to be able to see the boats while driving past at 110km/h is bloody amazing, even seeing it from Wallgrove Rd is astounding considering you cannot see any part of the ride from the either road.
Very true Bus, considering you have the Bush Beast and a plantation of trees obstructing the view. PattieBoi, think of something a little more believable before you come rampaging on this forum posting crap.
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