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When will you have confidence to book international park trips again?


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My USA mega trip obviously got cancelled this past September, and I'm obviously on the edge of my seat waiting to get back to Disney/Universal/SWO/Busch but of course, no one really knows how 2021 will play out. So the question to you is what will give you the confidence to start booking for next calendar year, or is anyone booking blind with the hope of travel being back on the cards? 

I am just waiting to see how this vaccine plays out over the next month, then might book blind with a company that offers covid refunds. ATD seems to have a decent Covid cancellation policy.

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I might not be the best person to speak on the matter since I'm from the COVID dumpster fire of the world, but I'm not terribly concerned about going abroad seeing how most places are doing better than us.  I currently have an international trip booked for May.  However, all my reservations are cancellable.

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I guess when the vaccine comes out and borders start to re-open. I had saved for a Florida WDW/SFO/BGT/Universal trip for June next year, but obviously that won't happen at that time and I don't think I'll be able to get out there until the following year at least. In the meantime though, I'll keep saving money to possibly make the America trip a little bit bigger and try to add in some more parks. Cedar Point, LA and New York are certainly at the top of the list.

Edited by Baconjack
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Haven’t been overseas in 20 years, was due for our first family trip to Disneyland this year Sept. 

at this stage we are thinking Sept 2022 but will depend on vaccine rules as I’m not jabbing my kid with a rushed vaccine with no knowledge of potential long term side effects. 

works out well with timing though as Super Mario World at USH is due mid 2022 and we’re a big Nintendo family so that eases the disappointment of missing this year somewhat 

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Mrs and I were meant to visit both Disneyland/CA and Disney World (And Kennedy Space Centre) in October.


I think we'll hold off until 22, once Avengers Campus is up and running, and Galaxy's Edge is quieter. We should also be able to spend more than the 2 days we were going to rush at DL/CA.

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Florida was booked for June, but refunds and credits applied for that.

i think 2022 is probably the earliest I’d venture back to the US, just to give the new administration time to roll out the vaccine, and educate the populace enough for that to be effective (and potentially similarly here).

If borders were open now I’d head over to Japan and/or Singapore without hesitation.

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I was supposed to do 5 weeks around the South Eastern states of the USA in September/October (Disney, Universal, Dollywood etc,etc).

For now i'm staying put but I think as far as overseas trips go in the future a lot of what will determine where I go will be based on how well they responded to COVID and how they have come back from it (Vaccines etc.). Japan is looking pretty good IMO.

As for my SE USA trip, it's probably on the backburner now for quite some time until they can sort it out (Who knows how long that will take).

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5 hours ago, Gazza said:

Why don't you want to go overseas?

I do want to go Overseas, I'm actually not allowed to. When your under 18, your parents decide your fate.

And I haven't been outside of Sydney or the Central Coast and the Southern Highlands since 2018! So good luck even getting me Interstate, or even Regional NSW!

Edited by AheadMatthewawsome
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...you said 'even after the pandemic!' and the way you wrote it was as though you'd made the choice, not that you weren't allowed to.

News Update - you're about... what... 14? so in four years, you'll be 18. And all things going to plan, President Harris will have vaccinated everyone by then and the pandemic will be over and you'll be able to go then.

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45 minutes ago, AlexB said:

...you said 'even after the pandemic!' and the way you wrote it was as though you'd made the choice, not that you weren't allowed to.

News Update - you're about... what... 14? so in four years, you'll be 18. And all things going to plan, President Harris will have vaccinated everyone by then and the pandemic will be over and you'll be able to go then.

What Alex said. You're 14, about to get a job in a year or 2, so you can start planning now, and then start saving soon.

Being a kid means if you're smart you can save more money than most and make your first trip overseas really huge. Or just be normal and save for a house / car.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, I think thats my thinking, I'll hold onto annual leave till about August and wait for the end of the northern summer. If we do get to go overseas by then I will.

If still no travel by then, I'll find some local holiday to go on.

But realistically, I think waiting till 2022 is probably a better choice in terms of parks running normally anyway. Would be a pain to go back to Disney or some new parks in Europe and miss heaps of stuff because of capacity limits etc.

Edited by Gazza
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2 hours ago, Gazza said:

But realistically, I think waiting till 2022 is probably a better choice in terms of parks running normally anyway. Would be a pain to go back to Disney or some new parks in Europe and miss heaps of stuff because of capacity limits etc.

Yep, thats been the other thing ive been tossing up, whether to try and make a 21 trip happen while disney is still for sure in this weird state with no Fastpass, Masks and Plexiglass barriers ruining some great attractions. Fastpass would be a big hit to not have, especially being a solo traveller, waiting in long lines on your own isnt the most fun for a lot of the queues, sans FOP and the other queues that are must do's.

My impatience will probably will out and ill end up going if its possible, front page of the courier today was about Alan Joyce (Qantas) saying he is confident international travel will return by July and flight bookings to US and UK are available from then - but ofcourse he is going to say that while his business is struggling. Only time will tell in the next few months. 

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  • 11 months later...
8 hours ago, Noxegon said:

I managed a successful four and a half week US trip in August – and more or less everything was open – but I've a feeling we're heading back into a difficult place again now.

To be fair, most European countries and America had a completely different attitude to travelling overseas when compared to ours. We aren't called Fortress Australia for nothing lol

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