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Splash Out at jamberoo officially closing to make way for Grand Gorge Falls


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Jamberoo has recently posted some sad but exciting news 

Splash Out water slides will close from 22 February 2021 to allow for the construction of a new water ride development at Jamberoo Action Park. Until then, we welcome all guests to come in and Splash Out for the last time with the water ride that started it all! We apologise for any inconvenience and hope you follow us on Facebook for more news as it breaks.

As many of us already know it will replaced by 'Grand Gorge Falls' which should hopefully be open by the 21-22 season, It's sad to see splash out go after all these years but its great to see that they still have major plans to keep expanding Jamberoo's range of attractions 




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  • Coasterlife changed the title to Splash Out at jamberoo officially closing to make way for Grand Gorge Falls

I don't know if you guys would agree with me on this or not but i kind of feel that jamberoo could become more than just a water park and could introduce rides into the park, Personally i could find it as another big hit if they added some roller coasters or flat rides over time because i do think that they have the attendance numbers to expand jamberoo's potential, i still think that it would be seasonal if this was to happen because it can get bloody cold down there in cooler months

Edited by Coasterlife
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  On 13/02/2021 at 6:16 AM, Coasterlife said:

I don't know if you guys would agree with me on this or not but i kind of feel that jamberoo could become more than just a water park and could introduce rides into the park, Personally i could find it as another big hit if they added some roller coasters or flat rides over time because i do think that they have the attendance numbers to expand jamberoo's potential, i still think that it would be seasonal if this was to happen because it can get bloody cold down there in cooler months


You mean like they used to back when they were an "action park"?

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Does anyone else get the feeling that grand Gorge falls will have better theming then then the new Atlantis 🤷‍♂️ 
I think at least Jamberoo will have the waterfall aspect... 


As for expansion I’d love to see more rides there and on a hot summers day you can barely move there but the location in general is very seasonal, locals love it but it’s filled with tourist I imagine it would have to stay seasonal, Kiama is dead when it’s winter unless you love your surf 

There’s not much else to do there besides Jamberoo its basically just sight seeing, beaches and valleys, 

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  On 13/02/2021 at 6:16 AM, Coasterlife said:

I don't know if you guys would agree with me on this or not but i kind of feel that jamberoo could become more than just a water park and could introduce rides into the park, Personally i could find it as another big hit if they added some roller coasters or flat rides over time because i do think that they have the attendance numbers to expand jamberoo's potential, i still think that it would be seasonal if this was to happen because it can get bloody cold down there in cooler months


Yeah I dont feel that Jamberoo needs to go down that route. They need to consolidate on their water park offerings first- let them grow organically without having to introduce expensive dry rides in what is very much a seasonal park. The very nature of what Jamberoo has become and its location means that any plans for the park are very much focused on their water slide additions. That means that they will always be a seasonal park- any attempt to offer more attractions that could be year round would be expensive and utimately take away from any water park expansion. Remember this park isnt owned by a big multi national , its a family owned park and that means they have to be quite strategic in their new offerings. The closest I would like to see them introduce is an Alpine Coaster- the cross between a toboggan and a proper coaster. Jamberoo has certainly looked at installing one of these and there has even been a DA submitted but the park seems to have put plans for one on hold. This would give the park something unique and also flesh out their attractions. Lets hope they get one sooner rather than later!!

Whilst we have known about Grand Gorge Falls for some time lets not forget that as part of this plan is also to be installed a small kiddies area called Koala Kove-an interactive waterplay zone with wet deck for children and toddlers. This will be specifically a mini Banjo's Billabong for the littlies and will be the third such area Jamberoo will have for toddlers, giving it a specific charm and making it very family friendly. Koala Kove will be located just in front of the Grand Gorge Falls, replacing the existing small toddlers pools and Log Pool attraction.

KOALA KOVE: An interactive waterplay zone with wet deck for children and toddlers.  Pictures: Artist Impressions



As for the annoucement of Splash Out retiring, I visited the park on Saturday with a group of 10 families-( approximately 45 people) . Despite the poor weather ( it was very overcast but luckily not heavy rain) there was surprisingly quite a lot of people at the park- there were several large parties that all seemed to come at once. The toboggans were closed of course due to the rain but the chairlift still ran , giving riders a great view up and back down the mountain of the beautiful South Coast and  Illawarra area. The attendant at the Splash Out told me that the slides were being retired this month and that the new Grand Gorge was taking its place in time for next season. He was quite chatty about it so it was great to have his open input.

Upon leaving the park , given that its the park's 40th anniversary, they had a small homage to their past with restored examples of one of the Go karts that used to ply the track where the wave pool is now and also one of the Skooter Boats  that was in the nearby pond. I never saw the park when these attractions were in place , but its great to see a park respect its history like this. Brilliant!



Of course lets not forget that Jamberoo has had solid plans for expansion for over 15 years now. Below is concept artwork of what at the time was expected to go ahead. There have been several changes to these concepts already ( starting with the Perfect Storm ) , but I sincerely hope that we see the majority of these come to fruition- especially the Action River that encapsulates the entire area. Given that the Grand Gorge Falls is in an area entirely out of the scope of this concept art, it would appear that the plans for Jamberoo moving forward are highly fluid and not set into stone. If Jamberoo were to implement the offerings as per below WITH the Grand Gorge Falls, then it would clearly move ahead of its competition to evolving into the best water park in Australia.


Edited by Jobe
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  On 14/02/2021 at 9:03 AM, jjuttp said:

You mean like they used to back when they were an "action park"?


I think you mean 'recreation park' ? Jamberoo Action Park is their current iteration - as seen by the title on the plans shown above^

  On 14/02/2021 at 2:44 PM, Jobe said:

its the park's 40th anniversary, they had a small homage to their past with restored examples of one of the Go karts that used to ply the track where the wave pool is now and also one of the Skooter Boats  that was in the nearby pond. I never saw the park when these attractions were in place , but its great to see a park respect its history like this. Brilliant!

Of course lets not forget that Jamberoo has had solid plans for expansion for over 15 years now. Below is concept artwork of what at the time was expected to go ahead. There have been several changes to these concepts already ( starting with the Perfect Storm ) , but I sincerely hope that we see the majority of these come to fruition- especially the Action River that encapsulates the entire area. Given that the Grand Gorge Falls is in an area entirely out of the scope of this concept art, it would appear that the plans for Jamberoo moving forward are highly fluid and not set into stone. If Jamberoo were to implement the offerings as per below WITH the Grand Gorge Falls, then it would clearly move ahead of its competition to evolving into the best water park in Australia.


I was lucky enough to visit the park in the late 80s \ early 90s.

First up - a slight correction - the go karts were 'up the hill' from the entrance (ie - to the left) and were in the area now occupied by the splashdown pools of perfect storm, funnel web and Banjo's:


As you can see, the gokarts co-existed with the wavepool for quite some time.

The wavepool was built on the site of the old motorboat 'lake' which wasn't much more than a circular cattle dam. The rear of the wavepool (the north eastern edge) was also home to the lattice maze - opposite and 'down the hill' from The Rock.

Rapid River was at one point a large group of huts \ shelters, housing about 20 picnic tables each with BBQs at the ends, bookable by large groups (similar to what is on the northern side of Taipan today).

Surf Hill and the top end of taipan were grass-skiing hills. The brick building somewhat resembling a ski lodge next to rapid river has always been there, and originally was the grass ski hiring area, and a restaurant we never, ever went into.


As for plans, wayyyyy back when - more than 15 years ago, I visited the park as a photographer \ guest of the park, and shot some awesome pics mostly lost to time now. I did however meet with Dax in their boardroom, where they showed me the plans and concept art for their master plan at that point.

Thank goodness for the parkz forums archive, you all can enjoy some 2006 goodness and marvel at how much has been changed! (also, tagging @Slickfor the lolz.)





ETA - here is the original post on Parkz - https://www.parkz.com.au/forums/topic/2701-article-jamberoo-unveils-20-million-investment-plan/?do=findComment&comment=39136


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  On 14/02/2021 at 11:31 PM, Gazza said:

What an obnoxious watermark AlexB! What were you thinking at the time!


Ahhhh, those were the days of the Aussie Coaster Forum Wars. When good vs. evil, Roller Coaster vs. Dreamneva mate vs. mate and state vs. state reigned!

After that we were separated into 13 districts. President Wilson decreed no more war. And in return we offered up Roach as a tribute to be sacrificed into the enclave of community leaders so that others could live.


I was invited to, and did the shoot, on behalf of DreamNova. I didn't have to run around for permission, just called the number and they gave me a date I could come down. Of course, as we know, the DN site never really launched, but this was meant to be one of the first big articles. As time went on I shared it on R-C, ensured you could still see the picture, while obscuring enough of it that there was no way it could be appropriated by others. The original is actually shot on old school film negative, and if i ever find it, i'll be sure to get it reproduced without it, along with all my other shots of that day.

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So does anyone else reckon Surf Hill will get axed too? Super 8 reached the end of its life and was replaced with new fibreglass about 3 years ago, and Surf Hill isn't too much older...

I think it'll be a good slide all things said, H2Go at Raging Waters has barely any open air section , this one at least has a couple of good dips and looks to be one of the worlds tallest racing slides.

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  On 15/02/2021 at 1:19 AM, Gazza said:

So does anyone else reckon Surf Hill will get axed too? Super 8 reached the end of its life and was replaced with new fibreglass about 3 years ago, and Surf Hill isn't too much older...


I just assumed it would because the offering's so similar. On that note - any idea why they would have needed to replace Super 8? There are far older slides that still exist out there. Can't see how these slides are overly punished 

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  On 15/02/2021 at 12:17 PM, GoGoBoy said:

I just assumed it would because the offering's so similar. On that note - any idea why they would have needed to replace Super 8? There are far older slides that still exist out there. Can't see how these slides are overly punished 


Long, wide, flat(ish) slide, sitting in full sun with minimal water means it collects a lot of UV. That plus the type / thickness / colours of the fiberglass im sure come into play.


I also have a feeling, for once Wet n Wild did preventative rather than reactive and its benefitted greatly. Its throughput is massive, highly popular and the scoring actually working for once is a win.

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  On 15/02/2021 at 12:17 PM, GoGoBoy said:

I just assumed it would because the offering's so similar. On that note - any idea why they would have needed to replace Super 8? There are far older slides that still exist out there. Can't see how these slides are overly punished 


I  suppose there are a few AWL slides at local pools that operate 11-4 weekends/school holidays only, but few that see 365 day usage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently grand gorge falls will now be named Velocity Falls, If anyone is subscribed to the illawarra mercury there is the news article


Also splash out will now close on Sunday the 28th of feb

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  On 27/02/2021 at 2:54 AM, Coasterlife said:

Apparently grand gorge falls will now be named Velocity Falls, If anyone is subscribed to the illawarra mercury there is the news article


Also splash out will now close on Sunday the 28th of feb


found a link with most of story https://news.knowledia.com/AU/en/articles/jamberoo-action-park-s-splash-out-waterslide-to-be-replaced-by-new-cf972e17d5230ed6ff573647e22c739713f1666b 
see below:


It has been a rite of passage for generations of families in the Illawarra and beyond. Over decades, families have trekked up the hill at the Jamberoo Action Park to stand atop the Splash Out waterslide, the first waterslide at the region's much loved water park. It was the first place many felt the pang of anxiety before launching down a whitewash of water, being swayed and swung around before safely splashing into a pool of water and being told to get out of the way of the next person by a diligent lifeguard. Park owner and founder Jim Eddy can only estimate "millions" when asked on how many people would have travelled the slide in its lifetime. While not having the glitz and glamour of the new "whiz bang" modern slides like The Perfect Storm or the Funnel Web, Splash Out has been a family favourite for over four decades. Alas, all good things must come to an end. Splash Out is now in its finals days. It will be disassembled over Jamberoo's winter break to make way for a new $10 million attraction, Velocity Falls, which will be built in its place. "Splash Out was the third waterside in Australia," Mr Eddy remembered this week. "There was one in the Gold Coast and one in Coffs Harbour and the people who built the Coffs Harbour one built ours." In its earliest incarnation many would remember Jamberoo was a grass skiing park, a fad which seemed to come and go as quickly as it appeared across the country. "We built the grass ski park which opened in 1980 and the drought hit us pretty hard ... we couldn't put enough water on the grass to keep the grass growing," Mr Eddy said. "We looked around for alternatives, I saw the waterslide in Queensland and on driving back down the coast I saw the one in Coffs Harbour. "We didn't have money to pay for building it, we had to use our own resources. We were going to go to the bank to borrow the balance to pay the…

Edited by Rabbit2014
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  On 27/02/2021 at 6:37 AM, Coasterlife said:

At least we can confirm it is now velocity falls, I actually kind of prefer that over grand gorge falls 


Yeah agree. The Grand Gorge Falls was a bit of a mouthful and Velocity Falls gives greater connotations of speed! Looking forward to it!! Bring it on!!


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