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Splash Out at jamberoo officially closing to make way for Grand Gorge Falls


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  On 13/02/2021 at 6:16 AM, Coasterlife said:

...i kind of feel that jamberoo could become more than just a water park and could introduce rides into the park, Personally i could find it as another big hit if they added some roller coasters or flat rides over time because i do think that they have the attendance numbers to expand jamberoo's potential, i still think that it would be seasonal if this was to happen because it can get bloody cold down there in cooler months


In my opinion, they do have potential to expand back into non-water rides. The fact they've considered an alpine coaster shows this. However, they currently have a water park strategy which involves them hitting attendance targets before building a new ride. So once Velocity Falls is built, we won't see a new ride until new attendance targets are reached & given the pandemic, this could be a while.

  On 14/02/2021 at 1:44 PM, colonelbmx said:

Kiama is dead when it’s winter unless you love your surf 

There’s not much else to do there besides Jamberoo its basically just sight seeing, beaches and valleys, 


If you take Kiama on it's own, yes, outside summer, the tourist numbers are lower but Kiama is also part of a broader area called the Illawarra, which consists of Wollongong, Shellharbour and Kiama. Sometimes the Royal National Park & the part of the Shoalhaven north of the Shoalhaven River is considered part of the Illawarra too. Back in November, I wrote "If anyone wants to have a 'Gold Coast' holiday in the Illawarra, I'm happy to provide more tourism suggestions". Well, here is a short list of 'Gold Coast'-like suggestions:

There is more to do than just Jamberoo and the Illawarra's tourism future is looking strong.

  On 14/02/2021 at 2:44 PM, Jobe said:

The closest I would like to see them introduce is an Alpine Coaster- the cross between a toboggan and a proper coaster. Jamberoo has certainly looked at installing one of these and there has even been a DA submitted but the park seems to have put plans for one on hold.


The DA for it was never submitted. I just happened to find it within the DA mainly for the formerly planned Grand Gorge Falls.

  On 04/03/2021 at 11:58 PM, Slick said:

Who would've thought Jamberoo was going to be Australia's best themed waterpark?


Me 😜

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  On 09/03/2021 at 1:57 PM, Jamberoo Fan said:

Back in November, I replied "I mean, that's like wanting to visit Las Vegas, and substituting the Canberra casino... "

We get it. You're a 'warra local and you think its tops. But it's not a 'gold coast holiday in the Illawarra'. It's a holiday in the Illawarra.

Now, I don't wish to speak Illawarra, but Gold Coast it isn't, and the comparison is both grating and ludicrous.

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  On 09/03/2021 at 9:37 PM, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

Ah, Las Vegas. A casino city in the middle of the desert that tries to mimic Giza (though the casino is named after the city of Luxor)...

File:Las Vegas Luxor 04.jpg


Paris Las Vegas

...New York...

Las Vegas NY NY Hotel.jpg

...and maybe more (I can't be bothered checking every casino) but Las Vegas ain't no Cairo, Paris, New York etc. either.

I never said the Illawarra is trying to be the Gold Coast - just that their tourism offering is starting to get close to what you can get on the Gold Coast.

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  On 09/03/2021 at 1:57 PM, Jamberoo Fan said:

In my opinion, they do have potential to expand back into non-water rides. The fact they've considered an alpine coaster shows this.


Potential? No one is arguing that they do not have the potential. But that is not what we were discussing. The big issue is would they at this current time? And the answer is a resounding no. None of the expansion plans they have put forward have even looked at any dry rides or attractions, with the exception of the Alpine Coaster. And even then the plans for one have been put on hold or indefintiely deferred. To be honest, this is the only dry attraction that would make sense at this time. Jamberoo are expanding their water park operations because that is exactly what they need to do.

  On 09/03/2021 at 1:57 PM, Jamberoo Fan said:

The DA for it was never submitted. I just happened to find it within the DA mainly for the formerly planned Grand Gorge Falls.


My information was that they had submitted the DA and then voluntarily withdrew it. Either way its on hold or not in their short to medium plans.

  On 10/03/2021 at 6:55 AM, Jamberoo Fan said:

I never said the Illawarra is trying to be the Gold Coast - just that their tourism offering is starting to get close to what you can get on the Gold Coast.


Seriously? Look I love the Illawarra and South Coast region immensely however to compare what it offers to the Gold Coast and say they are nearly competing on even terms shows a bias that is clearly clouding better judgement.

  On 09/03/2021 at 9:37 PM, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

Now, I don't wish to speak Illawarra, but Gold Coast it isn't, and the comparison is both grating and ludicrous.


☝️ This is all that needs to be said.

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  On 10/03/2021 at 2:17 PM, Jobe said:

The big issue is would they at this current time? And the answer is a resounding no.


Agree. Even though they've considered an alpine coaster, I doubt we'd see a non-water ride until Kangaroo Island is finished being built and that's a while away, pandemic or not.

  On 10/03/2021 at 2:17 PM, Jobe said:

My information was that they had submitted the DA and then voluntarily withdrew it.


Well that's interesting! They're more serious about it than I initially thought.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 27/02/2021 at 2:54 AM, Coasterlife said:

Apparently grand gorge falls will now be named Velocity Falls, If anyone is subscribed to the illawarra mercury there is the news article


Also splash out will now close on Sunday the 28th of feb


It may be 45 days since the article was posted but here is the full article below complete with the new design of Velocity Falls, which was submitted to Kiama Municipal Council as a DA modification last Winter.

It also reveals Jamberoo Express is getting an upgrade & expansion (I assume the new 'track' (concrete path) that was proposed in the Kangaroo Island DA that goes from the Funnel Web observation deck to The Taipan via Velocity Falls's bridge is being built as part of this development allowing a full circumnavigation of the main areas of the park).

Lastly, it reveals, Platypus River, Kangaroo Island's lazy river, complete with wave machine, is the next development.

For those who don't know much about Fitzroy Falls, here is the official website:


Jamberoo Action Park's Splash Out waterslide to be replaced by new Velocity Falls attraction

Julian O'Brien Julian O'Brien


FAMILY FUN: A picture from the early days of Splash Out. Pictures: Jamberoo Action Park.

has been a rite of passage for generations of families in the Illawarra and beyond.

Over decades, families have trekked up the hill at the Jamberoo Action Park to stand atop the Splash Out waterslide, the first waterslide at the region's much loved water park.

It was the first place many felt the pang of anxiety before launching down a whitewash of water, being swayed and swung around before safely splashing into a pool of water and being told to get out of the way of the next person by a diligent lifeguard.

Park owner and founder Jim Eddy can only estimate "millions" when asked on how many people would have travelled the slide in its lifetime.

While not having the glitz and glamour of the new "whiz bang" modern slides like The Perfect Storm or the Funnel Web, Splash Out has been a family favourite for over four decades.

Alas, all good things must come to an end.

Splash Out is now in its finals days.

It will be disassembled over Jamberoo's winter break to make way for a new $10 million attraction, Velocity Falls, which will be built in its place.

"Splash Out was the third waterside in Australia" Mr Eddy remembered this week.

"There was one in the Gold Coast and one in Coffs Harbour and the people who built the Coffs Harbour one built ours."

In its earliest incarnation many would remember Jamberoo was a grass skiing park, a fad which seemed to come and go as quickly as it appeared across the country.


EARLY DAYS: Jamberoo originally opened in 1980 as a grass skiing park.

"We built the grass ski park which opened in 1980 and the drought hit us pretty hard ... we couldn't put enough water on the grass to keep the grass growing," Mr Eddy said.

"We looked around for alternatives, I saw the waterslide in Queensland and on driving back down the coast I saw the one in Coffs Harbour.

"We didn't have money to pay for building it, we had to use our own resources. We were going to go to the bank to borrow the balance to pay the building of (Splash Out) off but we just opened the slide anyway and away it went.

"It was a very successful development and probably one of the most successful we've ever had."

Since then in 1981, Jamberoo Action Park has grown immensely and is NSW's largest family owned and operated water theme park.

With the imminent closure of the ride which helped build it all, the Illawarra Mercury this week asked Mr Eddy to recreate a picture which the Mercury took for the opening of the slide.

The old black and white image features Mr Eddy and friends hurtling down the new sensation.


Park owner Jim Eddy joined staff to recreate an image the Illawarra Mercury took when the slide first opened. Photo: Adam McLean

Mr Eddy jumped at the chance this week to get back on his beloved ride.

"The simple design has been the essence of success of the ride" Mr Eddy said.

"It's inground, people don't have to walk up a tower and it's always landscaped so it looks good. But it's past its use-by date and what we've got planned is the biggest thing ever done in a single ride.

"It's a $10m development and it's going to give us a different perspective on the park."

So how did Mr Eddy enjoy the experience of riding Splash Out again?


Jamberoo Action Park founder Jim Eddy at Splash Out during the week. Picture: Adam McLean.

"It's exactly the same as it was 40 years," he said.

"Generally people could ride the thing 15-20 times in a day if they wanted. There would be millions who have been down that slide. The gel coat has worn off the slide on at least four occasions.

"There wouldn't be a slide in Australia or one in the world that has had that number of people down it. Very few slides are 40 years old."

Over the years, Mr Eddy admits there has been the odd unauthorised ride by trespassers.

"But we've got sensors all through the park now so we tend to catch them" he said.

The attraction which will take its place is a new, state-of-the art waterslide built by Canadian water park experts ProSlide called Velocity Falls.

Adapted from an earlier proposal, this concept is themed around the region's own Fitzroy Falls and designed to blend in with the local landscape.

The ride is currently making its way to Jamberoo on 45 42-foot shipping containers which arrive in the country in March.

It will involve a combination of several new waterslides and 33 new shelters for families.

"This is one ride but it's the centrepiece of the park" Mr Eddy said.

"It is a strong focal point and very valuable real estate for us, so we wanted to build something really outstanding. What we've tried to do at Jamberoo is develop the park and put a lot of attention on detail and theming of the park.

"This will be a rainforest/waterfall theme and we looked at Fitzroy Falls. A lot of the colours and the rock designs are ones you will see at that beautiful place.


A concept design of the Velocity Falls attraction which will replace Splash Out. Picture: Supplied.

"Essentially this is three different rides in the one ride and we went around the world looking at different developments to come up with this concept."

Also arriving during the off season will be a new train which will run on a network connecting the entire park.

The next planned development after Velocity Falls will involve a 440 m long river connecting existing elements of the park and involving three different formations of waves.

Despite a summer of bushfires two years ago and a COVID-tainted summer, Mr Eddy said it had been a relatively strong season.

"This summer has been well above our budget and although we've had some crook weather, because people haven't been able to travel overseas or have been restricted in movement we've been flooded," he said.

"We've had some 9000 people days at the park where people have just flooded out of their homes and made their way to the park in huge numbers."

Yet he acknowledges it has been a much tougher environment for smaller operators or those interstate.

"The mind games that have gone on in trying to stay about it, be resilient and hold everything together has been hard on some people," Mr Eddy said.

"Look at what has gone on in Victoria, I feel so sorry for those businesses."

It is hoped the Velocity Falls will be ready in time for the September reopening of the park.



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-The slide is now  a proper rally racer, with the final drop being enclosed, and a short open air section after the braided section, as well as  a short one just after the start line (similar to Red Belly Racer at Gumbuya)

@joz probably doesn’t like this since you only have limited chances to see your mates competing in parallel.


-They’ve come to their senses and put the two speed slides on one side, so they wont have to split the queueing. One of them will be a turbo tunnel, which looks awesome.

Happy to have a normal speed slide back in the country too!

Edited by Gazza
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  On 14/04/2021 at 3:10 AM, Ranger said:

Wowza’s quick reply

Just to clarify, will the trapdoor slide be straight down with some hills or will it have twists?


Two trapdoor start boxes:


You can see in the artwork what each one does. One is a straight speed slide with humps, the other has  twists and turns.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Whilst Jamberoo's 2020-2021 season finished last Sunday, a little bit of news from a week before that - On Jamberoo's Frequently Asked Questions page, they put:


Bobsled Blue Track...closed as of 19 April...to allow for the construction of a new water ride development at Jamberoo Action Park


The closure on 19 April meant only on the final 2 operating days of the 2020-2021 season (24 & 25 April) the Bobsled Blue Track will not be operating.

It should be assumed that the Bobsled Blue Track will be closed until Velocity Falls (and not and/or Koala Kove) opens so it could still be closed when the 2021-2022 season starts.

For non-Jamberoo enthusiasts, the Blue Bobsled Track is the fast, experienced riders track.

If you head to Jamberoo for the Bobsleds while the Blue Bobsled Track is closed, you risk a very slow, traffic jam-filled bobsled ride due to slow or inexperienced riders. Best to wait until the Blue Bobsled Track reopens for a fast, smooth ride with no or little traffic jams.

Remember, if you don't want a slow, traffic-jam filled bobsled ride, you can also still take the Chairlift to admire the views at the top of the mountain and take a rare trip on the Chairlift back down the mountain.

Also, here is the Dive-In Movies schedule for the recently finished 2020-2021 season:

  • 26/12/2020 - E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial
  • 02/01/2021 - Ride Like A Girl
  • 09/01/2021 - ¡Three Amigos!
  • 16/01/2021 - The Secret Life Of Pets 2
  • 23/01/2021 - Back To The Future
  • 30/01/2021 - Paddington

The 2020-2021 season's Dive-In Movies started an hour earlier at 5pm but still on Saturdays and still at Outback Bay.

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