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Luna park 9 new rides construction


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4 hours ago, StingRay said:

This whole "idea" of Buzzsaw going to the park is about as bad as the one from when Wonderland closed and people said Bounty's Revenge was going into the exact same grassed area.

Buzzsaw is not coming to Sydney, Period.

What if we scuttle it in the water at Circular Quay? 

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Whats the future of the train line being there in the foreseeable future near Luna Park I've heard stories that the Lavender Bay sidings are not going to be around forever, could Luna Park use that space for new rides. Luna Park should have bought North Sydney pool and turned it into a mini waterpark as well.

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38 minutes ago, themeparkman said:

Whats the future of the train line being there in the foreseeable future near Luna Park I've heard stories that the Lavender Bay sidings are not going to be around forever, could Luna Park use that space for new rides. Luna Park should have bought North Sydney pool and turned it into a mini waterpark as well.

The railway sidings are Crown land and for any land to be given to Luna Park would take a change of the land usage in order to do so. The life of the sidings is still an issue as well- they are integrated into the Sydney network and are utilised regularly for overflow capacity etc. They still have a life of at least 10 years according to Sydney .Also a public interest gropu has designs on the corridor and has garnered a lot of interest and support for what is called the Sydney Highline project. Its conceivable that Luna Park could be gifted a parcel of the land and still have the Highline project in place but this would be years away before it could be really looked at. I am guessing that there would also be opposition from nearby residents as well who mostly desire to keep the green corridor intact and not see it eaten up by amusement attractions and additions to Luna Park- which will also cause aesthetic , noise and light complaints, not to mention issues with line of sight interrupting views.

North Sydney Pool is an icon and will always remain so. Luna Park and the pool have a close relationship. There is no way that Luna Park will ever own North Sydney Pool.

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I think the Lavender Bay Railway Sidings in the future will probably be a walking track from the back of LPS to Waverton Station. I think the residents would be furious if the park got any of the siding land, but some residents might not care either. So it's more likely I think to be some sort of walking track as it would link up Wendy's Secret Garden, the railway tunnel and the views that come with it.

Having said that though, you never know they sold off a bit when the 95 redevelopment got going to make way for the 2nd Big Dipper. So it wouldn't surprise me if they might get a little bit of the land; but it really is just a guess or a dream sort of thing.

But if they were to put rides there I think it could be a great spot for a future River Caves attraction and the entrance could be below the 3rd Big Dipper?

What does everyone think to the land potentially being used for a future River Caves ride?    

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2 hours ago, Jim said:

What does everyone think to the land potentially being used for a future River Caves ride?    

I actually brought this up while training on the Rockin Tug and Tango Train, and it seemed like it was a good idea to everyone around me at the time. This park’s next ride would definitely be something water-based in my opinion. It’s just the next gap to fill. We have the steel thrill coaster, wooden coaster, family coaster, kiddie coaster, and flat rides catering to all thrill categories. This is the logical next step for a new ride. 

That land would be great for a ride like this, whether or not it includes more thrilling elements, or is a tribute/recreation to the original River Caves (which is more of a water-dark ride), I think the park would benefit from it in the future. Also, it would also fill in that dark-ride gap as well, two birds with one stone!

Edited by Gtmichaels
Spelling, not too bright after 5 hours of studies
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My dream Luna Park can use the land all the way up to Waverton Station, there should be a log mountain ride going in like Splash Mountain in Disneyland or Wild West Falls at Movieworld. Then there could be a dark rollercoaster ride going under the tunnels in the Lavender Bay train line going to Waverton Station. They should replace the wooden wild mouse ride with a thrill ride.  

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49 minutes ago, themeparkman said:

They should replace the wooden wild mouse ride with a thrill ride.  

Although I like your ideas surrounding the water ride, I do have to respectfully disagree here. The wild mouse is such a historical attraction, and is the second oldest coaster still operating in all of Australia, and one of 3 wooden wild mouses still operating in the entire world! It also takes up little space, so removing it won’t free up much anyways.

What can I say? It just fits in so well there. Unless it ever becomes unsafe, I don’t see this ride leaving anytime soon, it would hurt the park line-up even more. I see too many parks removing iconic attractions, that were operating fine and were totally ridable and enjoyable. Like Arkham Asylum at Movie World, definitely not as old as the Wild Mouse, but was just becoming unbearable with the rattle, even though those new restraints added life to the coaster for another few years.

Anyways, that’s just my picky opinion, I do have to say though, having a WWF style ride would be epic ngl! 😆

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1 hour ago, themeparkman said:

 They should replace the wooden wild mouse ride with a thrill ride.  

A la Aussie World replacing theirs with a crappy run of the mill Zamperla spinning wild mouse that you see at the easter show? No thanks.

Also Wild Mouse is subject to a heritage listing by the NSW government so it isn't going anywhere.


Edited by Baconjack
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1 hour ago, themeparkman said:

They should replace the wooden wild mouse ride with a thrill ride.  

Firstly, sorry mate IMHO this is a terrible idea. This is an historic ride- one of only 3 surviving Wooden Wild Mouse in the world. As such, this ride is now protected by a heritage order and the owner of Luna Park has to ensure its upkeep, general maintenaince and surety that it will not be moved. It is part of the Luna Park site act and is heritage listed along with Coney Island, the Towers and Face, The Crystal Palace and the Rotor.  It is not going anywhere and thats a good thing.


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Yeah, some thrill flat ride is objectivley worse than a classic wooden  mouse.

Waverton station is 1.8km from Lavender Green so would be the worlds longest coaster (unless it was a shuttle) so probably wont happen.

I do wish they would relocate the stabling though, surley they can fit 6 stabling roads elsewhere on the T1.


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I think LP owns all the space it ever will own… and quite frankly I think it’s plenty. I do love the idea of the River Caves though.


honestly, some other park in the next few decades will probably prop up somewhere in NSW, where all these crazy attractions we desire will spring up. LP suits the ‘boardwalk-esque’ size of its park, so as weird as it might sound, i think it’s great as it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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1 hour ago, Gazza said:

I do wish they would relocate the stabling though, surley they can fit 6 stabling roads elsewhere on the T1.


Would be nice but it wont happen. The land the park have not is all they will get unfortunately. Its interesting to note though (you'll need to google it) a siding used to sit right up against the cliff wall pretty much up until just behind Big Dippers station many many moons ago.

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2 hours ago, Gazza said:

If they did do it, at least it would give some leverage to compromise. 

Eg Luna park gets a little bit of extra land (20%), but the local community gets heaps of extra linear parkland (80%)

Please, The NSW government don't understand logic.

Great idea though, But honestly more houses exist down that end of Lavender Bay so I don't ever really see that happening. Most of the noise complaints actually occur from the other side of Lavender bay.

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On 28/09/2021 at 5:09 PM, Jim said:

But if they were to put rides there I think it could be a great spot for a future River Caves attraction and the entrance could be below the 3rd Big Dipper?

What does everyone think to the land potentially being used for a future River Caves ride?    

This is what I've been wanting all along and I will not rest until the River Caves come back; reality be damned!!

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On 29/09/2021 at 11:22 AM, themeparkman said:

They should replace the wooden wild mouse ride with a thrill ride.  

Clearly you haven't experienced the thrill of being on a 60 year old rickety wooden coaster with unbanked turns and wheels lifting off the track! Not to mention if you get rid of one of the most popular rides at the park with a lot of nostalgic memories you will have a heap of disgruntled customers. Also being the last one of it's kind in the world, I reckon it's pretty deserving of the heritage protection.

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1 minute ago, Jim said:

On the subject of long term views. Does anyone know how long the third Big Dipper’s life expectancy will be?

like 30 years? Or longer? 

Coasters can last for a very long term if politics, maintenance and economics are kind to them. You wouldn't put a coaster unless you expected to be able to spread that expenditure over a good period of years of operation. I can't imagine even internally they would put a use by date on a brand new coaster yet to open. Biggest thing going against it will be it's a first of it's kind model from a manfucaturer that hasn't been without it's maintenance nightmares in the past but it's lifespan should be in the decades if nothing else comes against it.

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2 minutes ago, MrLukeCarroll said:

Coasters can last for a very long term if politics, maintenance and economics are kind to them. You wouldn't put a coaster unless you expected to be able to spread that expenditure over a good period of years of operation. I can't imagine even internally they would put a use by date on a brand new coaster yet to open. Biggest thing going against it will be it's a first of it's kind model from a manfucaturer that hasn't been without it's maintenance nightmares in the past but it's lifespan should be in the decades if nothing else comes against it.

Yeah well that's the thing about this one, it will be very interesting to see how this coaster goes long term. I hope it is there for more than 20 years at least, but being the first of it's kind, it will be interesting to see how it goes. Plus not to mention all the sea air that it will be exposed too. 

I hope the 1995 events don't repeat again and I don't think they will. But it would not surprise me if a few residents try and interfere with the new Big Dipper's operation, but I hope they don't. 

Politics, maintenance, economics, will play a role in this coaster's life of course, but yeah I think it will be fine.  

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Intamin prototypes and unique installations usually don't have the most reliable track record (in fact, any intamin product really).

That being said I don't see much going wrong with the Hot Racer. When you narrow down to the core bits Intamin's done all of it before and there isn't anything experimental on the ride. Mechanically the ride is using the drive tire launch tech, the exact one you see on Jet Rescue and Motocoaster and has been used by intamin for nearly 20 years. Track wise this ride isn't anything substantial, it is basically the same normal intamin track but scaled down and the crosstie area filled in to make it look like a single rail.

Re: politics. Neighbours are going to mobilise against this ride's operation, it is a matter of when, not if. But we know that LPS is legally protected from complaints pertaining to noise, and we also know that LPS has planned the attraction in compliance with the enormous list of regulations governing new ride installations on the site. LPS are 100% in the right here and as we know residents mobilised against rides like Hair Raiser but those efforts proved unsuccessful. Fingers crossed sanity prevails in the end.

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On 01/10/2021 at 8:10 AM, MrLukeCarroll said:

Coasters can last for a very long term if politics, maintenance and economics are kind to them. You wouldn't put a coaster unless you expected to be able to spread that expenditure over a good period of years of operation. I can't imagine even internally they would put a use by date on a brand new coaster yet to open. Biggest thing going against it will be it's a first of it's kind model from a manfucaturer that hasn't been without it's maintenance nightmares in the past but it's lifespan should be in the decades if nothing else comes against it.

If they keep the passengers under 75kg it should easily last 30 years

Edited by JoshiYomanto
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