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I was at dreamworld on sunday(no news to give u!) I was at dreamworld today(monday) the supports were all inside the constrution zone...I was there at 10-30 today and they have already placed together two of the 4 supports, and the other two were getting ready to be joined. They are joined together waith a triangle piece, and inside the triangle is a circle, this is were im guessing will be were the rides boom attatches to the swinging pole. the area were the ride is has been fenced off wider now. the pieces are joined together put r still laying on the ground,,(i left the park so anything could have happend since then) so when u look into the area the pieces look like two big V' s joined...i didnt have my cam(i got a new digital cam so ill be able to take photos now for u. they have also welded on a maintanance ladder the entire length of one of the supports. (lots of workers there and big men in suits) (the triangle pieces must of arrived today because i havent seen them in the car park.)

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Also great pic richard, I cant believe that it went from the ground up since I left the park at midday. I was just saying to someone who works there this morning "I bet its up and standing by the weekend" lol, not in 5 hours time. there was only a little crane there in the morning, that had an arm about 8 meters long, they were using it to just move things around the area. thats why i didnt think it would go up yet, cause there was no big cranes to lift.

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That's what I say. New rides are good... very good. And seeing as though there is apparantley no construction going on at any of the other parks it looks like DW will be the only one with something new this year. Movie World and Wet 'n' Wild are going to have to pull something pretty special out soon. All we've had from WnW for the last few years is a really bad spa/whirlpool attraction and the worst thing is every year they keep promoting it as something new and amazing

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It wouldnt cost much for WnW too pull something out of the hat, but I have to question their logic on buliding a spa/whrilpool anyway? Thats something you can already do at an aquatic centre. Well, the ride looks very cool, I really like the colours, Ill have to head up soon and ride it, but untill then the street fighter at the show will have to do.

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Ken? Ken? The bloody male model from Mudgee! Ahhh, you must be bloody joking! It hits the pad, there's a big appeal... **Boom** That's out Kenny my boy. I'm sorry to have to do this to you, but I can't let a bloody, male, model, from Mudgee, rob me, of, my rightful place, on, the, commentary, *bloody* team. **Boom** I look forward to getting on the Claw anyhows. Should be good fun.

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I'd rather if the Whirlpool discussion moved to the Wet'n'Wild forum, but while we're on it, the thinking behind it perhaps focused more on the winter aspect than the summer attraction. At times of the year like this, walking around half-naked can get to you, and the fact that you're in and out of water the whole time doesn't help. Whirlpool is a very welcome attraction for the winter months, and I believe on the whole was a good choice, even if perhaps they've made far too much of it with marketing. They needed a gimick for summer, because hot spas aren't too attractive when it's hotter out than it is in them. The summer aspect definitely didn't hit as they had intended (what good is a 1,000pph capacity if you're barely getting 50 through because of the lack of interest?). Back on topic now. :) It'll be outward-facing, because that's Intamin's style. I think inwards looks to be a far more exciting ride. There's a much nicer view, and the inverted swings will be emphasised more so than they are on the inward facing versions.

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If you look at the pictures of Ian's then you can see two large semi-circle parts (red) that could be the base of the ride. The large red beams beside the semi-circles could be for the suports between the main support beam and the outside semi-circle that we can see in the pictures from the company's web page, at ridetrade.com. Goto the bottom of the page and click the Gyro picture to see what I mean. Any other thoughts on the parts?

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That's correct. One thing interesting to note is that they've significantly modified the design since previous versions of the ride. The number of sets of spokes has been reduced from 32 sets of two to around 24 single, thicker spokes, and the ring has also been made from a significantly thicker diameter steel. I think it's still a fair way off from being as nice to look at as Huss' Giant Frisbee, but it'll look a lot less cluttered than previous Intamin versions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well people, I was at dreamworld yesterday, the gondola itself is now on, and is only missing about 4 seats, the rest of the seats and harnesses are in place...(LETS GET THIS THING SWINGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) There were lots of workers on it today. and dreamworld management on the site...Even climbing up onto the platform

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The best explanation I can come up with for the seemingly oversized control room is that perhaps this is smarter than your average flat ride. They may well be doing things that are becoming more common on coasters such as weigh the gondola and adjust the power for the motors as necessary. I'm not willing to pass judgement on the gondola until it's at least completed, or in motion. It does look odd at this stage, but I'm willing to bet that once it's all done and going it'll be a little more pleasant to look at. Maybe an aquired taste if nothing else.

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