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Dreamworld General Park Update - April 2021


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Nothing too major to update, but while at the park this morning I noticed they have created a shortcut between Kung Fu Panda and Shrek



This connects the Kung Fu Academy and the merry-go-round.

Dronkeys Flyers has been completely removed for maintenance 


Along with this, Shockwave, Tailspin, Escape from Madagascar were all closed for maintenance and Pandamonium was having technical issues. I get maintenance is required, but they should have scheduled it outside the school holidays. A staff member out the front was saying on the PA system for ‘guests to check the A frames for closed rides. Due to COVID, maintenance has been pushed back and is currently impacting a number of our rides’

I also noticed this detail at Central Station


It appears that there was something that used to be on a small track under the clock. Anyone know what that this is/was? I definitely think they should do some trimming on the vine that is climbing up the front of the station, it is starting to look messy and I’d love to see all the classic station building again 

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"Due to Covid this", "Due to Covid that".  I don't think the public is going to keep tolerating Covid being the excuse for providing a shit customer experience for too much longer.

I especially think that Dreamworld telling guests about pushing back maintenance is not the smartest PR they could be doing.

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29 minutes ago, themagician said:

Along with this, Shockwave, Tailspin, Escape from Madagascar were all closed for maintenance and Pandamonium was having technical issues.

And this was the exact same rides (incl Pandamonium with tech issues) that were down on the first day of the school holidays, so there has not been any progress made in the past 16 days to bring any of these online during the holidays.


30 minutes ago, themagician said:

This connects the Kung Fu Academy and the merry-go-round.

I dont frequent that area much now that my son no longer has interest in Dronkey Flyer and the Shrek-Go-Round (Thank God) but that shortcut was there i'd say at least 18 months-2 years ago.

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7 hours ago, themagician said:

It appears that there was something that used to be on a small track under the clock. Anyone know what that this is/was? I definitely think they should do some trimming on the vine that is climbing up the front of the station, it is starting to look messy and I’d love to see all the classic station building again 

It's a little mini-train that would ride around every so often. It's still there, it 100% works, it just needs to be plugged back in and turned on. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Might be coming towards the end of the licencing period? DW looking to cut costs - its not as it the Mick Doohan licence is exactly relevant or valuable today, compared to what it was 15 years ago when in development.

Doohan's sprawling mansion down the road from the park at Coomera Waters is for sale, maybe he's done with the GC...

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A boom gate has been installed at the entry to allow cranes to carry track pieces across the road 


Dreamworld, your bush needs a trim


And a few years ago @Slick did an update and said how ugly the laser domes looked that were used for night events. Not sure how long they have been gone for, but today I notched they have been removed 

Unfortunately you can still see the aircon units

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Great article and thanks for sharing. Reassuring having Greg in charge. I do think the only thing that could hold him back at the moment is money - but it sounds like they've got a bit more they can dig into. I know this will probably derail the thread, but if DW only builds one new major attraction for 2023 after Steel Taipan, what do you think would be the most 'strategic' option? I'm thinking it needs to be some sort of water ride or flume, it's the freaking GC afterall. Thoughts?

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