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Movieworld 30 Year Anniversary Celebration Predictions


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  On 13/05/2021 at 11:04 AM, Park Addict 93 said:

It's not simply a new parade, it's an event with returning characters, new shows and yes finishing each day with a large parade.

I think you underestimate the nostalgic appeal of some of their old characters.


Inside info or having a stab? 

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  On 13/05/2021 at 11:13 AM, Smol bean said:

Where did you get this from?


Ally mentioned it on a TV commercial tonight. Was something like "Tomorrow on Today we get a sneak peak of all the new attractions coming to the Gold Coast theme parks in the morning" 

It could be in regards to Seaworld new additions and Steel Taipan. But could also be these announcements tomorrow from VRTP... We will have to wait


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  On 13/05/2021 at 8:49 AM, Mc coaster said:

Just checked and Wet’n’Wild also posted a tease about  tomorrows announcement. https://www.instagram.com/p/COznY11rwJo/?igshid=1dlij3tgt11pe.

It seems to be the shadow/reflection of a new slide tower on the surface of the water. It’s definitely very intriguing.




Australia's "tallest waterslide"... Seems exciting

Image credit: Wherever GCB got the pic from (I can't read the article because of the paywall)

Wet n Wild New Slide.jpg

Edited by Im Hungry
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  On 13/05/2021 at 9:32 AM, Brad2912 said:

Looked like a burrow so was thinking wombat but the video shows some type of long limb



Can confirm it’s Meerkats

While this event is great and it’s good to see them celebrating this milestone. I was really hoping for a new attraction too (unless they are staying hush about it until 8am)

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It’s a new parade with some extra bits and bobs here and there. When the COO says “it’s a big announcement, no one can compete with us”, a new parade and some new (old) characters is a bit underwhelming. Yes WNW finally gets some investment, but it’s hardly the game changer that was alluded to. 

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  On 13/05/2021 at 9:48 PM, TimmyG said:

It’s a new parade with some extra bits and bobs here and there. When the COO says “it’s a big announcement, no one can compete with us”, a new parade and some new (old) characters is a bit underwhelming. Yes WNW finally gets some investment, but it’s hardly the game changer that was alluded to. 


I’m not underwhelmed, I wish the event could run longer!

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I am definitely excited for this event. It will be great to see all these characters back in the park, even some that refer back to classic attractions. Bringing back something like Marvin the Martian 3D is awesome and I look forward to seeing what they do in the WB Studio Showcase.

It’s fantastic to see WNW get a new attraction after almost 10 years. The park really needs it and there is definitely a good variety of slides in there. It will really bring life back to this corner of the park. And while it’s not quite a full hydro coaster, it’s awesome they are finally getting some form of one. I have also heard there will be new bathrooms and food options added back here as well. 

Bikash did say we would be getting an announcement in May and there would be another to follow this year. Maybe that could potentially be a new attraction for the  MW

And while it could be seen as the other forgotten park, it’s great that they are still investing in Paradise Country and meerkats are a great addition 

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  On 13/05/2021 at 10:25 PM, rappa said:

3 new rides at Sea World, new slide complex at WnW, new exhibit at PC, big new event and parade probably with the most ‘movieness’ we’ve seen at Movie World in ages


Really is a great new additions everywhere. Might have to make a trip back to QLD to be there for the new event. 

And most excited about the new stuff at Movie World. Park was really looking worn-out and tired across most things so this will hopefully give some life back to the park. 

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Who the hell knows what the guy was referring to, but many people took his “you can’t compete with us” statement to be about the upcoming announcements, which in turn are;

New Parade, using it as an excuse to do extended trade.. whoop de doo. 

New Slide for a badly neglected water park (finally!) 

Meerkats for a park that up until Covid hit, only the international market cared for. 

Credit where credit is due, not even village cared for Paradise Country until only a few years ago, using it as a silent park mainly sold to the international guests as a way to try to steal some of that market from Dreamworld. So good work to them for finally acknowledging it’s existence and doing something with the place, but honestly, the place could be so much more. 

I think an announcement that ground is being broken on Hotel V would be more exciting than this. 

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  On 13/05/2021 at 11:09 PM, rappa said:

I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. 
They may not have announced an earth shattering attraction, but can’t really blame them when that going to happen was only created in ones own mind. 


Very true, however at some stage one has to take some responsibility for the message that he or she is putting out there, and how it is being perceived. If they don’t, you have a boy who cries wolf situation. Marketing 101. 

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I think really it depends if the message is for enthusiasts or the media. 
Because both have very different perceptions. 

In this one case I think it counts as a big announcement, and the “can’t compete” certainly is reference to the offering as a whole and not one single item. Its also quite boastful yes, but that is his style. 

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  On 13/05/2021 at 11:09 PM, rappa said:

I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. 
They may not have announced an earth shattering attraction, but can’t really blame them when that going to happen was only created in ones own mind. 


Hyping up things in theme parks is basically playing with fire. Very rarely does it actually pay off because there are so many variables that factor into ones individual outcome beyond just doing good things and yes, people have wild imaginations. Whilst I do feel like a fool for getting hyped myself thinking that really big things were on the horizons because of the wording of the message,  I think this is why most international operators usually keep their mouths shut on upcoming attractions and let out very calculated bits of information that tapper expectations.

VRTP hyped this up to be huge and it's all nice additions but it's nothing outrageous and the general vibe from fans seems pretty lukewarm. Though up the road Dreamworld has been keeping their cards close to their chest about snek coaster and the other day when they dropped that it had a themed tunnel you could mistake that as the second coming of Jesus. I hate to go down the route of VRTP vs Dreamworld, but you can tell they're being very careful about what comes out. Perhaps it's a Greg thing because I remember DC Rivals wasn't even announced when construction started.

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