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Dreamworld's new attraction is made official


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This would have to be the most cynical group of people I have ever come across. Just because everyone here knows about rides doesn't mean that 'The Claw' is a bad thing. I have ridden the Mondial Revolution version of this ride and found it to be the most enjoyable and smooth ride I have ever been on. I also think that the Mondial version looks much better than the Intamin one. For the majority of people who go to Dreamworld this will be a very exciting addition to the park and it will bring alot of people into the park to experience it. What did you expect Dreamworld to put in the press release? Dreamworld's version. What you want. "The ultimate thrill ride" - "moderately thrilling ride" "the most terrifying talon in the world" - "boring swinging thing" "the most powerful pendulum on the planet" - "swinging thing that has a bit of power" "the ride of your life!" - "you will fall asleep on this one" "now you’re in the merciless clutches of The Claw" - Yeah I have to agree this line is just stupid. "perch perilously close to the edge" - "you're nowhere near the edge so don't worry" "the ultimate rush of pure adrenalin" - "adrenalin? You won't get any on this ride" "the most menacing of its kind ever built" - "there are others but they are better" "fingernail-biting, spine-tingling, knee-knocking nightmare" - "yawn, scratch, fart" Come on Dreamworld are trying to sell this ride to the public not turn them away. You have to remember that it is the first of its kind in the southern hemisphere and most people will love it. I'm tipping it to become one of, if not the most popular ride at Dreamworld. "The Bus is now leaving for Popular Gardens, NSW"

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I have to agree with Bus on this point... We all sat around here winging for a very long time about the lack of additions to Wonderland all those years. Now Dreamworld is adding rides (and for no particular need or anything) and we are doing our best to complain about it not being good enough. I agree it's not E-ticket and it's not quite in the same league as Wipeout but the GP with think it's fantastic and that's really all that is needed. I'm sure we won't be dissapointed when the park does get it's next 'E Ticket.'

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wonderbus, look over it again. No one has said anything at all about the ride itself being bad. I've said several times that this will be a highly enjoyable ride and will become one of Dreamworld's most popular. My point was that Dreamworld are making this ride out to be something that it's not - an intense thrill ride. It is possible to sell a ride to the public without making it out to be the biggest and best. It reads to me like Dreamworld were so insecure about this ride that they had to slip a superlative into every phrase. Read the Giant Drop, Cyclone or Tower of Terror press releases - they are by all respects far more "thrilling" thrill rides, yet even those ones don't emphasise the "thrillingness" in every phrase like this one did. Just because it's not sinking in, my point here isn't to do with the ride, or even the "obligation" that parks have to hype attractions through super-positive press releases. It's just that I think that they've taken the marketing of this ride in a direction that perhaps isn't most effective for this ride, even if it fits in with Dreamworld's own plans. In doing so it seems they took it a bit too far. I agree that people will see an ad for the ride, make their way to Dreamworld and give it a spin. They'll come off the ride having thoroughly enjoyed the experience, though probably feel it didn't quite live up to the hype. Of course, no harm is done by the end of the day when they've ridden Giant Drop, Tower of Terror and Wipeout, which give anyone the adrenalin or thrills they need. The same thing happened with Cyclone - people came, they rode and perhaps even came off feeling underwhelmed by it, but it's all good by the end of the day.

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No see I agree with you completely (and have from the start) Richard about making out it's something that it's not. However, in my opinion (yes for all you youngins I actualy used the words and not IMO) the GP will see it as a thrill attraction. I believe that to them it will live up to the PR hype, it's just that we know better. We (and by we I mean those who have been fortunate enough to go abroad and sample their rides) are probably spoilt like that.

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I don't know, when ToT I heard many people say it was boring. "It just goes up and then back again. Wow!". Can't say I agree with them since I like ToT (and seem to like it more and more everytime I ride it), but there you go. Same thing here, they're trying to make the ride sound like the most extreme ride ever, which is kinda hard to do when you've got 3 other rides in the park which quite easily are more thrilling then it. I do think though that unlike the other 3 this one will have universal appeal, and probably strikes the balance between high excitement and low intensity better then most of the rides in the park. I'm really looking forward to the experience, and the nifty view the ride should bring. Just the phrasing in the release is a bit ambitious, almost like there willing the ride to be more thrilling. This isn't a DW specific bash, a quick search through the Press Release Database reveals this golden nugget from one of SW's press releases (See, how unbiased am I?)reveals this take on a Zamperla convoy ride which is on Cartoon Beach in the form of Woody's Beach trucks ):

Woody’s Beachtrucks is such an adventure, where riders cruise the highways in a miniature replica beachtruck convoy. These rough and ready trucks travel on an action packed 40 metre journey with straights and bends to challenge even the toughest rider.
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Richard, please re-read my post and you will see that I said "Just because everyone here knows about rides doesn't mean that 'The Claw' is a bad thing.". Not "You all think this ride is crap". What I meant by my comment was that you are all whinging about the name, size, colour, theming (if there will be any), placement (does it fit in with Ocean Parade?), why can't you just be glad that there is a new attraction coming? As for the name, what's wrong with it? "The Claw" fits well with the Ocean Parade theme, after all crabs have claws don't they? They live in the ocean don't they? I’m pretty sure that a large group of crabs moving together is called a parade. "The Bus is now leaving for Crab Claw Island, Northern Territory"

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You called us "the most cynical group of people I have ever come across" and then say the reason is we're "whinging" about the "name, size, colour, theming, placement." Apparently you can't discuss aspects of this new ride, that's whinging. It has been mentioned that some aren't clear about how they will theme it to fit in with Ocean Parade, and also that people may confuse it for the traveling ride of the same name. In regards to theming, how it fits in will be revealed at a later date. It is disappointing that Dreamworld didn't opt for a larger version of the ride, especially given Dreamworld's history with thrill rides. I'd hardly call that whinging. It's also useful to add that in terms of forces, intensity etc., the size of the model doesn't matter - it's all the same. The only difference with the larger ones is they spin faster, swing faster and go higher. That's the first I've heard about the colour. My personal opinion on the colour is it probably isn't the way I'd have gone, but it is bright and it will definitely fit in nicely with the surroundings. Theming hasn't really been discussed, nor has there been much in the way of "whinging" - not too odd given that they're yet to start on theming or release even what it'll consist of.

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I never was to sure about a Gyro Swing at Dreamworld(when I found out what it was.)I go to tennis at a place run by Pat Cash,called Cash-Hopper.It's close to DW,and on the way there I could see the Claw clearly.While it was heaps bigger than I had expected,I agree that it won't give pure adrenalin and ultimate thrills.The only way can see it doing so is if it actually swung 360 degrees,in otherwords upside down,and that aint happening.Couldn't they call it the Twister,or something interesting.But I do have to agree that the colours are great.Also,I remember someone saying somewhere that if it's called Claw,then why don't they stck it in Tiger Island. A.They don't exactly have much space,do there. B.I'm not sure the Tigers would enjoy the noise too much,especially if DW introduced fright night. C.Also on noise,the presentors would have to deal with the screams in the back ground. D.TigerIsland is a nice place,and whopping great ride going to ruin the area. Also,last time I looked,Movieqworld still hadn't cleard up the sound studio.One half was completely burned to the ground,with the other half still satnding.

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I never was to sure about a Gyro Swing at Dreamworld(when I found out what it was.)I go to tennis at a place run by Pat Cash,called Cash-Hopper.It's close to DW,and on the way there I could see the Claw clearly.While it was heaps bigger than I had expected,I agree that it won't give pure adrenalin and ultimate thrills.The only way can see it doing so is if it actually swung 360 degrees,in otherwords upside down,and that aint happening.Couldn't they call it the Twister,or something interesting.But I do have to agree that the colours are great.Also,I remember someone saying somewhere that if it's called Claw,then why don't they stck it in Tiger Island. A.They don't exactly have much space,do there. B.I'm not sure the Tigers would enjoy the noise too much,especially if DW introduced fright night. C.Also on noise,the presentors would have to deal with the screams in the back ground. D.TigerIsland is a nice place,and whopping great ride going to ruin the area. Also,last time I looked,Movieworld still hadn't cleard up the sound studio.One half was completely burned to the ground,with the other half still satnding.

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The majority of comments on this site regarding the new ride have been positive. I think most of us are excited about the type of ride Dreamworld has chosen and the fact that we are getting something new after a few years of waiting. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't discuss all the pros and cons and what is being handled well and what we think could be handled better throughout the implementation stage. How boring would these forums be otherwise

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I think it will impress the GP, I was on MSN talking to one of my friends and they asked what i was doing, so I said I was looking at the construction of the Claw, and I sent a pic of the DM version, and the immediate reply I got was "F*** that!". Were just coaster nuts so nothing really suprises us much anymore, but the GP who the ride is aimed at will be impressed.

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Ok so I went on a bit about the colour and theming. But how does that mean that I can't discuss aspects of the ride? Why do you think Dreamworld should have purchased the largest version of this ride? I’m presuming that they got the medium version of the ride that has a capacity of 32. Considering Dreamworld doesn't get huge attendances why would they bother with the largest version? How can you say "It's also useful to add that in terms of forces, intensity etc., the size of the model doesn't matter - it's all the same." and then go on to say "The only difference with the larger ones is they spin faster, swing faster and go higher.” Call me stupid but surely spining faster, swinging higher and faster makes a difference to the forces and intensity of the ride. As for 'the majority' of people assuming that "The Claw" is a travelling ride, what a load of crap! If I went and did a survey of 100 people in Pitt St mall in Sydney and asked them if they knew what "The Claw" was I would put money on 100% saying '"The Claw is a ride'? Or "A claw is what I had for lunch at Harry's Singapore Chilli Crab in Surry Hills". If I did the survey at a building site I would get the answer "It's what's on the back of a hammer, and if you don't leave now I’ll hit you with it." "The Bus is now leaving for Survey Point Z, South Australia"

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Dreamworld purchased the smallest version. To explain the forces, let's use the analogy of rounding a corner in your car. Take a nice wide highway turn at 100km/hr. All fine and dandy. Now try and do a turn in your home street at 100km/hr. Not gonna work, is it? The Intamin Gyro Swings feature the same basic stats in terms of maximum angle of swing, G-forces etc. To maintain these forces and angles in the bigger models, physics tells us you need to spin faster, swing faster etc. As a result, the time from point to point (say, from vertical to maximum height, to other maximum height back to vertical) won't be different between the smaller and larger models. This is simple harmonic motion in action. Same goes with the time taken to complete one revolution of the gondola (which is 5rpm on all). Naturally, if they're bigger, to do it in the same time, they have to be going faster, right? Intensity concerns forces, more correctly the length of time which these forces are sustained for, and the amount at which they rapidly change. This follows directly on from above. You're asking the wrong question. Try telling people that Dreamworld is getting a ride called The Claw. I don't know - I didn't bring this up, nor do I follow the traveling ride sector, but based on what GoBoi said, a lot of people immediately think of the traveling ride. Makes sense to me.

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So it seems DW started their marketing campaign during the coverage of tonight's Big Brother live eviction....I guess the reason they have left it so long to announce may be due to their Big Brother contract perhaps?? Either that or they didn't want to confuse visitors by running too many different attraction campaigns at once?? (Just posing some possibilities) Anyway, am I correct in guessing (as I'm sure some others in here may have as well) that the ride will be themed to a bird of some sort? (Just the impression I got from the advertisement and the press release).

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Your right about everything there Richard. Everytime i hear the name "The Claw", i immediatly think of the traveling ride because it does look like a claw. The Gyro Swing looks nothing like a claw unless you have the same type of gondloa that the traveling show does.

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Actually wonderbus it isn't 'a load of crap'. I have spoken to 4 people outside of these forums about the new ride. As Richard suggested, in the conversation I usually tell people there is a new ride being built at Dreamworld called The Claw (a fairly logical statement). 3 out of the 4 people instantly said to me something along the lines of "oh yeah, I've seen/been on that ride before at the easter show" or "is that the same Claw that travels around?". I should mention that the fourth person was my mum who doesn't have a clue about rides and 2 of the people have a reasonable interest in amusement parks

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Actually wonderbus it isn't 'a load of crap'. I have spoken to 4 people outside of these forums about the new ride. As Richard suggested, in the conversation I usually tell people there is a new ride being built at Dreamworld called The Claw (a fairly logical statement). 3 out of the 4 people instantly said to me something along the lines of "oh yeah, I've seen/been on that ride before at the easter show" or "is that the same Claw that travels around?". I should mention that the fourth person was my mum who doesn't have a clue about rides and 2 of the people have a moderate interest in amusement parks

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Seriously, who gives a ____ about whether the name of it has been used before or not? It really doesn't make a difference at all. As for DW buying the smallest model - I don't know where you got your information wrong but you are misinformed. It is the medium version, 32 seater. Buying the largest model would be stupid. I'd hate to listen to the criticism of this board if they really did buy the smallest model. It is definitely going to be themed Ocean Parade, I don't know specifics but that is all I heard. And the name The Claw has nothing to do with tigers, or crabs, or birds (as far as I know). I was told they called it that because it is an attraction which has just torn into Dreamworld and plonked itself right down in the middle of everything and taken over, with dominance, tearing up everything in its place to get its spot. There is a buzz around with the staff, some of them are displaying some kind of advertisement around their necks about the new ride and are very happy to share the news with the public. I think it is a great attraction and will do wonders for Dreamworld. The rest of you who are critical and going on about "ooo it isnt going to thrill people like it makes up" then shut up and don't ride it. You are all spoilt and don't think about anything. In fact, I would hate to think what would happen to Dreamworld if any of your wishes were fullfilled. These unjustifiable requests for enormous rides, outrageous themeing and unrealistic ride cycle times show ignorance. Dreamworld is in Australia, and they are showing common sense with the planning and development for the future. I'd also dare say that perhaps there is more funds put into their advertisement campaign for this ride, to develop those adjectives and make it sound superb so people want to ride it. If you have ridden it overseas, great, don't ride Dreamworld's 'smaller, tamer model which isn't a real thrill ride at all.' I would hate to have to stand in line behind people who don't appreciate what is there in front of them, while they're complaining because the ride is only functioning at 68.343674364873643% capacity that has been advertised in official press releases.

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Okay I started to agree with you there Obstructure but then you lost me towards the end. Yes as I have said the ride is fine, will be great and the public will love it...hell I'm sure I'll take a shining to it myself once I get to ride it (I haven't ridden anything of this style as yet). What I don't agree with is where you sugest that just because this is Australia we shouldn't expect rides to operate at a decent capacity or have top quality theming. That is just selling both us and the GP short.

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Wow, serious chill pill dude. No one here has complained about the ride, so get that out of your head. People have said that others may mistake the ride for the portable ride. So what? This doesn't mean its a bad name per se, just that people may mistake it for a different ride. If this is the medium, what's the smallest version (not an argument, more an honest question)? I also don't get the whole "You are all spoilt and don't think about anything." The point Richard has made, is the ride isn't as thrilling as the park is making out. Since when does that mean the ride isn't fun or appealing? Answer me that. Myself, Goboi and Richard (and others but I can't be bothered looking to see who) have stressed that this will be a solid addition to the park, and will be beneficial. Overall, it will be a great positive for the park. Why aren't you reading this? Why are you so persistent that we're saying its not good? Richard made the valid point that the ride is fun, re-rideable and a generally pleasant experience, but not particularly thrilling. This is consistent with what has been said about Drayton Manor's version, so this is fact, not just us whining. We then pointed out how this is at odds with what the park said (which describes the ride as the most thrilling ride ever), then you accuse us of saying the rides not good. Where'd that come from? Seriously guys, take a chill pill. I can't talk for everyone else, but I'm looking forward to this ride. Accept it.

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Seriously Obstructure, I'm drawing blanks with most of the criticisms of us you've brought up. I have nothing but high praise regarding this ride selection. If you don't wont to read what has previously been said, then don't bother contributing here, because it's meaningless dribble otherwise. You made up a quote with "smaller, tamer model..." - if you bother to read, you'll see that I stated above that in terms of general thrill (if one were to say close their eyes - obviously the added height will alter this), the size of the Gyro Swing plays no part. You said "unjustifiable requests for enormous rides". All that was stated that perhaps this isn't characteristic of Dreamworld. Even so (assuming anyone here is somehow demanding more of Dreamworld than what they have put up here), how are they unjustifiable? There's a 40 storey tower right there in the park which hosts two "enormous" rides that broke many world records when they opened, and still hold some today. Dreamworld is in Australia, therefore they can't offer good theming (I have no particular qualms with Dreamworld and theming, especially given how they've been shaping up since Nick Central) or good (no one has said or hinted at unrealistic) dispatch times? That's news to me, especially seeing as Warner Bros. Movie World just down the road seems to get a near perfect 300 on both counts here. I have nothing but the highest respect for Dreamworld as an Australian entertainment venue. It's the park that began my love for theme parks, and it's the park that continues to foster my interest. I doubt without Dreamworld there, Roller-Coaster.com.au would even exist today. If I pay $56 to enter, or $155 for a yearly pass, don't you think it's my right to expect the highest possible level of services? Don't you want the same out of a day at Dreamworld?

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I think I can safely say that I am the only person on this site that has been in the operators booth of a Gyro Swing and started/stopped and generally operated the ride I think I have a fair bit of insight in to the workings of it. The speed which the ride swings and spins and the cycle time can be adjusted like all rides (coasters being an obvious exception). Now onto the survey. GoBoi you have hardly produced a convincing result by asking only 4 people. Next time your out at the shops ask 100 people a question similar to Richard's question "Dreamworld is getting a ride called The Claw what do you think of the name?" I think you will find that the majority, if not all of them will say "Oh really, what kind of ride is it?" not "Yeah I’ve been on The Claw at the Easter Show." Can someone please provide a link to somewhere on the Intamin site where it states what size the three versions of the ride are. I can see where it says three sizes are available but not what those sizes are. "The Bus is now leaving for Missing Link, Tasmania"

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Just out of curiosity, where'd you operate a Gyro Swing? The speeds may well be adjustable, as they are an most rides as you suggested, but Intamin will have predefined settings for the ride. Why would programming a flat ride be any different from a coaster, where a slight change in anything, say the pullout from a drop or the banking of a turn? Intamin will have predefined programmes for the ideal ride cycle that has a precise swing speed, rotation speed and cycle time for optimal ride effect, and minimal nausea or stress to riders. Changing these settings would potentially have serious repercussions for the park, and consequently Intamin would suggest not deviating from the set programmes.

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