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Gold Coast to build its own People Mover


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Definitely the way to go. Light rails should be a thing of the past. I really don't know why cities around the world continue to develop and invest in them when induction powered people movers and to a lesser extent monorails are far more attractive in many ways. Cost alone should do it, but they are hugely more efficient, both in terms of power usage and as a way to get around, certainly more so than light rail systems. I know I'd rather look at a sleek elevated concrete track that weaves its way up the coast rather than a pair of rusty rails, complete with overhead cables. There are a few things about the Gold Coast's current transport system I really don't like - that's the congestion of having more or less one main road right down the coast. It just doesn't move so much of the time. Secondly is their public transport system, which must rate as the absolute worst I've ever experienced (around the world I might have experienced public transport in a dozen or so different cities). You'd be hitting two birds with one stone here. Take a look at http://www.austrans.com - they're the ones who the article suggest will build it. Of the number of different companies around the world developing such systems, this one doesn't seem as well developed as some of the European systems, and I'd suspect that would be why it's such a cheap alternative to the light rail project.

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Light rail isn't all bad and the rails arent rusty. They are good because they can have stops virtually anywhere and they are easy to get to, just a matter of walking into the middle of the road, instead of going off the street up staris to get to the station. Plus its rather cool seeing the sleek trams go past. But this Austran system sounds cool, It will be really good when the system gets going.

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LOL, notice the monorail pics are the only ones in colour. That stuff about buisnesses going under during Tramway construction is a load of codswollop, whenever tram works happen around Melbourne, you dont normally see all these shops boarded up. The saftey record is a good point for monorails, but monorail are incapable of level crossings so thats why they rarley screw up. Trams work well if the tracks are in their own section in the middle of the road. Dont really have a problem with the overhead wires myself, they look tidier than powerlines.

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I don't think anyone will argue that a site which goes by the name of "The Monorail Society" is anything but biased. Having said that, for the most part the information is fairly plausible. I don't think anyone could deny that Melbourne's trams work - I'd say Melbourne has an transport system unparalelled in Australia. That's not to say it can't be done better, which is where monorails and then PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) systems come in. They are undeniably more efficient and economic than railway systems.

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