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Things The General public Say

Guest WBMWrocks

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Guest WBMWrocks

Share your experiences of unaddicts saying things like 'They closed Thunderbolt cause someone had a brain tumour brutally explode while riding' or something completely wrong ex. 'TOT is the fastest ride in the world' I have many that I'll list later... :D

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TOT -"Yeah, i'm just afraid it'll stop at the top and we'll be stuck up there." -"So how fast does this thing go." "I Think it was about 260 kilometres." -"I hope we don't blast of the top of the tower!!" Wipeout -"Yeah there was this once where they were stuck upside down for 3 hours." -"If there's no power they just leave you there." Thunderbolt -"I remember when it got stuck upside down for an hour and then they sent a man up there to get everyone out." -"last one just less pathetic" -"the reason why they closed it was because one of the trains fell off the track." There all the ones I can think off the top of my head. Must play counter-strike now!

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"one time the demon got stuck upside down in the loop and somone died of a heart attack!" "once when it was raining i heard the the demon just slid right off the tracks instead of stopping and going backwards!" "dont go on the Bounty's revenge! do you know how often that gets stuck upside down!? and one time someone fell out and it swung around and ran over them!"

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There's not enough minutes in the day for me to be able to cover everything I've heard. However two all time classics would have to be both from Space Probe on the same night! "Ohh... I thought we start at the top..." This was heard all the time, I'm sure Bus heard it. When told to leave loose items on the ground in front of the cabin rocket scientists would say, "Is this where we end up is it?" I love a challenge but bugger me...

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There are some pretty good ones here guys! Good on ya ;) I have to say when I went to Wonderland (back when I was still at school) Me and my mates qued up for Bounty and my one friend looked at me and said "did you know once the boat was upside down for too long and all the blood went to this guys head so his eyes popped. " (quote my other friend said), "No he just went blind, because of all the blood going to his eyes. Another one went through my school saying the following..." One night these guys climbed over the fence at wonderland and stuck razor blades to the speed slide at Wonderland, and the next day when the first person went down the slides it cut them too shreds! Uhhhhh......... Well thats only a couple from the list of things i'v heard. Screammachine

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No mate. Don't get a complex. I was talking about the brain dead idiot that asked the question. Whatever a shuttle coaster may be, because I've got NFI, Demon isn't one so what was the point of that statement? If that's a way of telling me that Demon could run two trains... remember that gun I was talking about? Numerous conversations overhead about Bounty's getting stuck upside down. I didn't ever egg them on at all either... :rolleyes:

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Not too many, but I'll try and remember more when I can. "They take the Polar Bears for walks around the park in the afternoon", "Watch the pirate ship, it goes upside down. Watching? Its about too... Oh, must have already done it", "Yeah, the monorail goes right down to Broadbeach". One of my favourites (and this has happened a few times, but always makes me laugh); recently a bloke came back to the counter of burger bar with a souvenir cup and was trying to get his deposit back on it. I think he wanted us too give him $2 for returning the cup and got quite stroppy when we didn't.

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Here are a few I remember from my days at Wonderland. "Can I operate the ride so you can go on it?" Merry-Go-Round "Can you make this go faster? I'm bored" - from a teenager (Flea) Demon - "Can you put the turbo on brother?" Snowy - "The seats are wet" Snowy - "I didn't know you got wet, I’m going to go and complain" - On several occasions, in the middle of summer, after 1 hour + wait. Bounty's - "It's ok he can sit on my lap" - Father of a boy who was about 10cm under the height restriction. Dragon's Flight - "Can I stand up on the ride" Zodiac - "Has one of these (gondola) ever fallen" Space Probe - "How do we drop? The floor is right here" Demon - "My harness isn't locked, my harness isn't locked, ahhhhhh" - The train was still in the station and people were still getting on. Demon, Bounty's, Bush Beast - "What happens if someone spews?" Operator - "We send it round a few times so the spew gets spread around" Guest "Really? Ok then" Bounty's - "What harness?" - Guests who sat down with the harness still down, not wondering why it was so bloody uncomfortable. Beach - "Can I dive in the Baby pool?" - Yes the guest was being serious. Beach - "Can I stand up on the slide?" Demon - Just after someone spewed and it went all over the seats and platform. - "Why is the ride not f*#@ing going?" "Well someone just threw up sir" "I don't f*#@ing care if someone just spewed let me on the ride" "Sir if you want to sit in someone’s vomit I’m more than willing to operate the ride just for you" "Oh, ummm, I’ll wait until it's cleaned up then"

Another one went through my school saying the following..." One night these guys climbed over the fence at wonderland and stuck razor blades to the speed slide at Wonderland, and the next day when the first person went down the slides it cut them too shreds! Uhhhhh.........
Unfortunately this did happen but not at Wonderland. It happened at the Mt Druitt Waterworks. "The Bus is now leaving for Digby Public Bore, Victoria"
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I cant remember too many quotes, but the one that stuck out for me was at Luna Park I was riding the UFO by myself and a bunch of crazed citizens hoped on the ride *to me*-"Have you been on the Tango? Its the fastest ride in the world" me-"Im sure it is" "It is" and what annoys me a lot is when people get all excited when seeing a ride and saying "There is no way Im going on that" when it is blatantly obvious that they will go on it anyway, if they are on their way to the queue

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That's right I won't as I don't think the subject should be discussed publicly. Just remember that Daniel wasn't working there at the time and doesn't know exactly what happened. He may know some of the broader details but nothing specific. "The Bus is now leaving for Blue Spec Mine, Western Australia"

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