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Evidence of neglect at Wonderland


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  \ said:
Exactally, it was quite a stupid quote, not everyone works at wonderland and not everyone knows what section two is, that it was some electrical switchboard. I still dont get it, this is what I have gathered Section 2 died, yet it was struggling to survive (as in not fail) before it did die, and section 2 controlled gondola 2. I dont have sub-par intelligence but can someone elaborate on this for me? in black and white.
As Zordy said it is the name for Cabin 2 (for those of you with sub-par intelligence, there are 3 cabins and funnily enough they are named Cabin 1, Cabin 2 and Cabin 3). For those of us who worked there it was the generic name for the cabin, just like section 1 was cabin 1 and so on.
  \ said:
Thank you,Nebuchanzzer.I have never been to WL in my life,so this thing is probable.Oh,and about my IQ,it's not 30,it's 130.Just made a little mistake.Also,seeing as I'm a 12 years old,It's not surprising that I made the mistake of thinking that someone had died.
Scotty you are a deadset legend mate. You say that your IQ is not 30 but 130 and that your 12 years old but you still haven't figured out how to use the biggest key on the keyboard which is called the 'spacebar', which funnily enough puts spaces between characters when you type. When I went to school one of the first things I learnt was how to write a sentence. During that lesson I learnt that after a full stop ('.' for those of you with sub-par intelligence) you put a space. The main reason for doing this is so that people can read what you have written. What the letter is saying is that due to the neglect from management and some of the sparkies (electricians, for those of you with sup-par intelligence), section 2 (cabin 2) 'died' (stopped operating) prematurely. "The Bus is now leaving for First Point, NSW"
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  joz said:
I've got nothing aginst Intamin apart from restraint and reliability issues :)
It should be noted that really, it was #1 and #3 that were "not working properly". Basically the problem after #2 controller was replaced was that Chair 2 got up the top before #1 and #3. This meant that when #2 arrived, the PLC's safety interlocks interpreted that #1 and #3 had failed and then went into shutdown. To my knowlege the "temporary solution" was to simply fit a few one shot timers to a couple of inputs to the PLC to fool it into thinking that #2 arrived about 1 second after it actually did - which made the system work properly again - most of the time. To compensate an extra limit switch was fitted to #2 to shut down the motor when it reached the top without the PLC's intervention. Basically what happened with Probe is a classic example of how us Sparkies can shoot our own feet when it comes to dealing with Management. Instead of "fixing" Space probe, they should have just left it broken and reported to Management that it would cost $30k to buy and install three new motor controllers - full stop - and insisted the probe lay SBNO until the work was complete. But no.. some "smart" sparky obviously knew that it could be "fixed", and as such left it with a legacy it never shook off. Once it had been "fixed" (the bodgy way) then no matter how much noise the Sparkies make, Management will never understand what has been done and will take the view that "it is working" and therefore "there are other things that more urgently need the money". Thats why it stayed unaltered until closing day. It wasnt a case of neglect, it was a case of corporate bastardry and inexperience of the Sparkies not about how the Probe works, but how Management works. Over the years I have learned that "just because something can be done, doesnt mean it should be done". I might add that at no point could any of the alterations to the Probe have been considered as putting life or operations at risk. The probe was perfectly safe regardless of whatever was done with the motor controllers or PLC. It was only a case of reliability, not safety. ZordMaker
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  • 2 weeks later...
  \ said:
Jesus Wonderbus, I've never quite met anyone like you before, that was a little harsh want it?
I'm glad you haven't met anyone like me before. I'm a very unique person. I don't think it was that harsh as I was just having a go at what you said in this post:
  \ said:
Exactally, it was quite a stupid quote, not everyone works at wonderland and not everyone knows what section two is, that it was some electrical switchboard. I still dont get it, this is what I have gathered Section 2 died, yet it was struggling to survive (as in not fail) before it did die, and section 2 controlled gondola 2. I dont have sub-par intelligence but can someone elaborate on this for me? in black and white.
Think about it, if someone had died on the ride everyone would have heard about it a long time ago. "The Bus is now leaving for Nick O Time Well, South Australia"
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No you didn't say that but you agreed with what scott said. If you had read my previous posts you would have understood that it was quite clear that it was not a person and that I had explained the photo several times. "The Bus is now leaving for Photo Bore Western Australia"

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