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Sea World reduces operating hours


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Apparently because of COVID, Sea World has reduced its operating hours 


The way they’ve presented it looks confusing, but basically it’s 9:30 to 3:30 everyday except Saturday’s. Saturday’s will continue to be 9:30 to 5.

Edited by themagician
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  • themagician changed the title to Sea World reduces operating hours

This surprises me a lot for this park. I thought the numbers would have been fairly decent but I could also be wrong and clearly I very well could be. Cutting back on cost is important during this current world climate but I do wonder how they will go when it comes to hiring extra operations staff.

They must really be placing all bets on the table for when the coaster opens up then.

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  • 4 weeks later...

can we blame them? numbers in the park are so low through no fault of their own. People who sit on their socials and demand longer opening times or more from our parks or want their passes extended at a time like this when people probably aren't even staying long enough to buy lunch, Where do the parks make their money for the day? I doubt there's many day passes or locals passes being bought right now,  The other day (weekday) I was there and did Rivals, Superman, Scooby, batwing, in 30min, take in a few shows which I'm glad they are still doing and your done for the day, I'm happy for our parks to do what they can to keep them selves a float and get through this mess at the moment, I'm just hoping they don't go down to weekend only trade like wonderland did in the end, I doubt all the staff would remain and see it through and then come school holidays you'd have to find a ton of casuals to fill all the extra rolls 

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8 hours ago, colonelbmx said:

I'm just hoping they don't go down to weekend only trade like wonderland did in the end

From my recollection it went the opposite way. Wonderland began as a weekend only attraction before expanding to 7 day operation which it carried through until closure. 

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Yeah I can't be mad about our parks reducing their hours right now - they're the one of the industries doing it the toughest in Queensland right now. I'd be following in Disney's suit and using this opportunity to finally reset the pricing structure - we've been following this 2008/GFC-based pricing model for long enough. It's clear the pricing structure needs to change if Adventure World can demand close to double the price for season tickets. Let's see some date-based surge pricing that goes hand in hand with operating hours and be a little more transparent while we're there.

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Personally, with restrictions relaxing and people allowed to move about more, I think they'd be better off opening for the later half of the day. Instead of 9:30-3:30, open 11:30-5:30 on weekdays. 

More people are likely to visit in the afternoon and if you're open the later shift you potentially capture people for lunch AND dinner, providing more opportunity to increase your F&B spend.

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Have to say it was a real empty feeling having to leave movieworld at 3:30 yesterday and the feeling was consistent across many. 

it was  27 degrees and perfect weather, the park was really busy. And they shut up shop early. 

I’m supportive of reduced hours on weekdays, but it’s stupidity closing early on a Saturday. 

and whilst I didn’t specifically look everywhere for it, I saw no visible entry signage stating the park would be closing earlier 

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