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Hey Guys. For everyone who is interested, there is an official E-Mail from Simon Worthington from Skycoaster.

>Hi Paul, Yes the ride is the ex-Skyhawk from Wonderland Sydney. It has been completely sandblasted, structurally x-ray tested and approved, and all moving machinery either replaced or overhauled. It is currently still under construction. Even though the structure of the ride has been erected, we are in the process of re-powering the ride, using 21st century power units (programmable) and electronic controls. We are working towards an opening date during November. Please watch our web site around that time for the announcement. Thanks for your enquiry. Regards, A.W.(Bill) Holman Director Fairmile Pty Ltd trading as The Flycoaster and Professional Recreations www.flycoaster.com and www.prorec.com.au   Just making a general enquiry here. > > The Parashooter. > Can you give me some stats on the ride as i believe that it is the Ex > Skyhawk from Wonderland Sydney. > > Also is it that your website is heavily outdated or is the ride still > being constructed? > > Do you have any idea when the ride will open? > > Thank You > > Paul Hollibone.
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  • 3 months later...

Well, slick i ain't the one to give you much info. All that i can tell you is that it was like a Free-Fall ride, but with cables and such, and 2 modes of transportation. One Cage one, where you stand up, and another one where you site down on a like seat, like the ones on a Chairlift.

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  • 2 months later...

Well. I have some questions for those who know ALOT about Wonderlands History. And I mean alot. http://dpa.coastermaster.info/?page=galler...lery=view&id=16 (Goto pic 2, sorry No Direct linking is allowed) then you will find a picture of Magic Mountains's Parashoot Ride, and everyone has been telling me that the one being constructed at the Gold Coast is infact from Magic Mountain. I already know the Chairlift from Magic Mountain was re-located to Dreamworld, and is still in operation today, and I also know Wonderlands Wave Swinger was from Magic Mountain aswell. But I want to know where Wonderland got "Skyhawk" from. Was it bought brand new, or from Magic Mountain after it closed? This has really stumped me. Personally I'm guessing it was from MM, relocated to WLS, and now being constructed at the Gold Coast. What do you think? And those who know almost everything on Wonderland, could they please enlighten me on what it's story is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you Mr Freak. I still believe that Skyhawk came from Magic Mountain. And definatly the Chairlft went to Dreamworld. Well I am sorry for my mistake there. Just trying to get some info about this. Do you have any information on the Dragons Flight at Wonderland in terms of it's history?

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