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New Model Photos


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Here are just some of my new model photos, just thought some would be interested. I've recently done more work on the Rainbow. Now with white front gondola gates, and the decos on the main arm are yellow and blue, which were before the unofficial colours of orange and purple. Midway: http://irev.net/hussrainbow/midway32.JPG http://irev.net/hussrainbow/Midway33.JPG Rainbow: http://irev.net/hussrainbow/Rainbow32.JPG http://irev.net/hussrainbow/Rainbow33.JPG http://irev.net/hussrainbow/Rainbow31.JPG cheers, Chris

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  HussRainbow said:
nah they dont, you can get some light kits, but if you put them on, then you cant motorise the ride, but it has normal lights on the posts, which is cool enough
You can have light on it and still motorised, All you have todo it make up a swivel joint out of copper and add that where the thing spins on.
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I thought of a launch system of my own for a TOT style ride, on the launch track have an array of bar magnets angled at 45 degees with the north pole pointing upward in the direction of travel. Then on the train have a bar magnet at an angle of 45 degees with the north pole pointing downwards against the direction of travel. Becasue the like poles would be angled at each other, there would be a repelling effect, pusing the train foward from one magnet to the next. You could put some sort of magnetic insulation on the southern pole too to stop the train from becoming stuck.

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The problem with that plan is that the magnetic field of a bar magnet is radial. There will be just as much repelling from the forthcoming magnets as there will be from those they've just been past. The angle of 45º wouldn't make a difference the the forces (if it did, then an angle of 60º or 89.99º would be more efficient). What you're trying to do is break the fundamental nature of the universe by creating more energy than you put in. In reality, what'll happen is it'll slow and eventually stop. In a perfect situation, the body will slow as it enters the magnetic field, travel at a constant velocity through it, then speed up to the original velocity as it exits.

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  HussRainbow said:
nah they dont, you can get some light kits, but if you put them on, then you cant motorise the ride, but it has normal lights on the posts, which is cool enough
Light kits? Id be goin down to dick smith and buying a bag of assorted LED's. Reasonably cheap depending on how you buy them and they come in a wide range of sizes and colours...also very bright! Either that or has anyone thought of using a bit of fibre-optic cable? If you were to srtip the insulation and use the fibre strands separately and spread them over the ride then you could have litterally thousands of tiny lights everywere on it. All you would need would be one small central light source (or more if you wanted different colours) at one end of the strands then go crazy with some mad light design....another advantage of this would be that you onlu see the light right on the end of the strands so you could just lay them on the surface and theyd be almost invisable...no running wires and things anywhere either...very simple way if you ask me.
  Willsy said:
You can have light on it and still motorised, All you have todo it make up a swivel joint out of copper and add that where the thing spins on.
I might suggest that a simpler way of doing this would be to use a small headphone jack and sockett. These are great as they are designed anyway to be a moving electrical connection. Ive seen these with as many as 5 segments on them as well! The standard stereo jack has 3 segments so even that allows for 2 separate circuits on moving parts.
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