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$250million dollar theme park for NSW/Goulburn


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Hey guys, thought provoking what they may spend all that money on isn't it. From the GOULBURN POST, www.yourguide.com.au under GOULBURN GRAND THEME By LOUISE THROWER Sunday, 8 August 2004 FUNDING for a massive theme park planned in the Murrays Flat region will come from an overseas finance company, according to the proponents. Salpaf Pty Ltd marketing director, Reg Templer, told the Goulburn Post that all of the $250 million required for the development intended for a 180ha property, 12km north of Goulburn, would come from an overseas finance company with an office in Australia. He declined to name the company. The park, originally pegged for a 39ha Duck's Lane property in South Goulburn, would include 105 businesses set across three eras - the 1850s, 1950s and 2050, 500 accommodation units to be operated by an international hotel chain, an 18-hole golf course, convention centre, events arena and wetlands. The total project would employ some 2000 permanent staff, according to Mr Templer, and have a strong emphasis on waste and water conservation. He expected to settle on the Murrays Flat land in a few months. Mr Templer said whereas the company had removed plans for an events arena at the Ducks lane site, due to noise concerns, it had been factored into the Murrays Flat land because of the larger area available and its relative remoteness from other houses. Asked about the timeframe for the development, Mr Templer said: "When we build it, we'll build it. We will not be releasing details until we advertise the contracts nationally." Benefits would flow for Goulburn but due to the project's size and nature, some work would have to be done by outside contractors. The company had wanted to build a similar theme park in South Australia some six years ago and while the Olsen State Government was initially receptive to the proposal, according to Mr Templer, the company faced council objection. With a change of government, the scheme was put up once again but didn't get past "a junior public servant." "We pulled the pin and said we would prefer to talk to a more responsive council," he said. They turned their attention to Goulburn "for a lot of reasons," one of these being its location and carried out market research on aspects such as employment and education. Salpaf has compiled a business plan for the project for its financial backers, Mr Templer said.

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The complete concept of the theme park is not known, however it's themed areas are time based as written. 1850's, 1950's, 2050's. The events arena, Golf Course Accomodation etc are all understood to be outside of this part of the plan. This project has been on the cards for a few years now, and obviously, with the closure of Wonderland, new opportunities must be getting taken up by the business developers. PICTURA was going to be on 39hectares of land, and only 62million dollars was to be spent. The project has ballooned to 180hectares, and $250million. When Wonderland announced its closure the developers commented on how Wonderlands closure was a big bonus to their business plan, not a detrimental one. Further, before Wonderlands closure, with a small 62million park, there was limited intention to have big thrill rides. With the new budget, obviously this theory has changed. No plans have been released as of yet. Further to other conversations I have seen on these boards about a new Park in Sydney, this will be it. Land in Country NSW is much cheaper, for example, wonderlands land price was $52million, 180Hectares in Goulburn, will barely scratch the surface of a million dollars!, and further, Dreamworld is as successful as it is, and it was built in the middle of nowhere, so distance is no objective. If it offers the thrills, entertainment and fun, people will go. This is a positive.

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My opinion of this is that it will fail. I'm not being cynical just realistic. Although it is in a fairly good position, on the main road from Sydney to Canberra/Melbourne it will not have enough infrastructure to support it. There have been major cutbacks that the current NSW state government has made to transport, particularly trains that will reduce the parks 'pulling' capability. A few years back there was a proposal to have a high speed train running from Melbourne to Brisbane with Canberra and Sydney as stops along the way, if this had been done then a stop at Goulburn would have been possible and would have assisted in the proposed parks growth. "The Bus is now leaving for Speed, Victoria"

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I don't think they'll put it in the 2050 themed area. Talking from what has been realistically shown, is that unless B&M start making roller coasters with launched by 2030 there will be no market really for a roller coaster with a lift hill. It's all part of the Golden Age scheme which we are entering. One Idea i've kept to myself for a long while now actually, can you image a hydraulicly launched B&M flying coaster? You're in a superman position while being pushed out of the station at something up to 90 miles per hour. And before I finish, I would like to say that THIS IS MY FIVE HUNDREDTH POST!!!!! HOORAH! HOORAH! Now the next 500 will concentrate on how much Vekoma sucks. Hehe

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Its on the Hume so it is not too hard to acess, though It does seem a little wierd to put it in Golburn, its cold and Im not sure if it is really a destination people go much, but the park could change that. Slick, B&M do do lauch coasters if you get someone else to put the launch in, but anyway, Intamins are the best launch coasters. Hope this whole project goes ahead and does well, It means a shorter drive to a theme park for me :)

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But apparently B&M were very against the idea of the launch on Hulk. Universal had slipped into the contract that they had to build the track with mounts for the motors and B&M weren't too happy when they were forced to do this more or less against their own interests. From what I was told at Westcoaster, they also refused to work with Disney because they wanted a launched coaster. I'm really not seeing much evidence that this park will actually be a theme park. Everything I've read about it points to it being more of a resort with a golf course and shopping districts etc., and nothing much left over that points to an actual theme park. Australia's unique in that a tourist attraction of any nature can be referred to as a theme park.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Well i suppose it's an alright place to put a Theme Park there. Just think of Wonderlands Position, In an open Area near the Hume Hwy. Canberrans Would get a kick out of it, and so would people from Suttons Forest and all those places.
This new themepark will go broke. As you said wonderland was near a highway aswell, but look what happened to that! IT went broke and closed down, that will happen to this new park.
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