The Parkz Update: Dreamworld, July 2010
In this shortened edition of The Parkz Update, we check out some of the winter holiday attractions that our parks have introduced. We hit Dreamworld during the school holidays to check out some of the special holiday promotions they have running.

Image: Parkz.

It's holidays so the parks have been quite busy.

And Dreamworld's big promotion for the June/July period has been their Winter Wonderland.

The snow play and inner tubing takes up most of the central plaza area, despite only operating after dark.

Guests are greeted in the park by the remains of the previous night's "snow" melts away.

Wipeout doesn't use its pool or fountains anymore due to water restrictions.

'Tis the season to duct tape christmas lights up.

Guests want to play in the ice and snow, but evidently they don't want to drink it.
Interesting paint jobs:
As we walked around Dreamworld, a few paint jobs caught our eye, so here we present our long-awaited "interesting paint jobs" series.

First in our "interesting paint job" series, Thunder River Rapids.

Theme parks utilise sight lines to determine where the theme starts and ends. More often than not, if the guest can't see it, then it won't be themed. Lucky for Dreamworld this wall is hidden deep within the back-of-house area.

Nothing says rustic quite like chipped and peeling fibreglass theming.

And finally, the authentic rustic theming seems to lie somewhere it shouldn't be – on the wall of the Imax Theatre.

It should be pointed out that this issue of The Parkz Update took palce on a nice, mild sunny day.

I'd say someone had a big night.

Farmyard Friends has sat dormant for some time now. Time for the stunt show to return to make the paddlesteamer worth riding?

Dora is down for extended maintenance it seems.

For the holidays, Tower of Terror resumed normal operation.

Little has changed since our last update.

1351 days since Eureka Mountain Mine Ride closed and wasn't removed.

1953 days since Skylink Chairlife closed and wasn't removed.

Illuminate is a light and laser show that Dreamworld recently started.

Weatherproof domes cover permanent lights placed on buildings around Dreamworld.

The pipes at the top are for exhaust air.

As the day draws to a close, Dreamworld prepares for the night's Winter Wonderland.

Party ice + shredder = snow.

Fast forward a few hours and this is the result.

One can't help but feel that it's a lot of work for minimal payoff.

And the sun is well and truly set which means Illuminate is upon us.

The park looks quite nice after dark with all the lighting that they've invested in.

The crowd has assembled in a Main Street filled with seats.

And cue 30 minutes of lights, dancing and something that might resemble a storyline.

Lasers do look pretty cool though.

And there's fire.

And more lasers.

Did we mention the lasers?

Oh, there are lasers.

30-odd minutes of lasers to be precise.

You guessed it.

Hey, that's a new one!

And that wraps up Illuminate.
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