The Parkz Update: Wet'n'Wild Water World August 2010
Welcome to a quick Parkz Update, this time from Wet 'n' Wild Water World. There's quite a bit of work going on at Australia's largest water park, some of which will dramatically change the view from the motorway.
General Works
Down at the Mammoth Falls end of the park some other improvements are taking place.
The locker area is being extended...We're guessing to cater for the inveitable attendance increase post AquaLoop.
The main changerooms are being upgraded so temporary facilities have been provided.
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AquaLoop Construction
Workers have begun to join the parts together to make big long slide segments.
Look to the right of the rightmost power pole, and you can see the trapdoor chamber for the red slide.
They seem like they will be reasonably translucent....Not fully transparent though.
Come September, 480 people will be dropping off that platform per hour.
Here you can see where one of the slide pairs will actually go over the Aqua Racer.
Over the last weekend Aqualoop has really begun to take shape
The orange AquaLoop has its drop capsule installed. You can also see each slide will have a viewing window on the first drop (Similar to what is featured on the Wedgie down the road at Whitewater World)
This shot gives you an idea of the drop angle
And this shot shows the slides from their 'loopiest' angle
Farewell from Wet 'n' Wild's carpark!
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