The Parkz Update: Dreamworld, September 2010
With this Parkz Update, we have exciting new attractions at all the Gold Coast parks. First up is Dreamworld with the much-anticipated Tower of Terror 2.

Image: Parkz.

And it's miserable weather at Dreamworld too as TOT2 opens to the public.
Time to begin our photo essay of the Tower of Terror 2 Queue. Gone is the 'cool room' feel to the que in favour of various theming like these electrical cabinets.
The stairs have been spraypainted with warning stripes.
A few diagrams of turbines and jet engines have been put up in the queue. They reminded us of a university engineering textbook. Turbines seem to be the theme for the relaunched ride.
To give a bit of variety to the themed environment, Dreamworld management have decided to advertise their annual passes. The remote control for the air conditioner has been stolen too. Oh dear.
Variety in the themed environment was a common theme we discovered. At one point you pass a huge optical illusion. Why? Why Indeed!
Well, it's supposed to be a post apocalypic theme anyway...A post apocalyptic construction site perhaps.
There were lots of conduits.
There were nice touches like this though which is actually almost in the dark, yet they still made the effort to do something cool
Some of the conduits weren't too functional.
The part of the queue where the stairs are has had some signage on these doors for instance.
Sadly, five days after opening, some of the signage has felt the wrath of bored guests.
There's a big new bit of theming...a turbine.
The top bit even rotated. Bonus points for that so it gets a second photo.
Even the bins have been themed!
At the top of the last flight of stairs some of you may remember an odd wedge shaped room. Dreamworld weren't ones to let this space go to waste, so they squeezed in a set of switchbacks, and this is the result. Wonder why the ceiling is pink though?
Guests seemed to prefer to keep the outside access door open in that part of the queue, so you get a nice view of the skull.
The whole final set of switchbacks and grouping area has been redone with bright red vinyl flooring and checkerplate walling. Reminds us of a nightclub.
At the ride exit is another turbine for good measure.
We've been meaning to show this for the past few updates, but the sign for Nick Central has been updated with the new Nickelodeon logo.
We're always on top of the latest food and beverage trends at the parks. One new thing you can try at Dreamworld are cinnamon glazed almonds and cashews.
Dreamworld have switched to home brand chicken nuggets. On the plus side you get a Krispy Kreme with your meal.

The official Parkz verdict? The big change is the vast array of cool lighting effects on the launch and re-entry, which can't be captured on photos. Surprising this was a big improvement whilst the backwards trip up the tower and face first drop didn't really add much at all.
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