Photos Richard has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Richard has uploaded.

The ride is due back in action on December 9.

Boats stacked in the deserted station.

Wild West Falls is looking very tranquil. Not wild, or fallsy at all. Pretty western though.

Though there's little to see or do here with Wild West Falls still closed for an extended maintenance period.

The western area is open once again.

Meanwhile Green Lantern is due to go down for maintenance on November 6.

Justice League 3D is closed for maintenance until November 6.

The... O... in... you can thank us when you notice this misalignment every single time you ride from now on.

DC Rivals HyperCoaster: putting the O in OCD.

A $30 million ride and we've got this piece of vinyl reusing the old Batman Adventure sign to entice guests.

One for the back row as well.

Each row features a backwards facing camera and a ring of LED lights to capture riders expressions. These videos will no doubt be available for purchase in due course.

Reverse POV cameras have now been installed in each row.

The billboards do effectively transport you out of a Movie World mindset and get you read for the ride, though they do block some of the best views of the ride.

Likely the missing unit is getting the same treatment as the first, and soon all six will be modified and fully functional.

The station, like the trains themselves, is wonderfully open and spacious.

One of the loose item storage units has been previously removed and modified, likely in an effort to get the new system working as it was intended, with rotation between cycles. The internal dividing walls have been altered and a hatch has been added on the rear side, likely to be able to retrieve items should the system experience a power outage or error that stops them from rotating.

One of the loose item units has been removed.

The pay-to-ride back seats go empty if there are no paying customers.

Complaints that the shelter leaves sections of the queue exposed to the sun are moot considering the queue moves every few minutes.