Photos Richard has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Richard has uploaded.

In under two weeks Superman will be open to the public.

The entrance path can be seen ducking under the launch track.

Pleasant green landscaping will give the front of the park a very open feel. Neat chainlink fencing means onlookers will get a very upfront view of the ride in action, no doubt the intention of the designers. No secrets about what you're in for here!

Superman Escape nears completion as the opening day looms.

Australian Outback Spectacular opens early next year.

This area will make up the back of house area, and extends onto the paddocks behind where the show's horses and other animals are kept.

The carpark extends onto Wet'n'Wild's, meaning increased parking capacity for park.

Construction progresses on the colossal 1,000 seater arena for Australian Outback Spectacular.

Black Hole and next year's Tornado slides are yet to be built. In the foreground you can see the stable areas for Australian Outback Spectacular.

Work is well underway on one of the huge new towers that make up H2O Zone.

Both sides are now a mirror image.

This ride now has a capacity of 1,500 people per hour which will make a big difference to the park's capacity.

Both sides of Mammoth Falls are now in operation.

Construction is also underway on the Dreamworld entrance building, no doubt a non-related project.

Part of the new carpark. This should be up and running before the end of January.

Meanwhile at the far end of the carpark, a significant pile of earth is building up from the expansion of the carpark.

It's most likely that the entry road to Dreamworld will be shifted to the left (near to the Big Brother Auditorium).

Dreamworld are busy extending their existing carpark, allowing for the construction of the new waterpark, to commence in Januaray.

Work is nearly completed on the Mammoth Falls project.