Photos Richard has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Richard has uploaded.

In a completed state, it is a great ride and the atmosphere surrounding the ride is perhaps the best in the park.

The ride's entrance sign.

The Honourable Margaret Keech MP, Queensland Minister for Tourism, Fair Trading and Wine Development officially launched The Claw, saying, "the best way to launch it would be to get on the ride and go for it."

Neil Belnaves, Macquarie Leisure Trust Group (owners of Dreamworld) Chairman.

The first speaker was Stephen Gregg, Dreamworld CEO.

Thanks to Dreamworld for giving the opportunity to cover this portion of the ride commissioning process. The Claw opens September 18.

The ride is reasonably quiet, a refreshing thing with many louder thrill rides around at Dreamworld.

The ride does a good number of swings at full height before slowing down to end the ride.

With a 120ยบ swing up each side, riders will be partially upside-down.

The ride gets swinging very quickly, though in this photograph it's still not at maximum height.

The Claw getting into motion.

Dreamworld CEO Stephen Gregg gives a demonstration of the restraints.

The structure has been further painted as part of the theming.

This motor will power the gondola's rotations.

The seats are more or less the same as on most Intamin rides.

The seats up close seen from where riders will enter onto the platform.

The ride's control panel in the main operating booth, where theming work has gone ahead to blend it in with the surroundings.