Photos Richard has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Richard has uploaded.

They're everywhere you look. In places like this where the fence curves and has many columns it's a bit overpowering. In other news a slab has been poured in the space between Green Lantern and Rivals.

Fence toppers are all in place.

Looking over into the brake run and theming goes up around the station.

The other trim brake on the Stengel dive meanwhile has three fins and has a more noticeable affect on the speed..

It's still a seriously awesome looking hill that is packed with amazing airtime.

There's only one fin on the camel back, and in testing it looks to have almost no impact on the ride's speed. It's likely a contingency for particularly hot days when the ride is running particularly fast.

The final Mack Rides piece will go in place above the track when the face is installed.

This is where the Joker's face will go, note the missing support that crosses over the track.

Hard to make out much detail on the ground, but you have the wavy hair visible along the left here. The detail is clearly only on one side, meaning it'll only be visible from outside Movie World, not on the ride or within the park.

The Joker's face is laid out awaiting lifting into position. There's no lighting yet installed on the steel frame; this will likely happen on the ground.

Hello trim brake!

The colossal camel back hill has a new friend.

Into the twisting camel back for a blast of airtime. The back carriage with its two rear-facing seats even has an afterburner. Helps tell which way is forward...

The sleek Batmobile inspired train navigates the smooth transitions.

Then twisting s-bend looks great with a train on it.

The smooth dive to the ground features an almost inverted start.

The train twists into the inclined dive loop.

The Stengel dive is one of few slow moments of the ride.

Testing continues on Rivals.

Mist factors heavily in the effects throughout Super-Villains Unleashed.