Photos Richard has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Richard has uploaded.

It's the first adult flat ride to be built at Movie World.

Doomsday Destroyer is the centerpiece of Super-Villains Unleashed.

There's little doubt that this is the best ride signage in Australia.

The incredible photogenic ride signage is a testament to the detail and quality of theming of the area.

Doomsday towers over the area on his namesake ride.

And from the western area the Super-Villains Unleashed buildings blend into the skyline.

The Joker's explosives blend seamlessly into the western area at Movie World.

So what better way to do that than by involving guests with a dynamite-laced strength tester?

The Joker and Harley Quinn are attempting to get into the bank.

Explosives on hand as The Joker and Harley Quinn set about robbing the bank.

The Joker features voice performances by Mark Hamill specially recorded for the attraction.

Lex Luthor wreaks havoc by sabbotaging the city's electricity supply.

Poison Ivy, an enemy of Batman is equal parts seductress and eco-terroist.

He's just your average evil, super-intelligent ape.

Gorilla Grodd is another enemy to The Flash.

Captain Cold blasts liquid nitrogen onto unsuspecting guests.

Captain Cold is a lesser-known villain who is commonly an enemy to The Flash.

Killer Croc was featured in 2016's Suicide Squad film.

Through motion capture, guests with an RFID wristband can control the flow of water using body movements.

Landscaping and theming blends seamlessly into one.