Photos Richard has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Richard has uploaded.

The top piece of the staircase.

This large support has been assembled on ground to be lifted into place in one piece.

The last remaining support columns for the lift hill.

And one mounted. The angled arm will point vertically on the finished lift hill to give an idea of its final angle.

One of these mounts without the bracket.

These brackets will mount to those plates to support the lift hill staircase.

Plates on the left side of the truss to mount the staircase.

Black plastic strips are mounted inside the channel to minimise steel-on-steel contact which would cause wear.

Channels for the chain return. These can't be mounted until after the track is in place because the weight of the track would crush the thin open steel channel.

The channel for the lift hill chain is mounted to the top of the track. The return channel will be bolted on the bottom of the truss, but these are not added until after the pieces of track are in place.

It's unique to see a piece of track bolted directly to the concrete footings.

The large box truss structure of the lift hill is quite different from the rest of the track to support the large expanse with minimal support columns.

These three plates will bolt into the angled concrete foundation that was seen earlier in construction. This particular point will support much of the weight of the lift hill.

The second piece of the lift hill is also the start of the main truss structure.

The first piece of the lift hill track. It features anti-rollback teeth, but no chain as this first section will be propelled by kicker tyres out of the station.

Fins for the failsafe magnetic brakes have been installed on the brake run.


One final moment of airtime before the brake run.

A twisting bunny hill weaving through the supports has been squeezed in just before the brake run,

The ride truly doesn't let up until it hits the final brake run.