Photos Richard has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Richard has uploaded.

The final bunny hill jumps over the creek at the front of the park so needed this unique support structure.

It can't be stressed how much Movie World are punching above their weight with a roller coaster of this scale.

This s-bend follows a very gentle hill shape without much airtime.

The tiny hills are dwarfed by the giant camel back above, whose supports the hills snake through. It's great to see these elements, as Australia has been sorely lacking a true airtime machine.

It's these final three hills that are sure to offer some great moments of airtime.

The twist out of the helix and into the final run of bunny hills has appeared.

Add "most photogenic" to the list of superlatives Movie World have attached to this ride.

The nice rounded curve of the non-inverting loop is sure to offer a healthy pop of airtime.

The decidedly unnatural twist of the non-inverting loop. To the right we see that all support columns have been installed with the earlier issue of colliding poles now rectified.

The longest billboard the Southern Hemisphere has ever seen!

This billboard has appeared along the front perimeter fence of the ride.

A vastly different backdrop to the park's entrance road.

Back in the middle of the storage area is the next piece of track before that.

The next piece of track to go in place sits at the bottom of the first drop.

The first drop is as good as vertical, second only at Movie World to the neighbouring Green Lantern's 120ยบ.

A strap holds this piece of track steady until the next piece of track can be installed.

The ride dwarfs its neighbouring Green Lantern.

The track is seen to be slowly curving towards its horizontal starting point at the top of the lift hill.

The camel back is close to the height of Superman Escape to give an idea of its scale.

The near vertical drop twists down in an incredibly narrow space next to the front entrance road.