Photos Richard has uploaded
Here are all of the photos that Richard has uploaded.

Together with the towering first drop, the sheer scale of this ride is becoming apparent.

This giant hill is perhaps the most traditional hypercoaster element seen so far on the ride.

The camel back hill is in place on DC Rivals HyperCoaster.

The exhibit also includes a chance to look into the real lab where Griffith University students research the creatures.

Numerous species will be on display.

Sea Jellies Illuminated will feature many tanks of jelly fish.

Sea Jellies Illuminated replaces the indoor section of Creatures of the Deep, underneath the front monorail station.

Artist's rendering of the building housing Sea Jellies Illuminated.

The supports for the lower part of the first drop need to be supported by cables until track goes in place.

It's a bizarre collection of steel columns and beams that supports the first drop. The idea seems to start with the simple, elegant a-frame supports of B&M coasters, but quickly becomes its own convoluted mess of poles and angles. It was likely building so close to the main entrance road that necessitated this odd design choices.

The first drop on Green Lantern.

The first drop will have some serious angle on it judging from the connection plate at the top. This will be the tallest point of this cluster of support columns.

European Engineering aye... all roller coaster flatpacked in this single wooden crate from Mack in Germany.

The skyline at Movie World is rapidly changing – and there's still a lot more height to come!

In the distance the bridge to Topgolf is in place.

Them twists keep coming.

The twisted camel back will surely offer one of many exceptional moments of airtime.

It's safe to say that the most twisted track is now all in place. What remains to be built will surely bring the airtime, speed and height that hypercoasters are typically known for.

The sensation of speed is sure to be great on this low-flying turn that comes just seconds after the giant Stengel dive above.

Track that was originally only loosely bolted in place has now been full secured.